1,051 research outputs found

    The development of norms of pediatric interpupillary distance

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    Interpupillary distances (PDs) were measured on 220 Caucasian children, newborn to six years of age, at fixation distances of 3 m and 40 em. A photographic method was used to determine the distance between the corneal light reflexes provided by the camera flash. The subjects were divided into six groups based on age. The average PDs (mm) for each age group were: Group 1 (newborn-11 months): NA/40.5; Group 2 (12-23 months): 46.5/43.0; Group 3 (24-35 months): 47.5/43.5; Group 4 (36-47 months): 49.5/46.0; Group 5 (48-59 months): 51.0/46.5; Group 6 (60-71 months): 51.0/46.5; far/near respectively

    Biomechanical Evaluation of fracture Fixation Constructs using a Variable-angle Locked Periprosthetic Femur Plate System

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    BackgroundIn the United States there are more than 230,000 total hip replacements annually, and periprosthetic femoral fractures occur in 0.1–4.5% of those patients. The majority of these fractures occur at the tip of the stem (Vancouver type B1). The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanically stability and strength of three fixation constructs and identify the most desirable construct.MethodsFifteen medium adult synthetic femurs were implanted with a hip prosthesis and were osteotomized in an oblique plane at the level of the implant tip to simulate a Vancouver type B1 periprosthetic fracture. Fractures were fixed with a non-contact bridging periprosthetic proximal femur plate (Zimmer, Inc., Warsaw, IN). Three proximal fixation methods were used: Group 1, bicortical screws; Group 2, unicortical screws and one cerclage cable; and Group 3, three cerclage cables. Distally, all groups had bicortical screws. Biomechanical testing was performed using an axial-torsional testing machine in three different loading modalities (axial compression, lateral bending, and torsional/sagittal bending), next in axial cyclic loading to 10,000 cycles, again in the three loading modalities, and finally to failure in torsional/sagittal bending.ResultsGroup 1 had significantly greater load to failure and was significantly stiffer in torsional/sagittal bending than Groups 2 and 3. After cyclic loading, Group 2 had significantly greater axial stiffness than Groups 1 and 3. There was no difference between the three groups in lateral bending stiffness. The average energy absorbed during cyclic loading was significantly lower in Group 2 than in Groups 1 and 3.ConclusionsBicortical screw placement achieved the highest load to failure and the highest torsional/sagittal bending stiffness. Additional unicortical screws improved axial stiffness when using cable fixation. Lateral bending was not influenced by differences in proximal fixation.Clinical RelevanceTo treat periprosthetic fractures, bicortical screw placement should be attempted to maximize load to failure and torsional/sagittal bending stiffness

    The expression of epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-α mRNA in the small intestine of suckling rats: organ culture study

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    AbstractEpidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) are associated with regulation of various gastrointestinal functions. In order to better understand their role in developing small intestine EGF, TGF-α and EGF-R steady-state mRNA levels and transcript stability were determined. Reverse transcription (RT) competitive-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed that intestinal TGF-α mRNA levels were 10-fold higher in comparison with EGF mRNA. The primary intestinal culture technique was used to evaluate mRNA stability. The stability of TGF-α mRNA was remarkably lower than the stability of EGF mRNA. High levels of TGF-α mRNA accompanied by high degradation rate of this mRNA suggested a rapid turnover of intestinal TGF-α mRNA

    Ichthyosis in Sjögren–Larsson syndrome reflects defective barrier function due to abnormal lamellar body structure and secretion

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    Sjögren–Larsson syndrome is a genetic disease characterized by ichthyosis, mental retardation, spasticity and mutations in the ALDH3A2 gene coding for fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase, an enzyme necessary for oxidation of fatty aldehydes and fatty alcohols. We investigated the cutaneous abnormalities in 9 patients with Sjögren–Larsson syndrome to better understand how the enzymatic deficiency results in epidermal dysfunction. Histochemical staining for aldehyde oxidizing activity was profoundly reduced in the epidermis. Colloidal lanthanum perfusion studies showed abnormal movement of tracer into the extracellular spaces of the stratum corneum consistent with a leaky water barrier. The barrier defect could be attributed to the presence of abnormal lamellar bodies, many with disrupted limiting membranes or lacking lamellar contents. Entombed lamellar bodies were present in the cytoplasm of corneocytes suggesting blockade of lamellar body secretion. At the stratum granulosum–stratum corneum interface, non-lamellar material displaced or replaced secreted lamellar membranes, and in the stratum corneum, the number of lamellar bilayers declined and lamellar membrane organization was disrupted by foci of lamellar/non-lamellar phase separation. These studies demonstrate the presence of a permeability barrier abnormality in Sjögren–Larsson syndrome, which localizes to the stratum corneum interstices and can be attributed to abnormalities in lamellar body formation and secretion

