1,754 research outputs found

    Star Formation History since z = 1.5 as Inferred from Rest-Frame Ultaviolet Luminosity Density Evolution

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    We investigate the evolution of the universal rest-frame ultraviolet luminosity density from z = 1.5 to the present. We analyze an extensive sample of multicolor data (U', B, V = 24.5) plus spectroscopic redshifts from the Hawaii Survey Fields and the Hubble Deep Field. Our multicolor data allow us to select our sample in the rest-frame ultraviolet (2500 angstrom) over the entire redshift range to z = 1.5. We conclude that the evolution in the luminosity density is a function of the form (1+z)^{1.7\pm1.0} for a flat lambda cosmology and (1+z)^{2.4\pm1.0} for an Einstein-de Sitter cosmology.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figs, 5 tables, submitted to A

    Reflections 1983

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    The 1983 issue of Reflections is edited by Amy J. Wilson with Joyce Compton Brown serving as faculty adviser. This issue of the journal is dedicated to the memory of three Gardner-Webb professors killed in an accident: Michael Harrison, James Henson, and John Rast. Included are selected works written by their colleagues Dr. Bill Stowe, Dr. Rick Wilson, and Dr. Roger Gaddis which were also read at a campus memorial service. Award winners of the student writing contest include: Rick Howell, Kirsta Colle, and Stan Blair. Winner of the high-school contest is Sherrie Simmons.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/reflections/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Reflections 1982

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    The 1982 issue of Reflections is edited by Amy J. Wilson with Joyce Compton Brown serving as faculty adviser. Cover photography is by Les Brown. Award winners of the student writing contest are: Leigh Fogia, Eric Stamey, and Charlotte Porterhttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/reflections/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Use of meteorological data for improved estimation of risk in capacity adequacy studies

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    Use of Student Perceptions to Measure Voice Disorders Course Impact on Learning

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    Speech-language pathology (SLP) graduate programs offer coursework and clinical training experiences for a wide variety of communication disorder areas. Voice disorders are one area in which many practicing clinicians, particularly school-based practicing clinicians, reportedly feel a lack of professional competency. Many SLP graduate programs offer only limited coursework in voice disorders and limited or no clinical practicum experiences prior to degree completion. The purpose of the present study was to compare the self-perceptions of 45 graduate students majoring in speech-language pathology at the beginning and end of a 3-credit voice disorders course. The Voice Disorders Competency Checklist (Teten, DeVeney, Friehe, 2013) was used as the pre-/post-measurement tool. As anticipated, students reported a higher level of competency following course completion. These self-reported perceptions were seen for the three clusters of knowledge: prevention, assessment, and intervention. Statistical differences were noted between growth in the ‘prevention’ and the ‘assessment’ clusters. Directions for future research and practical implications are discussed

    Current End-of-Life Care Needs and Care Practices in Acute Care Hospitals

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    A descriptive-comparative study was undertaken to examine current end-of-life care needs and practices in hospital. A chart review for all 1,018 persons who died from August 1, 2008 through July 31, 2009 in two full-service Canadian hospitals was conducted. Most decedents were elderly (73.8%) and urbanite (79.5%), and cancer was the most common diagnosis (36.2%). Only 13.8% had CPR performed at some point during this hospitalization and 8.8% had CPR immediately preceding death, with 87.5% having a DNR order and 30.8% providing an advance directive. Most (97.3%) had one or more life-sustaining technologies in use at the time of death. These figures indicate, when compared to those in a similar mid-1990s Canadian study, that impending death is more often openly recognized and addressed. Technologies continue to be routinely but controversially used. The increased rate of end-stage CPR from 2.9% to 8.8% could reflect a 1994+ shift of expected deaths out of hospital

    Emploi de la pré-ozonation pour augmenter la biodégradabilité d'un effluent secondaire dans un systÚme de traitement par inflitration dans le sol

