44 research outputs found

    Severe and Complicated Malaria due to Plasmodium vivax

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    Contrary to the widespread belief that severe malaria is mainly caused by Plasmodium falciparum, malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax infection may also lead to severe clinical manifestations including a plethora of renal, pulmonary, hematologic, neurologic, and multiorgan dysfunction. Anemia and thrombocytopenia are considered as two major important markers of severity during the clinical course of severe P. vivax malaria. In highly endemic areas of P. vivax transmission, early diagnosis is crucial in preventing uncomplicated episodes progressing into severe and complicated clinical forms. In fact, given the wide geographic distribution of P. vivax, there is a large burden of disease, often not adequately acknowledged, and resulting from the combined effect of the large numbers of uncomplicated clinical episodes and the increasingly recognized severe and complicated clinical presentations

    Accidental ulcer infestation due Tenebrio molitor in an AIDS patient: canthariasis

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    Canthariasis is a disease of humans caused by the infestation of beetle larvae. It is the second important insectal disease after myiasis. Several species of beetles are reported to cause the disease in gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system, nasal sinuses, ears and faces of mammals. The mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, a species of darkling beetle, is a widespread pest that usually feeds on stored grain. The human infestation by this worm is extremely rarely reported, we described a case of T. molitor infestation in a AIDS patient in Colombia

    Estimaci贸n del impacto epidemiol贸gico de la pandemia por COVID-19 en Sucre, Colombia

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    Introduction: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a considerable impact within the different affected countries. In the case of Colombia, currently among the top 10 countries in number of cases, the impact on regions and departments is variable. Methods: In this epidemiological analysis estimates are made of the epidemiological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the department of Sucre, Colombia until the month of August 2020. Results: The estimates are based on the SIR model and its variants that relate three variables: susceptible (S), infected (I) and recovered (R) taking into account the infection rate and the average infectious period. Taking the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection according to the model of the Imperial College, in Sucre, 50% of the population (474,626 people) are susceptible to infection, 12% (56,955) not developing symptoms and manifesting them in different degrees of severity 88% (417,671), but the dynamics of the pandemic and the containment and mitigation actions implemented from all levels of the State, the curve has flattened in its initial projection and eventually the entire susceptible population is at risk of contracting the disease. infection. Conclusions: Sucre has had a considerable impact, despite the late introduction of the disease, compared to other departments in Colombia.Introducci贸n: La Enfermedad por Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) ha tenido un impacto considerable dentro de los diferentes pa铆ses afectados. En el caso de Colombia, actualmente entre los 10 primeros pa铆ses en n煤mero de casos, el impacto en las regiones y departamentos es variable. M茅todos: En el presente an谩lisis epidemiol贸gico se hacen estimaciones del impacto epidemiol贸gico de la pandemia por COVID-19 en el departamento de Sucre, Colombia hasta el mes de agosto 2020. Resultados: Las estimaciones se basan en el modelo SIR y sus variantes que relaciona tres variables: los susceptibles (S), los infectados (I) y los recuperados (R) teniendo en cuenta la tasa de infecci贸n y el per铆odo infeccioso promedio. Tomando las recomendaciones del Ministerio de Salud y Protecci贸n Social seg煤n modelo del Imperial College, en Sucre, el 50% de la poblaci贸n (474.626 personas) son susceptibles de infectarse, no desarrollando s铆ntomas el 12% (56.955) y si manifest谩ndolos en diferentes grados de severidad el 88% (417.671), pero la din谩mica de la pandemia y a las acciones de contenci贸n y mitigaci贸n implementadas desde todos los niveles del Estado, la curva se ha aplanado en su proyecci贸n inicial y eventualmente toda la poblaci贸n susceptible est谩 en riesgo de contraer la infecci贸n. Conclusiones: Sucre ha tenido un considerable impacto, pese a la introducci贸n tard铆a de la enfermedad, en comparaci贸n con otros departamentos de Colombia

    Estimaci贸n del impacto epidemiol贸gico de la pandemia por COVID-19 en Sucre, Colombia

