1,757 research outputs found

    Assessing infrequent large earthquakes using geomorphology and geodesy in the Malawi Rift

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    In regions with large, mature fault systems, a characteristic earthquake model may be more appropriate for modelling earthquake occurrence than extrapolating from a short history of small, instrumentally observed earthquakes using the Gutenberg–Richter scaling law. We illustrate how the geomorphology and geodesy of the Malawi Rift, a region with large seismogenic thicknesses, long fault scarps, and slow strain rates, can be used to assess hazard probability levels for large infrequent earthquakes. We estimate potential earthquake size using fault length and recurrence intervals from plate motion velocities and generate a synthetic catalogue of events. Since it is not possible to determine from the geomorphological information if a future rupture will be continuous (7.4 ≤ M W ≤ 8.3 with recurrence intervals of 1,000–4,300 years) or segmented (6.7 ≤ M W ≤ 7.7 with 300–1,900 years), we consider both alternatives separately and also produce a mixed catalogue. We carry out a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment to produce regional- and site-specific hazard estimates. At all return periods and vibration periods, inclusion of fault-derived parameters increases the predicted spectral acceleration above the level predicted from the instrumental catalogue alone, with the most significant changes being in close proximity to the fault systems and the effect being more significant at longer vibration periods. Importantly, the results indicate that standard probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) methods using short instrumental records alone tend to underestimate the seismic hazard, especially for the most damaging, extreme magnitude events. For many developing countries in Africa and elsewhere, which are experiencing rapid economic growth and urbanisation, seismic hazard assessments incorporating characteristic earthquake models are critical

    Project network models with discounted cash flows. A guided tour through recent developments.

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    The vast majority of the project scheduling methodologies presented in the literature have been developed with the objective of minimizing the project duration subject to precedence and other constraints. In doing so, the financial aspects of project management are largely ignored. Recent efforts have taken into account discounted cash flow and have focused on the maximalization of the net present value (npv) of the project as the more appropriate objective. In this paper we offer a guided tour through the important recent developments in the expanding field of research on deterministic and stochastic project network models with discounted cash flows. Subsequent to a close examination of the rationale behind the npv objective, we offer a taxonomy of the problems studied in the literature and critically review the major contributions. Proper attention is given to npv maximization models for the unconstrained scheduling problem with known cash flows, optimal and suboptimal scheduling procedures with various types of resource constraints, and the problem of determining both the timing and amount of payments.Scheduling; Models; Model; Discounted cash flow; Cash flow; Project scheduling; Project management; Management; Net present value; Value; Problems; Maximization; Optimal;

    Perancangan Strategi IT Politeknik Negeri Indramayu Menggunakan Pendekatan Ward and Peppard

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    Perkembangan dunia IT yang sangat cepat dan begitu signifikan membuat IT itu sendiri sangat dibutuhkan, peranan teknologi pada dunia saat ini membuat orang berbondong-bondong bagaimana caranya supaya bisa lebih dari yang lain. Peran efisiensi yaitu menggantikan manusia dengan teknologi tanpa menghilangkan nilai-nilai dari kemanusiaan, teknologi sangat dibutuhkan dalam dunia USAha maupun suatu organisasi. Peranan IT tidak hanya efisiensi dan efektifitas, tetapi juga digunakan untuk strategi dimana IT itu sendiri digunakan untuk memenangkan persaingan. Persaingan yang ketat dalam sebuah perguruan tinggi baik negeri maupun swasta, tentu memerlukan sebuah strategi IT yang mampu memberikan pelayanan terhadap konsumen. Politeknik Negeri Indramayu adalah salah satu perguruan Negeri yang baru diresmikan dan betujuan untuk menjadi yang terdepan. Dalam upaya mencapai tujuan Politeknik Negeri Indramayu yang terumuskan dalam visi dan misi, memerlukan strategi IT. Untuk mencapai dari semua tujuan ini Politeknik Negeri Indramayu merancang sebuah Plan atau rencana yang baik dan dapat membantu mengoptimalkan peran dari sebuah IT sehingga bisa meningkatkan nilai value. Dalam penelitian ini merupakan konsep dasar yang digunakan untuk menyusun kerangka kerja dalam pelaksanaan perencanaan strategis IT yang akan digunakan oleh Politeknik Negeri Indramayu. Penelitian ini melibatkan metode Ward and Peppard, dengan tools analisis seperti SWOT, PEST, 5 Force Porter, Critical Success Factors dan Mc Farland'sStrategic

    Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Hotel Kartika Graha Malang dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung

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    Marketing Communication Strategy is a planning to consume products to targeted markets to achieve the company goals. Through marketing communication strategies, companies try to disseminate information, influence, persuade or remind the target market about a message of the company and its products to be accepted, buy the products offered by the company. This research used descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted at Hotel Kartika Graha Malang, with a purposive sampling technique with data collection techniques. While the technique of data collection was done by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used data reduction, data presentation and conclusion withdrawing. The results of this study showed that Kartika Graha Hotel Malang used the IMC theory which implemented Marketing Commucation, Sales Promotion, and Marketing Event and also used the Kotler theory included the marketing mix with four P (4P) namely Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. While the supporting factors in marketing communication strategies were the solid and also the application of elements of marketing communication  maximally  and adequate products and facilities. The inhibiting factors in implementing the marketing communication strategy were the lack of human resources such as driver and technicians that caused clashes with other departments and also budget problems such as the late disbursement from the specified date

    Media Informasi E-complaint Kriminal Pada Daerah Indramayu Berbasis SMS Gateway

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    Pada saat masyarakat ingin mengadukan atau komplain tentang adanya tindak kriminalitas kepada pihak kepolisian sering mendapatkan kesulitan dikarenakan untuk mendapatkan nomor kontak dari masing-masing polsek dari daerah yang sedang terjadi kriminal. Aplikasi media informasi e-complaint kriminal ini memudahkan untuk masyarakat khususnya diwilayah Indramayu untuk melakukan pengaduan dari setiap kriminal yang pada daerahnya masing-masing dengan cepat agar dari pihak kepolisian dapat memproses lebih lanjut dan dapat mempersempit jalur kriminalitas pada wilayah indramayu. Dengan menyediakan aplikasi ini masyarakat dapat mengadu kepada kepolisian kapanpun dan dimanapun. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi gammu, PHP, dan database server MySQL. Pengujian sistem dilakukan diantaranya user melakukan sms dengan format pengaduan. Dari hasil pengujian sistem dimana pembangunan komponen-komponen pokok sebuah sistem. Dari sistem cukup mudah digunakan dan sudah memenuhi dari user requirement. Selain itu aplikasi ini dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi ataupun mengadukan kejadian kriminal dimanapun dan kapanpun secara real-time.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa aplikasi media informasi e-complaint ini sangat membantu masyarakat dalam mendapatkan informasi dan pengaduan

    Fragments of a Free Man

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    Scholarships & Prizes Office. University of Sydne

    The Policy Environment for Climate Vulnerability on Trade Competitiveness and Export Diversification in Tanzania’s Rice Value Chain

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    Rice is an essential food crop that significantly contributes to Tanzania's economic growth, food security, and poverty alleviation. However, the country’s rice value chain is susceptible to climate change, fluctuations, and economic globalization. These issues can disrupt the rice value chain and diminish its capacity to benefit local people and economies. This study provides a detailed analysis of the policy environment for climate vulnerability on trade competitiveness and export diversification in the rice value chains in Tanzania. The study used a combination of institutional economics, political economy, and global value chain theories to evaluate how climate variability affects trade competitiveness and export diversification within the rice value chain in Tanzania. Analysis of the policy environment for climate variability on competitiveness and export diversification revealed significant gaps related to policy regulation, access to farm inputs, infrastructure, and resilience to climate vulnerability, finances, as well as trade and marketing that should be addressed to improve incentives in the rice value chain. The review emphasizes the improvement of policies and regulations for the rice value chain to tackle climate variability and improve trade competitiveness and export diversification that could strengthen the resilience of rice value chains against climate stresses. Climate vulnerability assessments are important in the implementation arrangements of the policy. Vulnerability mapping could help to target geographically impacted areas for immediate intervention to accelerate rice trading in the country. Investing in technology, strategic research on rice export development to enhance rice production quality and productivity can potentially increase Tanzania's competitiveness in international markets throughout the rice value chain. The study underscores the need for policies and initiatives that enhance the strength of value chains to climatic and economic tensions. This article is relevant for policymakers, academics, and other stakeholders interested in encouraging the sustainable development through the rice value chain in Tanzania. Keywords: Climate Vulnerability, Trade competitiveness, Exports diversification, Rice Value Chain DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-13-02 Publication date:August 31st 202