26,414 research outputs found

    CP violation in charged Higgs production.

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    I present a study estimating the amount of CP violation present in the production of charged Higgs bosons due to the presence of complex trilinear scalar couplings. I compare the results of my study with previous results for the decay. I briefly comment on the possibility of observing this CP asymmetry at the LHC

    Reconstruction of the Shapes of Gold Nanocrystals using Coherent X-ray Diffraction

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    Inverse problems arise frequently in physics: The magnitude of the Fourier transform of some function is measurable, but not its phase. The “phase problem” in crystallography arises because the number of discrete measurements (Bragg peak intensities) is only half the number of unknowns (electron density points in space). Sayre first proposed that oversampling of diffraction data should allow a solution, and this has recently been demonstrated. Here we report the successful phasing of an oversampled hard x-ray diffraction pattern measured from a single nanocrystal of gold

    Characterisation of friction and lubrication regimes in premium tubular connections

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    A friction test rig has been developed to carry out repeated sliding friction tests for premium tubular connections. The test rig enables accurate measurement of friction in various contact regimes which are relevant to the threaded connections between tubular components. Higher load tests can simulate the contact in metal-to-metal seals under very high contact pressures by using perpendicular pin-on-pin tests. The contact in the thread loading flank under intermediate pressures can be simulated by using larger radius coupon-on-coupon tests. The measured coefficient of friction is well correlated with a lubrication parameter combining lubricant film thickness and initial surface roughness. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Relating plankton assemblages to environmental variables using instruments towed by ships-of-opportunity

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    Undulating Oceanographic Recorders (UORs) and Continuous Plankton Recorders (CPRs) equipped with a suite of sensors were towed by merchant vessels in the North Sea between 1988 and 1991, recording a range of environmental variables. These were used to interpret the results of analyses of the plankton taken on CPR tows off the northeast coast of the UK in 1989 and in the Skagerrak and Kattegat in July 1988 and through 1989. Correlations were found between the biota and the environmental variables. The tidal front off the northeast coast of the UK and the front between the low salinity water in the Kattegat and the higher salinity water in the Skagerrak were dominant factors correlating with the distribution of the plankton assemblages. Discontinuities, defining the positions of the fronts, in the values of physical variables (temperature and, where measured, salinity and turbidity) were closely identified with geographical divisions between plankton assemblages. Measures of irradiance were found to be important on several occasions, presumably due to diel migrations of the zooplankton

    Exposure to the complement C5b-9 complex sensitizes 661W photoreceptor cells to both apoptosis and necroptosis.

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    The loss of photoreceptors is the defining characteristic of many retinal degenerative diseases, but the mechanisms that regulate photoreceptor cell death are not fully understood. Here we have used the 661W cone photoreceptor cell line to ask whether exposure to the terminal complement complex C5b-9 induces cell death and/or modulates the sensitivity of these cells to other cellular stressors. 661W cone photoreceptors were exposed to complete normal human serum following antibody blockade of CD59. Apoptosis induction was assessed morphologically, by flow cytometry, and on western blotting by probing for cleaved PARP and activated caspase-3. Necroptosis was assessed by flow cytometry and Sirtuin 2 inhibition using 2-cyano-3-[5-(2,5-dichlorophenyl)-2-furyl]-N-5-quinolinylacrylamide (AGK2). The sensitivity of 661W cells to ionomycin, staurosporine, peroxide and chelerythrine was also investigated, with or without prior formation of C5b-9. 661W cells underwent apoptotic cell death following exposure to C5b-9, as judged by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 cleavage and activation of caspase-3. We also observed apoptotic cell death in response to staurosporine, but 661W cells were resistant to both ionomycin and peroxide. Interestingly, C5b-9 significantly increased 661W sensitivity to staurosporine-induced apoptosis and necroptosis. These studies show that low levels of C5b-9 on 661W cells can induce apoptosis, and that C5b-9 specifically sensitizes 661W cells to certain apoptotic and necroptotic pathways. Our observations provide new insight into the potential role of the complement system in photoreceptor loss, with implications for the molecular aetiology of retinal disease

