1,080 research outputs found

    Environmental Study of a Portion of the Middle Ordovician in Sequatchie Valley, Eastern Tennessee

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    A detailed depositional environmental analysis of a portion of Middle Ordovician Carters Limestone and Hermitage Formation in Sequatchie Valley in East Tennessee was made using six stratigraphic sections as closely spaced as permitted by reasonably complete outcrops. The approximately 60 feet of rocks of this stratigraphic interval include 18 distinct lithologies as determined from a field study and examination of samples collected at one foot intervals and closer with changes in lithology. Two bentonite beds generally accepted as being isochronous units offer a time framework. In all 565 samples were collected and of these 447 were cut, polished, and an acetate peel made from the acid-etched surfaced. Two hundred and forty-four 2X3 inch thin-sections were also prepared. The peels and thin-sections were the basis for a petrographic study with point counts of selected thin-sections. The investigation disclosed a sequence of environmental changes for the area of study beginning with subtidal conditions and an abundant carbonate generating fauna. This was followed by a tidal flat environment with mudbanks and supratidal islands. The next environment of deposition was another subtidal episode. These environments, an apparent regressive-transgressive sequence, fit into the carbonate bank portion of the model for Middle Ordovician strata proposed by Walker and Alberstadt (1973)

    Legislative Tax-Exemption Contracts

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    Interference with Contract Relations

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    Trials and Tribulations of Third World Petroleum Development: Lessons and Advice for Prospective Producers

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73469/1/j.1477-8947.1987.tb00313.x.pd

    The comparative performance of Roots type aircraft engine superchargers as affected by change in impeller speed and displacement

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    This report presents the results of tests made on three sizes of roots type aircraft engine superchargers. The impeller contours and diameters of these machines were the same, but the length were 11, 8 1/4, and 4 inches, giving displacements of 0.509, 0.382, and 0.185 cubic foot per impeller revolution. The information obtained serves as a basis for the examination of the individual effects of impeller speed and displacement on performance and of the comparative performance when speed and displacement are altered simultaneously to meet definite service requirements. According to simple theory, when assuming no losses, the air weight handled and the power required for a given pressure difference are directly proportional to the speed and the displacement. These simple relations are altered considerably by the losses. When comparing the performance of different sizes of machines whose impeller speeds are so related that the same service requirements are met, it is found that the individual effects of speed and displacement are canceled to a large extent, and the only considerable difference is the difference in the power losses which decrease with increase in the displacement and the accompanying decrease in speed. This difference is small in relation to the net power of the engine supercharger unit, so that a supercharger with short impellers may be used in those applications where the space available is very limited with any considerable sacrifice in performance

    An investigation of the use of discharge valves and an intake control for improving the performance of N.A.C.A. Roots type supercharger

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    This report presents the results of an analytical investigation on the practicability of using mechanically operated discharge valves in conjunction with a manually operated intake control for improving the performance of N. A. C. A. Roots type superchargers. These valves, which may be either of the oscillating or rotating type, are placed in the discharge opening of the supercharger and are so shaped and synchronized with the supercharger impellers that they do not open until the air has been compressed to the delivery pressure. The intake control limits the quantity of air compressed to engine requirements by permitting the excess air to escape from the compression chamber before compression begins. The percentage power saving and the actual horsepower saved were computed for altitudes from 0 to 20,000 feet. These computations are based on the pressure-volume cards for the conventional and the modified roots type superchargers and on the results of laboratory tests of the conventional type. The use of discharge valves shows a power saving of approximately 26 per cent at a critical altitude of 20,000 feet. In addition, these valves reduce the amplitude of the discharge pulsations and increase the volumetric efficiency. With slow-speed roots blowers operating at high-pressure differences even better results would be expected. For aircraft engine superchargers operating at high speeds these discharge valves increase the performance as above, but have the disadvantages of increasing the weight and of adding a high-speed mechanism to a simple machine. (author

    The Paxico rural high school graduates' opinions of a high school education

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    Literary and historical problems in the Book of Deuteronomy