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    La rĂ©utilisation des eaux usĂ©es est reconnue comme une technique importante dans les rĂ©gions arides et /ou grandes consommatrices d'eau. L'une des mĂ©thodes actuellement trĂšs employĂ©e consiste Ă  recharger la nappe phrĂ©atique avec des effluents secondaires via des bassins d'infiltration. L'Ă©puration biologique et / ou chimique Ă  travers la zone non-saturĂ©e reprĂ©sente une caractĂ©ristique importante de cette technologie. Les procĂ©dĂ©s de ce type sont connus sous l'appellation de Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) ou gĂ©ofiltration. Dans ce travail, le procĂ©dĂ© a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© comme mĂ©thode de rĂ©habilitation d'un effluent secondaire d'eaux usĂ©es jusqu'au stade d'eau potable. Cette recherche a Ă©tĂ© principalement axĂ©e sur le comportement, le transport des matiĂšres organiques (MO) de l'effluent et particuliĂšrement sur leur rĂŽle de prĂ©curseurs potentiels de sous-produits de dĂ©sinfection lors de la rĂ©utilisation de la nappe. Dans la zone vadose, la matiĂšre organique est principalement Ă©liminĂ©e par biodĂ©gradation, et Ă  un degrĂ© moindre, par adsorption. Les simulations du procĂ©dĂ©, en laboratoire, ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es en rĂ©acteurs recirculĂ©s aĂ©robies, en mode cuvĂ©e, avec un biofilm acclimatĂ© sur des particules de sable siliceux, afin de dĂ©terminer la fraction biodĂ©gradable des MO. L'Ă©valuation de celle-ci est essentielle pour prĂ©dire leur potentiel de dĂ©gradation par la biomasse de la zone vadose. L'effluent mis en oeuvre est issu d'une station d'Ă©puration de l'Arizona (États-Unis) avec biofiltre (lit filtrant Ă  support plastique); sa concentration en carbone organique dissous (COD) se situe entre 10 et 15 mg/L.L'effluent mis 5 jours durant en contact avec le biofilm acclimatĂ© du rĂ©acteur montre un abattement de 50-60 % du COD. Il a ainsi Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© qu'environ 80 % de l'Ă©limination des MO de l'effluent survient dans les premiĂšres 24 heures d'expĂ©rimentation, alors que le reste, prĂšs de 20 %, est Ă©liminĂ© durant les 48 heures suivantes. Dans ces conditions, le dĂ©lai de 5 jours apparait suffisant pour dĂ©grader les MO prĂ©sentes dans ces effluents. Les rendements observĂ©s augurent bien de la dĂ©gradation dans la zone vadose si l'on tient compte de la combinaison des taux et de la hauteur d'infiltration avec des temps de rĂ©sidence de 2 Ă  14 jours ainsi qu'il est proposĂ© dans le procĂ©dĂ©. Afin d'accroĂźtre la biodĂ©gradabilitĂ© des MO, une ozonation a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e, en amont du bio-traitement, avec un gĂ©nĂ©rateur d'ozone Ă  l'Ă©chelle du banc d'essai fonctionnant en mode semi-continu (admission continue de gaz, volume stable de liquide). La prĂ©-ozonation a permis d'accroĂźtre la biodĂ©gradation de 60-70 %. Bien qu'un fort pourcentage de MO soit Ă©liminĂ© dans ce schĂ©ma, il ressort que l'ozone n'a qu'un effet modeste sur la transformation des MO dissoutes non-biodĂ©gradables en matiĂšres biodĂ©gradables par rapport Ă  des expĂ©riences similaires effectuĂ©es avec des matiĂšres organiques naturelles (MON) des eaux de surface. L'eau usĂ©e ainsi traitĂ©e prĂ©sente des niveaux de COD comparables Ă  ceux d'une eau de surface employĂ©e Ă  des fins de consommation. Les caractĂ©ristiques des MO de l'effluent ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es Ă  celles des MON. Une ultrafiltration de l'effluent pour dĂ©terminer le poids molĂ©culaire apparent des MO, donne une distribution bimodale de leur poids molĂ©culaire par rapport Ă  une distribution logarithmique normale observĂ©e avec des MON typiques. En utilisant des rĂ©sines non- ioniques pour sĂ©parer les fractions hydrophobes et hydrophiles des MO, il ressort que l'ozonation ne transforme pas de façon significative la fraction hydrophobe des MO de l'effluent en fraction hydrophile, tel que cela a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© durant l'ozonation des MON. Ces eaux ont Ă©tĂ© chlorĂ©es en pilote, selon des conditions similaires Ă  celles des rĂ©seaux de distribution (CI2:COD=1:1mg/mg, pĂ©riode d'incubation=24 heures) afin de simuler la post-dĂ©sinfection aprĂšs rĂ©cupĂ©ration. Les sous-produits rĂ©glementĂ©s (TrihalomĂ©thanes THM) et ceux proposĂ©s (Acides holoacĂ©tiques, HAA6) ont Ă©tĂ© formĂ©s Ă  des taux infĂ©rieurs ou proches des normes en vigueur (ou de celles proposĂ©es pour HAA6) pour l'eau potable aux États-Unis. Cependant, une nitrification significative a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e dans nos simulations de traitement par le sol avec un effluent non-nitrifiĂ©, conduisant Ă  des teneurs en nitrates supĂ©rieures Ă  la norme amĂ©ricaine pour l'eau potable (10 mg/L).Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) is being studied as a means of water quality renovation of a secondary effluent for potable reuse. During SAT, infiltration of effluent through the vadose zone provides removal of effluent organic matter primarily through biodegradation, and to a lesser extent, through sorption. A major concern is that effluent organic matter can function as disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors upon recovery and post-disinfection. Through laboratory simulations of SAT, we have found that 50 - 60 % of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) present in secondary effluent can potentially be removed by biodegradation, with preozonation increasing removal to 60 - 70 %. The resultant water contains DOC at levels comparable to a typical surface water used for potable purposes; moreover, upon chlorination, regulated DBPs are formed at levels below or near the United States of America's drinking water standards. However, significant nitrification was observed in our SAT simulations with an un-nitrified effluent, yielding levels of nitrate above the USA drinking water standard