    Criteria for effective design, construction, and gene knockdown by shRNA vectors

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    BACKGROUND: RNA interference (RNAi) technology is a powerful methodology recently developed for the specific knockdown of targeted genes. RNAi is most commonly achieved either transiently by transfection of small interfering (si) RNA oligonucleotides, or stably using short hairpin (sh) RNA expressed from a DNA vector or virus. Much controversy has surrounded the development of rules for the design of effective siRNA oligonucleotides; and whether these rules apply to shRNA is not well characterized. RESULTS: To determine whether published algorithms for siRNA oligonucleotide design apply to shRNA, we constructed 27 shRNAs from 11 human genes expressed stably using retroviral vectors. We demonstrate an efficient method for preparing wild-type and mutant control shRNA vectors simultaneously using oligonucleotide hybrids. We show that sequencing through shRNA vectors can be problematic due to the intrinsic secondary structure of the hairpin, and we determine a strategy for effective sequencing by using a combination of modified BigDye chemistries and DNA relaxing agents. The efficacy of knockdown for the 27 shRNA vectors was evaluated against six published algorithms for siRNA oligonucleotide design. Our results show that none of the scoring algorithms can explain a significant percentage of variance in shRNA knockdown efficacy as assessed by linear regression analysis or ROC curve analysis. Application of a modification based on the stability of the 6 central bases of each shRNA provides fair-to-good predictions of knockdown efficacy for three of the algorithms. Analysis of an independent set of data from 38 shRNAs pooled from previous publications confirms these findings. CONCLUSION: The use of mixed oligonucleotide pairs provides a time and cost efficient method of producing wild type and mutant control shRNA vectors. The addition to sequencing reactions of a combination of mixed dITP/dGTP chemistries and DNA relaxing agents enables read through the intrinsic secondary structure of problematic shRNA vectors. Six published algorithms for siRNA oligonucleotide design that were tested in this study show little or no efficacy at predicting shRNA knockdown outcome. However, application of a modification based on the central shRNA stability should provide a useful improvement to the design of effective shRNA vectors

    Pathogenesis of the cutaneous phenotype in inherited disorders of cholesterol metabolism: Therapeutic implications for topical treatment of these disorders

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    Molecular geneticists tend to conceptualize disease pathogenesis from the mutated gene outward, an approach that does not take into account the impact of barrier requirements in determining disease phenotype. An ‘outside-to-inside’ perspective has provided quite different explanations for the ichthyoses, including several of the disorders of distal cholesterol metabolism. Elucidation of responsible pathogenic mechanisms also is pointing to appropriate, pathogenesis (pathway)-based therapeutic strategies. In the case of the lipid metabolic disorders, it takes full advantage of new molecular, genetic and cellular pathogenesis information to correct or bypass the metabolic abnormality. This approach fully exploits the unique accessibility of the skin to a topical approach. Moreover, since it will utilize topical lipids and lipid-soluble, and often generic, lipid-soluble drugs, these treatments should be readily transported across the stratum corneum. If successful, this approach could initiate an entirely new departure for the therapy of the ichthyoses. Finally, because these agents are relatively safe and inexpensive, this form of treatment has the potential to be widely-deployed, even in the developing world

    Direct Observations of the Ionizing Star in the UC HII Region G29.96-0.02: A Strong Constraint on the Stellar Birth Line for Massive Stars

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    We have observed the ultracompact HII region G29.96-0.02 in the near infrared J, H, and K bands and in the Br-gamma line. By comparison with radio observations, we determine that the extinction to the nebula is AK = 2.14 with a 3 sigma uncertainty of 0.25. We identify the ionizing star and determine its intrinsic K magnitude. The star does not have an infrared excess and so appears to be no longer accreting. The K magnitude and the bolometric luminosity allow us to place limits on the location of the ionizing star in the HR diagram. The 3 sigma upper limit on the effective temperature of the ionizing star is 42500 K. We favor a luminosity appropriate for star with a mass in excess of about 60 solar masses. The limit on the temperature and luminosity exclude stars on the ZAMS and stars within 10^6 yr of the ZAMS. Since the age of the UC HII region is estimated to be only about 10^5 yr, we suggest that this is direct evidence that the stellar birth line for massive stars at twice solar metallicity must be significantly redder than the ZAMS.Comment: 42 pages; LaTex; 11 Postscript figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Fetal Epidermal Differentiation and Barrier Development In Vivo is Accelerated by Nuclear Hormone Receptor Activators1