    Understannding Education Variances in Our World: An Analysis of Private and Public Education on Graduates\u27 Effects in Society

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    As of late, the debate between public and private high school education has become a common topic of conversation. The question arises, which option of schooling is best for its students? While fairness may come into play, this thesis is not focused on discovering injustices in the systems. This thesis analyses data and features from public and private high schools to determine which system provides the best education and opportunities for its students to be successful in postgraduation. From the analyzed data, one can conclude that private high schools provide better opportunities and better education for students than public high schools. While the same factors exist in public high schools, private high schools score higher statistically and consistently

    Subcellular partitioning of MRP RNA assessed by ultrastructural and biochemical analysis.

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    A small RNA encoded within the nucleus is an essential subunit of a RNA processing endonuclease (RNase MRP) hypothesized to generate primers for mitochondrial DNA replication from the heavy strand origin of replication. Controversy has arisen, however, concerning the authenticity of an intramitochondrial pool of MRP RNA, and has called into question the existence of pathways for nucleo-mitochondrial transport of nucleic acids in animal cells. In an effort to resolve this controversy, we combined ultrastructural in situ hybridization and biochemical techniques to assess the subcellular partitioning of MRP RNA. Cryosections of mouse cardiomyocytes were hybridized with biotin-labeled RNA probes complementary to different regions of MRP RNA and varying in length from 115 to 230 nucleotides, followed by immunogold labeling. In addition, we transfected mouse C2C12 myogenic cells with constructs bearing mutated forms of the mouse MRP RNA gene and compared the relative abundance of the resulting transcripts to that of control RNAs within whole cell and mitochondrial fractions. In the former analysis we observed preferential localization of MRP RNA to nucleoli and mitochondria in comparison to the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. In the latter series of studies we observed that wild-type MRP RNA partitions to the mitochondrial fraction by comparison to other RNA transcripts that are localized to the extramitochondrial cytoplasmic space (28S rRNA) or to the nucleoplasm (U1 snRNA). Deletions within 5' or 3' regions of the MRP RNA gene produced transcripts that remain competent for mitochondrial targeting. In contrast, deletion of the midportion of the coding region (nt 118 to 175) of the MRP RNA gene resulted in transcripts that fail to partition to the mitochondrial fraction. We conclude that an authentic intramitochondrial pool of MRP RNA is present in these actively respiring cells, and that specific structural determinants within the MRP RNA molecule permit it to be partitioned to mitochondria

    Quantitative X-ray microradiography for high-throughput phenotyping of osteoarthritis in mice

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    Objective To investigate and validate digital X-ray microradiography as a novel, high-throughput and cost-effective screening approach to identify abnormal joint phenotypes in mice. Method Digital X-ray microradiography was used to quantify the subchondral bone mineral content (BMC) in the medial tibial plateau. Accuracy and reproducibility of the method were determined in 22 samples from C57BL/6(B6Brd;B6Dnk;B6N-Tyrc-Brd) wild-type mice. The method was then validated in wild-type mice that had undergone surgical destabilisation of medial meniscus (DMM) and in a genetically modified mouse strain with an established increase in trabecular bone mass. Results The measurement of subchondral BMC by digital X-ray microradiography had a coefficient of variation of 3.6%. Digital X-ray microradiography was able to demonstrate significantly increased subchondral BMC in the medial tibial plateau of male mice 4 and 8 weeks after DMM surgery and in female mice 8 weeks after surgery. Furthermore, digital X-ray microradiography also detected the increase in subchondral BMC in a genetically modified mouse strain with high trabecular bone mass. Conclusion Quantitation of subchondral BMC by digital X-ray microradiography is a rapid, sensitive and cost-effective method to identify abnormal joint phenotypes in mice of both genders at several ages