240 research outputs found

    A benchmark of multiple sequence alignment programs upon structural RNAs

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    To date, few attempts have been made to benchmark the alignment algorithms upon nucleic acid sequences. Frequently, sophisticated PAM or BLOSUM like models are used to align proteins, yet equivalents are not considered for nucleic acids; instead, rather ad hoc models are generally favoured. Here, we systematically test the performance of existing alignment algorithms on structural RNAs. This work was aimed at achieving the following goals: (i) to determine conditions where it is appropriate to apply common sequence alignment methods to the structural RNA alignment problem. This indicates where and when researchers should consider augmenting the alignment process with auxiliary information, such as secondary structure and (ii) to determine which sequence alignment algorithms perform well under the broadest range of conditions. We find that sequence alignment alone, using the current algorithms, is generally inappropriate <50–60% sequence identity. Second, we note that the probabilistic method ProAlign and the aging Clustal algorithms generally outperform other sequence-based algorithms, under the broadest range of applications

    Narrative Medizin – was ist es, was bringt es, wie setzt man es um?

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    Erzählungen spielten schon immer eine wichtige Rolle in der Medizin. Mit Beginn der "modernen" Medizin wurden diese Erzählungen mehr und mehr vernachlässigt, der Fokus lag auf "Fakten", die als objektiv und wissenschaftlich galten. In den letzten Jahren jedoch erleben Erzählungen eine Renaissance – insbesondere Patientenerzählungen und Geschichten über das, was zwischen Ärzten und Patienten geschieht. Dies resultierte in der Formulierung von Narrativer Medizin oder Narrative based Medicine (NbM). Der Begriff wurde insbesondere in Abgrenzung zur evidenzbasierten Medizin (EbM) entwickelt. Man wollte damit auch auf die Grenzen der EbM hinweisen. Was aber wird unter Narrativer Medizin verstanden? Die Spannbreite geht von einer besonderen therapeutischen Methode, einer spezifischen Art der Arzt-Patienten- Kommunikation bis hin zu einer qualitativen Forschungsmethode. Was sind die Potentiale von NbM und was bedeuten sie für Theorie, Forschung und Anwendung in der hausärztlichen Medizin? Wo liegen ihre Begrenzungen für die hausärztliche Medizin?Narratives have always been a vital part of medicine. With the rise of "modern" medicine narratives have been more and more neglected in favour of "facts and findings" regarded as more objective and scientific. Yet, in the recent years there is a renaissance of narratives – especially patient narratives and the unfolding story between doctors and patients. Eventually this led to the formation of so called Narrative based Medicine (NbM). The term was coined specifically in distinction to Evidence based Medicine (EbM), with NbM being propagated to counteract the shortcomings of EbM. But what does narrative medicine actually contain? Its’ meaning spans from a specific therapeutic tool, a special form of doctor-patient-communication to a qualitative research tool. What are the potentials of NbM and its implications for theory, research, as well as for general practice? Where are the limitations of a narrative approach in general practice

    Effects of an exercise programme for chronically ill and mobility-restricted elderly with structured support by the general practitioner's practice (HOMEfit) - study protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Exercise programmes can be administered successfully as therapeutic agents to patients with a number of chronic diseases and help to improve physical functioning in older adults. Usually, such programmes target either healthy and mobile community-dwelling seniors or elderly individuals living in nursing institutions or special residences. Chronically ill or mobility-restricted individuals, however, are difficult to reach when they live in their own homes.</p> <p>A pilot study has shown good feasibility of a home-based exercise programme that is delivered to this target group through cooperation between general practitioners and exercise therapists. A logical next step involves evaluation of the effects of the programme.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>The study is designed as a randomised controlled trial. We plan to recruit 210 patients (≥ 70 years) in about 15 general practices.</p> <p>The experimental intervention (duration 12 weeks)-a multidimensional home-based exercise programme-is delivered to the participant by an exercise therapist in counselling sessions at the general practitioner's practice and on the telephone. It is based on methods and strategies for facilitating behaviour change according to the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA). The control intervention-baseline physical activities-differs from the experimental intervention with regard to content of the counselling sessions as well as to content and frequency of the promoted activities.</p> <p>Primary outcome is functional lower body strength measured by the "chair-rise" test. Secondary outcomes are: physical function (battery of motor tests), physical activity (step count), health-related quality of life (SF-8), fall-related self-efficacy (FES-I), and exercise self-efficacy (SSA-Scale).</p> <p>The hypothesis that there will be differences between the two groups (experimental/control) with respect to post-interventional chair-rise time will be tested using an ANCOVA with chair-rise time at baseline, treatment group, and study centre effects as explanatory variables. Analysis of the data will be undertaken using the principle of intention-to-treat.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN17727272">ISRCTN17727272</a>.</p