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    Nuclear receptors which interact with the retinoid X receptor are involved in the regulation of epidermal differentiation and development. We have recently shown that activators of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor and of the farnesoid X-activated receptor accelerate epidermal barrier maturation in fetal rat skin in vitro. In this study we asked whether cutaneous development in utero was affected by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor or farnesoid X-activated receptor activators, or by an activator of another retinoid X receptor partner, liver X receptor. Activators of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (clofibrate or linoleic acid), farnesoid X-activated receptor (farnesol or juvenile hormone III), or liver X receptor (22R-hydroxycholesterol), were injected into the amniotic fluid of fetal rats on gestational day 17. Fetal epidermal barrier function and morphology was assessed on day 19. Whereas vehicle-treated fetal rats displayed no measurable barrier (transepidermal water loss > 10 mg per cm2 per h), a measurable barrier was induced by the intra-amniotic administration of all activators tested (transepidermal water loss range 4.0–8.5 mg per cm2 per h). By light microscopy, control pups lacked a well-defined stratum corneum, whereas a distinct stratum corneum and a thickened stratum granulosum were present in treated pups. By electron microscopy, the extracellular spaces of the stratum corneum in control pups revealed a paucity of mature lamellar unit structures, whereas these structures filled the stratum corneum interstices in treated pups. Additionally, protein and mRNA levels of loricrin and filaggrin, two structural proteins of stratum corneum, were increased in treated epidermis, as were the activities of two lipid catabolic enzymes critical to stratum corneum function, β-glucocerebrosidase and steroid sulfatase. Finally, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α and -δ and liver X receptor-α and -β mRNAs were detected in fetal epidermis by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction and northern analyses. The presence of these receptors and the ability of their activators to stimulate epidermal barrier and stratum corneum development suggest a physiologic role for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor and liver X receptor and their endogenous ligands in the regulation of cutaneous development

    The Steady State Fluctuation Relation for the Dissipation Function

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    We give a proof of transient fluctuation relations for the entropy production (dissipation function) in nonequilibrium systems, which is valid for most time reversible dynamics. We then consider the conditions under which a transient fluctuation relation yields a steady state fluctuation relation for driven nonequilibrium systems whose transients relax, producing a unique nonequilibrium steady state. Although the necessary and sufficient conditions for the production of a unique nonequilibrium steady state are unknown, if such a steady state exists, the generation of the steady state fluctuation relation from the transient relation is shown to be very general. It is essentially a consequence of time reversibility and of a form of decay of correlations in the dissipation, which is needed also for, e.g., the existence of transport coefficients. Because of this generality the resulting steady state fluctuation relation has the same degree of robustness as do equilibrium thermodynamic equalities. The steady state fluctuation relation for the dissipation stands in contrast with the one for the phase space compression factor, whose convergence is problematic, for systems close to equilibrium. We examine some model dynamics that have been considered previously, and show how they are described in the context of this work.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Physical Activity Across the Curriculum (PAAC): a randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity and diminish overweight and obesity in elementary school children

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    Objective Physical Activity Across the Curriculum (PAAC) was a three-year cluster randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity and diminish increases in overweight and obesity in elementary school children. Methods Twenty-four elementary schools were cluster randomized to the PAAC intervention or served as control. All children in grades two and three were followed to grades four and five. PAAC promoted 90 minutes/wk of moderate to vigorous intensity physically active academic lessons delivered by classroom teachers. BMI was the primary outcome, daily PA and academic achievement were secondary outcomes. Results The three-year change in BMI for PAAC was 2.0 ± 1.9 and control 1.9 ± 1.9, respectively (NS). However, change in BMI from baseline to three years was significantly influenced by exposure to PAAC. Schools with ≥75 minutes of PAAC/wk showed significantly less increase in BMI at three years compared to schools that had <75 minutes of PAAC (1.8 ± 1.8 vs. 2.4 ± 2.0, p=0.02). PAAC schools had significantly greater changes in daily PA and academic achievement scores. Conclusions The PAAC approach may promote daily PA and academic achievement in elementary school children. Additionally, 75 minutes of PAAC activities may attenuate increases in BMI