2,287 research outputs found

    Carbon Brainprint Case Study: optimising defouling schedules for oil- refinerypreheat trains

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    In an oil refinery, crude oil is heated to 360-370°C before entering a distillation columnoperating at atmospheric pressure where the gas fraction and several liquid fractions withdifferent boiling points (e.g. gasoline, kerosene, diesel, gas oil, heavy gas oil) are separated off.The crude oil is heated in two stages. The preheat train - a series of heat exchangers - heats itfrom ambient temperature to about 270°C when it enters the furnace, known as the coil inlettemperature. The furnace then heats the oil to the temperature required for distillation.The purpose of the preheat train is to recover heat from the liquid products extracted in thedistillation column. Without this, 2-3% of the crude oil throughput would be used for heating thefurnace; with the preheat train up to 70% of the required heat is recovered. It also serves tocool the refined products: further cooling normally uses air or water. Over time, fouling reduces the performance of the heat exchangers, increasing the amount ofenergy that has to be supplied. It is possible to bypass units to allow them to be cleaned, withan associated cost and temporary loss of performance. The cleaning schedule thus has animpact on the overall efficiency, cost of operation and emissions. The group at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at Cambridgedeveloped a scheduling algorithm for this non-linear optimisation problem. It yields a good,though not-necessarily optimal, schedule and can handle additional constraints, such as thepresence of desalters with specific temperature requirements within the preheat train. This isnow being developed into a commercial software product. Data from two refineries - one operated by Repsol YPF in Argentina and the Esso FawleyRefinery in the UK - were used to model the systems and test the algorithm. For the Repsol YPF refinery, when compared with current practice and including a constrainton the desalter inlet temperature, the most conservative estimate of the emissions reductionwas 773 t CO2/year. This assumed a furnace efficiency of 90%. The emissions reductionincreased to 927 t CO2/year at 75% efficiency and 1730 t CO2/year at 40%. These were basedon a stoichiometric estimate of the emissions from the furnace. Using a standard emissionfactor increased them by 7.4%. For Esso Fawley, the estimated emission reduction compared to no maintenance was1435 t CO2/year at 90% furnace efficiency. This increased to 1725 t CO2/year at 75% and3225 t CO2/year at 40% efficien

    Covenant Marriage Turns Five Years Old

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    Part I of this article discusses public policy rationales behind covenant marriage legislation, describes relevant aspects of Louisiana\u27s legislation, and summarizes the efforts of other states to enact covenant marriage legislation. Part II discusses methods of data collection and analysis and identifies the demographic characteristics of covenant married couples as opposed to standard married couples in Louisiana. Part III addresses the dynamics behind couples\u27 choice to have a covenant versus standard marriage. Part IV is an analysis of couples\u27 satisfaction with their marriage option and the gendered dynamics of different levels of satisfaction with the marital choice

    Covenant Marriage Turns Five Years Old

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    Part I of this article discusses public policy rationales behind covenant marriage legislation, describes relevant aspects of Louisiana\u27s legislation, and summarizes the efforts of other states to enact covenant marriage legislation. Part II discusses methods of data collection and analysis and identifies the demographic characteristics of covenant married couples as opposed to standard married couples in Louisiana. Part III addresses the dynamics behind couples\u27 choice to have a covenant versus standard marriage. Part IV is an analysis of couples\u27 satisfaction with their marriage option and the gendered dynamics of different levels of satisfaction with the marital choice

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin, April 1959

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    Alumnae News Anniversary Class of /34 Article from Pennsylvania Nurse Committee Reports Current Events at Jefferson Greetings from the President Jefferson Story Lost Members Letter - Past President Marriages Necrology New Arrivals Notices Pictured - Student Nurses\u27 Residence Report of the School of Nursing and Nursing Services Staff Nurses Social Functions Student Activities Voluntary Service Year of Great Activity and Expansio

    Magnetoentropic mapping and computational modeling of cycloids and skyrmions in the lacunar spinels GaV4_4S8_8 and GaV4_4Se8_8

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    We report the feasibility of using magnetoentropic mapping for the rapid identification of magnetic cycloid and skyrmion phases in uniaxial systems, based on the GaV4S8 and GaV4Se8 model skyrmion hosts with easy-axis and easy-plane anisotropies respectively. We show that these measurements can be interpreted with the help of a simple numerical model for the spin Hamiltonian to yield unambiguous assignments for both single phase regions and phase boundaries. In the two lacunar spinel chemistries, we obtain excellent agreement between the measured magnetoentropic features and a minimal spin Hamiltonian built on Heisenberg exchange, single-ion anisotropy, and anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. In particular, we identify characteristic high-entropy behavior in the cycloid phase that serves as a precursor to the formation of skyrmions at elevated temperatures and is a readily-measurable signature of this phase transition. Our results demonstrate that rapid magnetoentropic mapping guided by numerical modeling is an effective means of understanding the complex magnetic phase diagrams innate to skyrmion hosts. One notable exception is the observation of an anomalous, low-temperature high-entropy state in the easy-plane system GaV4_4Se8_8, which is not captured in the numerical model. Possible origins of this state are discussed.Comment: 10 pages and 7 figure

    External and internal grouping characteristics of juvenile walleye pollock in the Eastern Bering Sea