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    The main problem dealt with in this thesis is the twofold problem of the provenance of Deuteronomy and the date of its composition. But any attempt to decide the answer to this question of necessity involves the study of several problems of both a literary and historical nature, he have first of all to decide what we mean by Deuteronomy for it is almost unanimously agreed by Old Testament scholars that the present book is the final product of a long growth beginning with the so-called Urdeuteronomium and developing into the book in its present dimensions. Our first chapter is therefore concerned with the problem of determining what sections of the present book belonged to the original book, Ur-Deuteronomy, and which parts are later additions, We conclude that the book of Deuteronomy in its original form consisted of substantially chapters v-xxvi and xxviii of the present book. In the second chapter we proceed to examine the relationship between Ur-Deuteronomy and the law book which, according to 2 Kings xxii, was discovered in the Jerusalem Temple in the eighteenth year of Josiah (621 B.C.). In this chapter vie survey the scholarly debate to which this problem has given rise during the past generation or so and we conclude that in spite of the vigorous opposition of such scholars as Holscher, Kennett, Horst and Pedersen, the conventional theory, first formulated by W.M.L.Dewette in 1805, which equates Ur-Deuteronomy with Josiah's law book is the most reasonable solution to this problem, This conclusion is of great significance in dating the composition of Ur-Deuteronomy since it fixes the the terminus ad quem for this in the year 621 B.C. when the book was discovered in Jerusalem. The third chapter attempts to fix the terminus a quo for the composition of the book. Here we conclude that the legislation in Deuteronomy belongs to a more advanced period in Israel's history than that in the Book of the Covenant (ca. 800 B.C.). In particular we argue that the doctrine of the centralisation of the cult has its origin in the reign of Hezekiah and that it is therefore reasonable to infer that the Deuteronomic demand for centralisation is later than the reign of that king, that is, after about 700 B.C. On the basis of our investigation thus far we conclude that Ur-Deuteronomy was written sometime between 700 B.C. and 621 B.C. and we suggest, following the opinionof many Old Testament scholars, that the reign of Manasseh is the likely period of its composition. The second part of the thesis, chapters IV-VI, is concerned with the problem of the authorship and origin of Deuteronomy. In chapter IV we outline the nature of Deuteronomy and the traditions upon which it is based. Following the work of many recent scholars, we decide that Deuteronomy is based upon the old amphictyonic sacral traditions of early Israel. In chapter V we survey the currently favoured theory which holds that Deuteronomy originated in Northern Israel where, it is maintained, these old traditions were preserved and transmitted down through the centuries. We agree with the advocates of this theory that there are strong connections between Deuteronomy and north Israelite traditions, particularly the E document of the Pentateuch and Hosea, But we argue that the old traditions underlying Deuteronomy were also preserved in Judah and in chapter VI we attempt to show that Deuteronomy originated in a circle composed of both northern and southern prophets who combined and worked in Judah in the 7th century B.C. and who composed Deuteronomy as a programme of reform and revival during the dark days of Manasseh's reign when the pure Yahwistic faith was all hut eclipsed by the paganism so widespread in those days. In the course of our investigation several other problems are raised which are of incidental importance in the discussion of the problems on hand. With these I have dealt in additional notes, the first, after chapter II, deals briefly with the problem of the Deuteronomistic sections in Jeremiah, The second, appended to chapter III, deals with the problem, of Sennacherib's invasion of Judah in 701 B.C. This is of some importance in our discussion of the origin of the centralisation of the cult. The third additional note, after chapter IV, is concerned with the important question of the relationship between the Exodus-conquest traditions of the Hexateuch and the Sinai traditions and their cultic Sitz im Leben in early Israel. The fourth note, after chapter V, deals with the recent trend in Old Testament studies which seeks to find the origin of so much of the literature of the Old Testament in cultic liturgies. Finally, we have appended to chapter VI a long additional note on the problem of the which is of importance in Gerhard von Rad's currently popular theory of the origin of Deuteronomy

    A vezetés dinamikája és különböző formái a tudástársadalomban: a „gyémánt-modell”

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    Az információs társadalom vagy tudástársadalom strukturális összetevőivel bőséges szakirodalom foglalkozik, a vezetés elemeiről azonban kevés szó esik. Ez az esszé a tudástársadalom olyan meghatározásából indul ki, miszerint az strukturális, hálózati és vezetési elemekből épül fel, és ez utóbbiakra koncentrál, amelyeknek a lényegét Wilson a kormánytisztviselők, a magánszférában működő menedzserek, a kutatók és a civil társadalom aktivistái között kialakult kölcsönhatásokban látja. Ezek az „információs bajnokok” – egymással négyoldalú (gyémánt-szerkezetű) viszonyrendszerben összekapcsolódva – együttesen hozzák létre az információs forradalmat az internetre épülő és a hozzáadott értéket növelő más tevékenységeikkel. Brazíliában, Kínában, Ghánában és más országokban végzett terepkutatásai alapján a szerző arra a következtetésre jut, hogy minél robusztusabb a „gyémánt” több dimenzióban is, annál sikeresebb az IKT szektor teljesítménye. A helyi társadalmi architektúra megújulása innovációt terem a technológiai infrastruktúrában is
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