194 research outputs found

    Anthrax prophylaxis: recent advances and future directions

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    Anthrax is a serious, potentially fatal disease that can present in four distinct clinical patterns depending on the route of infection (cutaneous, gastrointestinal, pneumonic or injectional), so that effective strategies for prophylaxis and therapy are therefore required. Anthrax is a serious disease, requiring effective strategies for prophylaxis and therapy. This review addresses the complex mechanisms of pathogenesis employed by the bacterium and describes how, as understanding of these has developed over many years, so too have current strategies for vaccination and therapy. It covers the clinical and veterinary use of live attenuated strains of anthrax and the subsequent identification of protein sub-units for incorporation into vaccines, as well as combinations of protein sub-units with spore or other components. It also addresses the application of these vaccines for conventional prophylactic use, as well as post-exposure use in conjunction with antibiotics. It describes the licensed acellular vaccines AVA and AVP and discusses the prospects for a next generation of recombinant sub-unit vaccines for anthrax, balancing the regulatory requirement and current drive for highly defined vaccines, against the risk of losing the ‘danger’ signals required to induced protective immunity in the vaccinee. It considers novel approaches to reduce time to immunity by means of combining, for example, dendritic cell vaccination with conventional approaches and considers current opportunities for the immunotherapy of anthrax

    Interference of the T cell and antigen-presenting cell costimulatory pathway using CTLA4-Ig (abatacept) prevents Staphylococcal enterotoxin B pathology

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    Abstract Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a bacterial superantigen that binds the receptors in the APC/T cell synapse and causes increased proliferation of T cells and a cytokine storm syndrome in vivo. Exposure to the toxin can be lethal and cause significant pathology in humans. The lack of effective therapies for SEB exposure remains an area of concern, particularly in scenarios of acute mass casualties. We hypothesized that blockade of the T cell costimulatory signal by the CTLA4-Ig synthetic protein (abatacept) could prevent SEB-dependent pathology. In this article, we demonstrate mice treated with a single dose of abatacept 8 h post SEB exposure had reduced pathology compared with control SEB-exposed mice. SEB-exposed mice showed significant reductions in body weight between days 4 and 9, whereas mice exposed to SEB and also treated with abatacept showed no weight loss for the duration of the study, suggesting therapeutic mitigation of SEB-induced morbidity. Histopathology and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated that SEB mediated lung damage and edema, which were absent after treatment with abatacept. Analysis of plasma and lung tissues from SEB-exposed mice treated with abatacept demonstrated significantly lower levels of IL-6 and IFN-γ (p &amp;lt; 0.0001), which is likely to have resulted in less pathology. In addition, exposure of human and mouse PBMCs to SEB in vitro showed a significant reduction in levels of IL-2 (p &amp;lt; 0.0001) after treatment with abatacept, indicating that T cell proliferation is the main target for intervention. Our findings demonstrate that abatacept is a robust and potentially credible drug to prevent toxic effects from SEB exposure.</jats:p

    Exploitation of the bilosome platform technology to formulate antibiotics and enhance efficacy of melioidosis treatments

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei is a Gram-negative intracellular bacterium which is recalcitrant to antibiotic therapy. There also is currently no licensed vaccine for this potentially fatal pathogen, further highlighting the requirement for better therapeutics to treat the disease melioidosis. Here we use an oral delivery platform, the bilosome to entrap already- licensed antibiotics. Bilosome-entrapped antibiotics were used to treat mice infected via the aerosol route with B. pseudomallei. When treatment was started by the oral route at 6 h post-infection and continued for 7 days, bilosome levofloxacin and bilosome doxycycline formulations were significantly more efficacious than free antibiotics in terms of survival rates. Additionally, bilosome formulated levofloxacin protected mice from antibiotic and infection induced weight loss following B. pseudomallei infection. The microbiomes of mice treated with levofloxacin were depleted of all phyla with the exception of Firmicutes, but doxycycline treatment had minimal effect on the microbiome. Encapsulation of either drug in bilosomes had no deleterious or clear advantageous effect on microbiome. This indicates that the ability of bilosomes to ameliorate antibiotic induced weight loss is not due to microbiome effects. The bilosome platform not only has potential to reduce adverse effects of orally delivered antimicrobials, but has potential for other therapeutics which may cause detrimental side-effects or require enhanced delivery