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    Introduction: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a considerable impact within the different affected countries. In the case of Colombia, currently among the top 10 countries in number of cases, the impact on regions and departments is variable. Methods: In this epidemiological analysis estimates are made of the epidemiological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the department of Sucre, Colombia until the month of August 2020. Results: The estimates are based on the SIR model and its variants that relate three variables: susceptible (S), infected (I) and recovered (R) taking into account the infection rate and the average infectious period. Taking the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection according to the model of the Imperial College, in Sucre, 50% of the population (474,626 people) are susceptible to infection, 12% (56,955) not developing symptoms and manifesting them in different degrees of severity 88% (417,671), but the dynamics of the pandemic and the containment and mitigation actions implemented from all levels of the State, the curve has flattened in its initial projection and eventually the entire susceptible population is at risk of contracting the disease. infection. Conclusions: Sucre has had a considerable impact, despite the late introduction of the disease, compared to other departments in Colombia.Introducci贸n: La Enfermedad por Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) ha tenido un impacto considerable dentro de los diferentes pa铆ses afectados. En el caso de Colombia, actualmente entre los 10 primeros pa铆ses en n煤mero de casos, el impacto en las regiones y departamentos es variable. M茅todos: En el presente an谩lisis epidemiol贸gico se hacen estimaciones del impacto epidemiol贸gico de la pandemia por COVID-19 en el departamento de Sucre, Colombia hasta el mes de agosto 2020. Resultados: Las estimaciones se basan en el modelo SIR y sus variantes que relaciona tres variables: los susceptibles (S), los infectados (I) y los recuperados (R) teniendo en cuenta la tasa de infecci贸n y el per铆odo infeccioso promedio. Tomando las recomendaciones del Ministerio de Salud y Protecci贸n Social seg煤n modelo del Imperial College, en Sucre, el 50% de la poblaci贸n (474.626 personas) son susceptibles de infectarse, no desarrollando s铆ntomas el 12% (56.955) y si manifest谩ndolos en diferentes grados de severidad el 88% (417.671), pero la din谩mica de la pandemia y a las acciones de contenci贸n y mitigaci贸n implementadas desde todos los niveles del Estado, la curva se ha aplanado en su proyecci贸n inicial y eventualmente toda la poblaci贸n susceptible est谩 en riesgo de contraer la infecci贸n. Conclusiones: Sucre ha tenido un considerable impacto, pese a la introducci贸n tard铆a de la enfermedad, en comparaci贸n con otros departamentos de Colombia

    Brote de enfermedad aguda de Chagas adquirida oralmente en Sucre, 2019-2020

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    Background: In the last two decades, several Latin American countries have experienced multiple outbreaks of oral Chagas disease. The study: Retrospective study analyzing an outbreak of acute oral Chagas disease in Sucre, Colombia during December-January 2020. The cases were confirmed by different diagnostic methods. Finding: During two weeks, 16 cases were confirmed, where the mean age was 14 years and 12 were male. Of the total, 14 patients were hospitalized and 2 died. Clinical manifestations include: fever, facial edema, hepatosplenomegaly, In 13 of the patients Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes were observed in the thin and thick smears. Oral transmission is established as the most likely route in 14 of the patients. Conclusions: Acute orally transmitted Chagas disease can be life-threatening or even fatal, therefore, it is urgent to improve epidemiological control measures at the national level and in other Latin American countries.Introducci贸n: En las dos 煤ltimas d茅cadas, varios pa铆ses de Am茅rica Latina han experimentado m煤ltiples brotes de la enfermedad de Chagas oral. El estudio: Estudio retrospectivo que analiza un brote de enfermedad de Chagas oral aguda en Sucre, Colombia durante diciembre-enero de 2020. Los casos fueron confirmados por diferentes m茅todos diagn贸sticos. Hallazgos: Durante dos semanas se confirmaron 16 casos, donde la edad media fue de 14 a帽os. Del total, 14 pacientes fueron hospitalizados y 2 fallecieron. Las manifestaciones cl铆nicas incluyeron: fiebre, edema facial, hepatoesplenomegalia. En 13 de los pacientes se observaron tripomastigotes de Trypanosoma cruzi en los frotis fino y grueso. La transmisi贸n oral se estableci贸 como la v铆a m谩s probable. Conclusiones: La enfermedad de Chagas aguda transmitida por v铆a oral puede poner en peligro la vida o incluso ser mortal, por tanto, es urgente mejorar las medidas de control epidemiol贸gico a nivel nacional y en otros pa铆ses de Am茅rica Latina