    Simulated VLBI Images From Relativistic Hydrodynamic Jet Models

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    A series of simulated maps showing the appearance in total intensity of flows computed using a recently developed relativistic hydrodynamic code (Duncan \& Hughes 1994: ApJ, 436, L119) are presented. The radiation transfer calculations were performed by assuming the flow is permeated by a magnetic field and fast particle distribution in energy equipartition, with energy density proportional to the hydrodynamic energy density (i.e., pressure). We find that relativistic flows subject to strong perturbations exhibit a density structure consisting of a series of nested bow shocks, and that this structure is evident in the intensity maps for large viewing angles. However, for viewing angles <30∘<30^{\circ}, differential Doppler boosting leads to a series of axial knots of emission, similar to the pattern exhibited by many VLBI sources. The appearance of VLBI knots is determined primarily by the Doppler boosting of parts of a more extended flow. To study the evolution of a perturbed jet, a time series of maps was produced and an integrated flux light curve created. The light curve shows features characteristic of a radio loud AGN: small amplitude variations and a large outburst. We find that in the absence of perturbations, jets with a modest Lorentz factor (∌5\sim 5) exhibit complex intensity maps, while faster jets (Lorentz factor ∌10\sim 10) are largely featureless. We also study the appearance of kiloparsec jet-counterjet pairs by producing simulated maps at relatively large viewing angles; we conclude that observed hot spot emission is more likely to be associated with the Mach disk than with the outer, bow shock.Comment: 27 pages, uses aasms4.sty; 18 PostScript figures (1.57Mb gziped, 8.67Mb gunziped) available from http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/users/hughes/icon_dir/rad.html or by anonymous ftp from ra.astro.lsa.umich.edu in pub/get/hughes. Submitted to Ap.

    Translating Interventions that Target Criminogenic Risk Factors for use in Community Based Mental Health Settings

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    This study explored facilitators and barriers associated with engaging criminogenic interventions in community mental health service settings. Focus groups and guided large group discussions were conducted with 46 consumers, providers and administrators. Results suggest that participants were generally supportive of offering criminogenic interventions to justice involved persons with serious mental illness in community based mental health service settings. Key issues to consider when engaging criminogenic interventions in community mental health service settings include identifying sustainable funding sources, providing adequate training for staff, and tailoring the delivery and pace of the content to the particular treatment needs of SMI participants