    Developing a novel tool to assess the ability to self-administer medication - A systematic evaluation of patients' video recordings in the ABLYMED study

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    Background: Older people often experience medication management problems due to multimorbidity, polypharmacy and medication complexity. There is often a large gap between patients' self-reported and actual abilities to handle the self -administration of their medication. Here we report on the development and evaluation of a new tool to assess the ability of non-demented hospitalized patients to self-administer medication in different dosage forms. To this end, we video-recorded the patients' medication management performance and implemented a novel assessment scheme, which was applied by several independent raters.Methods: Sixty-seven in-patients > 70 years of age and regularly taking > 5 different drugs autonomously of the ABLYMED study agreed to the video recording of their medication management performance with five different dosage forms. All raters underwent a training and applied a standardized assessment form and written guide with rating rules for evaluation. In a pilot phase, video recordings of three patients were rated by 19 raters (15 medical students, two expert raters to determine a reference standard, and two main raters who later rated the total sample). In the rating phase, based on the ratings obtained from the two main raters, we determined interrater (assessed every section of 20 patients as agreement between the raters at one point of time) and intrarater (assessed as consistency within each rater across three points of time) agreement by intraclass correlation analysis.Results: In the pilot phase we obtained an overall sufficient agreement pattern, with an adjustment of the rating rules for patches. In the rating phase we achieved satisfactory agreement between the two raters (interrater reliability) and across different points of time (intrarater reliability). For two dosage forms (eye-drops and pen), rater training needed to be repeated to reach satisfactory levels.Discussion: Our novel rating procedure was found to be objective, valid and reproducible, given appropriate training of the raters. Our findings are an important part of a larger research project to implement a novel assessment for the ability to self-administer medication in different dosage forms. Further, they can support the development of patient trainings to improve medication management and secure independent living.Paul-Kuth Foundatio

    A 'minimal core curriculum' for Family Medicine in undergraduate medical education: a European Delphi survey among EURACT representatives.

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    Family Medicine/General Practice (FM/GP) has not developed in a similar way worldwide. In countries that are not primary care oriented, the discipline of FM/GP may be less developed because this is not a career option for medical graduates. In such a situation, FM/GP will not be regarded as a required clinical experience during medical school.To define the 'minimal requirements' or 'minimal core content' for a clerkship in FM/GP of very short duration, i.e. a basic curriculum for a clinical rotation in FM/GP, taking into account that in some European countries the time allocated for this rotation may not exceed one week.The Delphi method was used. The study group was composed of 40 family physicians and medical educators who act as national representatives of all European countries-plus Israel-in the Council of the European Academy of Teachers in General Practice and Family Medicine (EURACT). The representatives are elected among the EURACT members in their country.After three Delphi rounds we obtained a consensual list of 15 themes regarded by the respondents as the most important to be included in a minimal core curriculum for FM/GP in undergraduate medical education.This list may be useful for teachers and institutions that are about to introduce GP/FM as a new topic in their medical faculty, having only limited time available for the course. They will be able to focus on topics chosen by a European expert panel as being the most important in such a situation

    Prehabilitation of elderly frail or pre-frail patients prior to elective surgery (PRAEP-GO): study protocol for a randomized, controlled, outcome assessor-blinded trial