    The co-development and evaluation of an e-learning course on spinal cord injury physical activity counselling:a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Health, fitness and lifestyle professionals can play important roles in promoting physical activity in groups at risk of developing an inactive lifestyle, such as people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Tailored counselling is a promising tool to promote and improve physical activity levels. To support professionals to effectively have a conversation about physical activity with clients with SCI, evidence-based training and resources are needed. This project aimed to (1) co-develop an e-learning course on best practices for SCI physical activity counselling and, (2) examine the effectiveness and usability of this course. Methods: Guided by the technology-enhanced learning (TEL) evaluation framework, we used a systematic, multistep approach to co-develop and evaluate an e-learning course. The development process was informed by input and feedback from a diverse group of end-users and experts (n &gt; 160) via online surveys and (think-aloud) interviews. A randomized controlled trial was used to compare learning outcomes (post-knowledge and self-efficacy) between participants who completed the course (intervention group) and the wait-listed control group. Usability, learning experiences, and satisfaction were assessed among all participants. Results: Forty-one participants (21 intervention-group; 20 control-group) with various backgrounds (e.g., lifestyle counsellors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, recreation therapists, fitness trainers) enrolled in the randomized controlled trial. After completing the course, participants in the intervention group showed significantly improved knowledge on the best practices for SCI physical activity counselling and higher self-efficacy for using these best practices in conversations with clients with SCI compared to the control group (p &lt;.001). Participants reported above average usability scores, positive learning experiences, and high levels of satisfaction when completing the course. Conclusion: We used a systematic, multi-step, theory-informed approach to co-develop and evaluate an evidence-based e-learning course on SCI physical activity counselling to support professionals to promote physical activity in their daily practices. The overall positive findings demonstrate that the e-learning course is feasible and ready for further implementation in various health and community settings. Implementation of the e-learning course can help professionals improve the physical activity support they provide to their clients, and subsequently increase physical activity participation in people with SCI.</p

    Co-formulation of the rF1V plague vaccine with depot-formulated cytokines enhances immunogenicity and efficacy to elicit protective responses against aerosol challenge in mice

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    This study evaluated a depot-formulated cytokine-based adjuvant to improve the efficacy of the recombinant F1V (rF1V) plague vaccine and examined the protective response following aerosol challenge in a murine model. The results of this study showed that co-formulation of the Alhydrogel-adsorbed rF1V plague fusion vaccine with the depot-formulated cytokines recombinant human interleukin 2 (rhuIL-2) and/or recombinant murine granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rmGM-CSF) significantly enhances immunogenicity and significant protection at lower antigen doses against a lethal aerosol challenge. These results provide additional support for the co-application of the depot-formulated IL-2 and/or GM-CSF cytokines to enhance vaccine efficacy

    A self-amplifying RNA vaccine provides protection in a murine model of bubonic plague

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    Mice were immunized with a combination of self-amplifying (sa) RNA constructs for the F1 and V antigens of Yersinia pestis at a dose level of 1 μg or 5 μg or with the respective protein sub-units as a reference vaccine. The immunization of outbred OF1 mice on day 0 and day 28 with the lowest dose used (1 μg) of each of the saRNA constructs in lipid nanoparticles protected 5/7 mice against subsequent sub-cutaneous challenge on day 56 with 180 cfu (2.8 MLD) of a 2021 clinical isolate of Y. pestis termed 10-21/S whilst 5/7 mice were protected against 1800cfu (28MLD) of the same bacteria on day 56. By comparison, only 1/8 or 1/7 negative control mice immunized with 10 μg of irrelevant haemagglutin RNA in lipid nanoparticles (LNP) survived the challenge with 2.8 MLD or 28 MLD Y. pestis 10-21/S, respectively. BALB/c mice were also immunized with the same saRNA constructs and responded with the secretion of specific IgG to F1 and V, neutralizing antibodies for the V antigen and developed a recall response to both F1 and V. These data represent the first report of an RNA vaccine approach using self-amplifying technology and encoding both of the essential virulence antigens, providing efficacy against Y. pestis. This saRNA vaccine for plague has the potential for further development, particularly since its amplifying nature can induce immunity with less boosting. It is also amenable to rapid manufacture with simpler downstream processing than protein sub-units, enabling rapid deployment and surge manufacture during disease outbreaks

    Deep Sequencing of RNA from Blood and Oral Swab Samples Reveals the Presence of Nucleic Acid from a Number of Pathogens in Patients with Acute Ebola Virus Disease and Is Consistent with Bacterial Translocation across the Gut.