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    Size and shape patterns of fish groups are collective outcomes of interactions among members. Consequently, group-level patterns are often affected when any member responds to changes in their internal state, external state, and environment. To determine how groups of fish respond to components of their physical and ecological environment, and whether the response is influenced by a component of their external state (i.e., fish age), we used a multibeam system to collect three-dimensional grouping characteristics of 5 age categories of juvenile walleye pollock (age 1, age 2, age 3, mixed ages 1 and 2, and mixed ages 2 and 3) across the eastern Bering Sea shelf over two consecutive years (2009–2010). Grouping data were expressed as metrics that described group size (length, height), shape (roundness, spread), internal structure (density, internal heterogeneity), and position (depth, distance above bottom). Physical data (water temperature measurements) were collected with temperature-depth probes, and ecological data (densities of predators and prey − adult walleye pollock and euphausiids, respectively) were collected with an EK60 vertical echosounder. Juvenile pollock maintained a relatively constant shape, size-dependent density (number fish/mean body length3), and internal horizontal heterogeneity among age categories and in the presence of predators and prey. There were changes to group structure in the face of local physical forcing. Groups tended to move towards the seafloor when bottom waters became warmer, and groups became vertically shorter, denser, and had more variation in horizontal internal density as group depth increased. These results are explored in relation to the value and limitations of using multibeam data to describe how external and internal group structure map onto environmental influences

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin, June 1964

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    President\u27s Message Officers and Committee Chairmen Financial Report Hospital and School of Nursing Report Student Activities Jefferson Expansion Program Resume of Alumnae Meetings Staff Nurses Private Duty Social Committee Reports Program Scholarship Bulletin Committee Report Annual Luncheon Notes Membership and Dues Units in Jefferson Expansion Program Center Annual Giving Drive 1963 Report of Ways and Means Committee Jefferson Building Fund Contributions Annual Giving Contributions 1964 Jefferson Building Fund Report Help the Building Fund Committee! Vital Statistics Class News Notice

    Herschel SPIRE-FTS Observations of Excited CO and [CI] in the Antennae (NGC 4038/39): Warm and Cold Molecular Gas

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    We present Herschel SPIRE-FTS observations of the Antennae (NGC 4038/39), a well studied, nearby (2222 Mpc) ongoing merger between two gas rich spiral galaxies. We detect 5 CO transitions (J=43J=4-3 to J=87J=8-7), both [CI] transitions and the [NII]205μm205\mu m transition across the entire system, which we supplement with ground based observations of the CO J=10J=1-0, J=21J=2-1 and J=32J=3-2 transitions, and Herschel PACS observations of [CII] and [OI]63μm63\mu m. Using the CO and [CI] transitions, we perform both a LTE analysis of [CI], and a non-LTE radiative transfer analysis of CO and [CI] using the radiative transfer code RADEX along with a Bayesian likelihood analysis. We find that there are two components to the molecular gas: a cold (Tkin1030T_{kin}\sim 10-30 K) and a warm (Tkin100T_{kin} \gtrsim 100 K) component. By comparing the warm gas mass to previously observed values, we determine a CO abundance in the warm gas of xCO5×105x_{CO} \sim 5\times 10^{-5}. If the CO abundance is the same in the warm and cold gas phases, this abundance corresponds to a CO J=10J=1-0 luminosity-to-mass conversion factor of $\alpha_{CO} \sim 7 \ M_{\odot}{pc^{-2} \ (K \ km \ s^{-1})^{-1}}inthecoldcomponent,similartothevaluefornormalspiralgalaxies.WeestimatethecoolingfromH in the cold component, similar to the value for normal spiral galaxies. We estimate the cooling from H_2,[CII],COand[OI], [CII], CO and [OI]63\mu mtobe to be \sim 0.01 L_{\odot}/M_{\odot}.WecomparePDRmodelstotheratioofthefluxofvariousCOtransitions,alongwiththeratiooftheCOfluxtothefarinfraredfluxinNGC4038,NGC4039andtheoverlapregion.WefindthatthedensitiesrecoveredfromournonLTEanalysisareconsistentwithabackgroundfarultravioletfieldofstrength. We compare PDR models to the ratio of the flux of various CO transitions, along with the ratio of the CO flux to the far-infrared flux in NGC 4038, NGC 4039 and the overlap region. We find that the densities recovered from our non-LTE analysis are consistent with a background far-ultraviolet field of strength G_0\sim 1000$. Finally, we find that a combination of turbulent heating, due to the ongoing merger, and supernova and stellar winds are sufficient to heat the molecular gas.Comment: 50 pages, 15 figures, 8 tables, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin, June 1965

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    President\u27s Page Officers and Committee Chairmen Financial Report Hospital and School of Nursing Report Student Activities Annual Report Students Activities Annual Report Student Activities Annual Report Jefferson Expansion Program Psychiatric Unit Progress of the Alumnae Association Nightingale Pledge Resume of Alumnae Meetings Nursing Service Staff Association Scholarship Program Sick and Welfare Social Committee Report Bulletin Membership- WHY JOIN? Private Duty Report Annual Giving Report - 1964 PIT Alumnae Day Notes Building Fund Report - 1965 Vital Statistics IN MEMORIAM Class News Affiliated Institutions Notice