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    BACKGROUND: Frailty is expressed by a reduction in physical capacity, mobility, muscle strength, and endurance. (Pre-)frailty is present in up to 42% of the older surgical population, with an increased risk for peri- and postoperative complications. Consequently, these patients often suffer from a delayed or limited recovery, loss of autonomy and quality of life, and a decrease in functional and cognitive capacities. Since frailty is modifiable, prehabilitation may improve the physiological reserves of patients and reduce the care dependency 12 months after surgery. METHODS: Patients ≥ 70 years old scheduled for elective surgery or intervention will be recruited in this multicenter, randomized controlled study, with a target of 1400 participants with an allocation ratio of 1:1. The intervention consists of (1) a shared decision-making process with the patient, relatives, and an interdisciplinary and interprofessional team and (2) a 3-week multimodal, individualized prehabilitation program including exercise therapy, nutritional intervention, mobility or balance training, and psychosocial interventions and medical assessment. The frequency of the supervised prehabilitation is 5 times/week for 3 weeks. The primary endpoint is defined as the level of care dependency 12 months after surgery or intervention. DISCUSSION: Prehabilitation has been proven to be effective for different populations, including colorectal, transplant, and cardiac surgery patients. In contrast, evidence for prehabilitation in older, frail patients has not been clearly established. To the best of our knowledge, this is currently the largest prehabilitation study on older people with frailty undergoing general elective surgery. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04418271. Registered on 5 June 2020. Universal Trial Number (UTN): U1111-1253-4820 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13063-022-06401-x

    Recruiting Hard-to-Reach Subjects for Exercise Interventions: A Multi-Centre and Multi-Stage Approach Targeting General Practitioners and Their Community-Dwelling and Mobility-Limited Patients

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    The general practitioner (GP)’s practice appears to be an ideal venue for recruiting community-dwelling older adults with limited mobility. This study (Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN17727272) aimed at evaluating the recruiting process used for a multi-centre exercise intervention (HOMEfit). Each of six steps resulted in an absolute number of patients (N1–N6). Sex and age (for N4–N6) and reasons for dropping out were assessed. Patient database screening (N1–N3) at 15 GP practices yielded N1 = 5,990 patients aged 70 and above who had visited their GP within the past 6 months, N2 = 5,467 after exclusion of institutionalised patients, N3 = 1,545 patients eligible. Using a pre-defined limitation algorithm in order to conserve the practices’ resources resulted in N4 = 1,214 patients (80.3 ± 5.6 years, 68% female), who were then officially invited to the final assessment of eligibility at the GP’s practice. N5 = 434 patients (79.5 ± 5.4 years, 69% female) attended the practice screening (n = 13 of whom had not received an official invitation). Finally, N6 = 209 (79.8 ± 5.2 years, 74% female) were randomised after they were judged eligible and had given their written informed consent to participate in the randomised controlled trial (overall recruitment rate: 4.4%). The general strategy of utilising a GP’s practice to recruit the target group proved beneficial. The data and experiences presented here can help planners of future exercise-intervention studies

    Do Hospitals Respond to Increasing Prices by Supplying Fewer Services?

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    Medical providers often have a significant influence on treatment decisions which they can use in their own financial interest. Classical models of supplier-induced demand predict that medical providers will supply fewer services if they face increasing prices. We test this prediction based on a reform of hospital financing in Germany. Uniquely, this reform changed the overall level of reimbursement - with increasing prices for some hospitals and decreasing prices for others - without affecting the relative prices for different types of patients. Based on administrative data, we find that hospitals do indeed react to increasing prices by reducing service supply.Anbieter von medizinischen Leistungen treffen häufig Behandlungsentscheidungen für ihre Patienten und haben die Möglichkeit, bei diesen Entscheidungen ihre eigenen finanziellen Interessen zu berücksichtigen. Klassische Modelle der Theorie der 'angebotsinduzierten Nachfrage' prognostizieren, dass medizinische Anbieter auf höhere Preise reagieren, indem sie weniger Leistungen erbringen. Wir testen diese Vorhersage auf Grundlage einer Reform der Krankenhausfinanzierung in Deutschland. Das Besondere an der Finanzierungsreform in Deutschland ist, dass die Reform die Preise für Krankenhäuser verändert hat - mit steigenden Preisen für einige Krankenhäuser und sinkenden Preisen für andere - ohne dabei die relativen Preise für die Behandlung unterschiedlicher Patientengruppen oder unterschiedlicher Krankheiten zu beeinflussen. Unter Nutzung administrativer Daten finden wir, dass Krankenhäuser tatsächlich weniger Leistungen erbringen, wenn die Preise steigen