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    In this study, samples from the 2013-2016 West African Ebola virus outbreak from patients in Guinea with Ebola virus disease (EVD) were analyzed to discover and classify what other pathogens were present. Throat swabs were taken from deceased EVD patients, and peripheral blood samples were analyzed that had been taken from patients when they presented at the treatment center with acute illness. High-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and bioinformatics were used to identify the potential microorganisms. This approach confirmed Ebola virus (EBOV) in all samples from patients diagnosed as acute positive for the virus by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR in deployed field laboratories. Nucleic acid mapping to Plasmodium was also used on the patient samples, confirming results obtained with an antigen-based rapid diagnostic test (RDT) conducted in the field laboratories. The data suggested that a high Plasmodium load, as determined by sequence read depth, was associated with mortality and influenced the host response, whereas a lower parasite load did not appear to affect outcome. The identifications of selected bacteria from throat swabs via RNA-seq were confirmed by culture. The data indicated that the potential pathogens identified in the blood samples were associated with translocation from the gut, suggesting the presence of bacteremia, which transcriptome data suggested may induce or aggravate the acute-phase response observed during EVD. Transcripts mapping to different viruses were also identified, including those indicative of lytic infections. The development of high-resolution analysis of samples from patients with EVD will help inform care pathways and the most appropriate general antimicrobial therapy to be used in a resource-poor setting. IMPORTANCE Our results highlight the identification of an array of pathogens in the blood of patients with Ebola virus disease (EVD). This has not been done before, and the data have important implications for the treatment of patients with EVD, particularly considering antibiotic stewardship. We show that EVD patients who were also infected with Plasmodium, particularly at higher loads, had more adverse outcomes than patients with lower levels of Plasmodium. However, the presence of Plasmodium did not influence the innate immune response, and it is likely that the presence of EBOV dominated this response. Several viruses other than EBOV were identified, and bacteria associated with sepsis were also identified. These findings were indicative of bacterial translocation across the gut during the acute phase of EVD

    HIV and pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the cervix in South Africa: a case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer and infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are both major public health problems in South Africa. The aim of this study was to determine the risk of cervical pre-cancer and cancer among HIV positive women in South Africa. METHODS: Data were derived from a case-control study that examined the association between hormonal contraceptives and invasive cervical cancer. The study was conducted in the Western Cape (South Africa), from January 1998 to December 2001. There were 486 women with invasive cervical cancer, 103 control women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), 53 with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), 50 with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and 1159 with normal cytology. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: The adjusted odds ratios associated with HIV infection were: 4.4 [95% CI (2.3 – 8.4) for ASCUS, 7.4 (3.5 – 15.7) for LSIL, 5.8 (2.4 – 13.6) for HSIL and 1.17 (0.75 – 1.85) for invasive cervical cancer. HIV positive women were nearly 5 times more likely to have high-risk human papillomavirus infection (HR-HPV) present compared to HIV negative women [OR 4.6 (95 % CI 2.8 – 7.5)]. Women infected with both HIV and high-risk HPV had a more than 40 fold higher risk of SIL than women infected with neither of these viruses. CONCLUSION: HIV positive women were at an increased risk of cervical pre-cancer, but did not demonstrate an excess risk of invasive cervical cancer. An interaction between HIV and HR-HPV infection was demonstrated. Our findings underscore the importance of developing locally relevant screening and management guidelines for HIV positive women in South Africa

    Quantification of Ebola virus replication kinetics in vitro

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    Mathematical modelling has successfully been used to provide quantitative descriptions of many viral infections, but for the Ebola virus, which requires biosafety level 4 facilities for experimentation, modelling can play a crucial role. Ebola virus modelling efforts have primarily focused on in vivo virus kinetics, e.g., in animal models, to aid the development of antivirals and vaccines. But, thus far, these studies have not yielded a detailed specification of the infection cycle, which could provide a foundational description of the virus kinetics and thus a deeper understanding of their clinical manifestation. Here, we obtain a diverse experimental data set of the Ebola virus infection in vitro, and then make use of Bayesian inference methods to fully identify parameters in a mathematical model of the infection. Our results provide insights into the distribution of time an infected cell spends in the eclipse phase (the period between infection and the start of virus production), as well as the rate at which infectious virions lose infectivity. We suggest how these results can be used in future models to describe co-infection with defective interfering particles, which are an emerging alternative therapeutic