931 research outputs found

    Continental Scale Modelling of Water Quality in Rivers

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    Global and continental scale modelling has been confined to water quantity (e.g. WaterGAP - Water Global Assessment and Prognosis (Alcamo et al. 2003), GWAVA - Global Water AVailability Assessment (Meigh et al, 1999)). Here we describe an approach to include water quality at these scales within the WaterGAP model. The application is to the pan-European area and is being carried out within the EU-funded SCENES Project which has the principal goal of developing new scenarios of the future of freshwater resources in Europe. The model operates on 5x5 arc-minute grid squares. Water flows in and between grid cells are provided by WaterGAP. The water quality loadings into the river system comprise point sources (domestic effluent, manufacturing discharges and urban runoff) and diffuse sources (runoff from land and scattered settlements not connected to the public sewerage system). Point source loadings are calculated for each country using easily available datasets. For example, the domestic load is a per capita emission factor times by country population multiplied by the percentage of the population connected to the sewage system, which is then reduced by the amount removed in each of three types of sewage treatment (primary, secondary and tertiary). Data on the amount treated in different types of sewage works is set for each country, while the amount removed by treatment types will vary with the water quality variable being modelled. Country level data is converted to grid square data required by the model, according to the population in each grid square. Diffuse sources from land are calculated by regression models based on runoff and land use (e.g. numbers of livestock) for each model grid square. The modelling system has currently been set up to simulate biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total dissolved solids. The model was tested against measured longitudinal profiles and time series data for BOD on contrasting rivers e.g. the River Thames (UK) driven by domestic loading and the River Ebro (Spain) with a high share of discharges from livestock farming. Further developments will see the inclusion of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved oxygen. Within the SCENES project a set of future scenarios reflecting different outlooks on Europe has been developed, called “Economy First”, “Fortress Europe”, “Sustainability Eventually” and “Policy Rules”. An Expert Panel was used to suggest what these futures would mean for drivers of water quantity and water quality across pan-Europe. We have projected how changes in percentage population connected to sewers, the level of sewage treatment and population would change loadings from domestic effluent for TN, TP and BOD. In time, these will be used to predict future water quality in European rivers

    Individual Values and SME Environmental Engagement

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    We study the values on which managers of small and medium-sized enterprises draw when constructing their personal and organizational-level engagement with environmental issues, particularly climate change. Values play an important mediating role in business environmental engagement but relatively little research has been conducted on individual values in smaller organizations. Using the Schwartz Value System (SVS) as a framework for a qualitative analysis, we identify four ‘ideal-types’ of SME managers and provide rich descriptions of the ways in which values shape their constructions of environmental engagement. In contrast to previous research, which is framed around a binary divide between self-enhancing and self-transcending values, our typology distinguishes between individuals drawing primarily on Power or on Achievement values, and indicates how a combination of Achievement and Benevolence values is particularly significant in shaping environmental engagement. This demonstrates the theoretical usefulness of focusing on a complete range of values. Implications for policy and practice are discussed

    Patient-reported physical activity questionnaires: A systematic review of content and format

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    Many patients with chronic illness are limited in their physical activities. This systematic review evaluates the content and format of patient-reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires that measure physical activity in elderly and chronically ill populations.status: publishe

    Death receptor 3 (TNFRSF25) increases mineral apposition by osteoblasts and region specific new bone formation in the axial skeleton of male DBA/1 mice

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    Fraser L. Collins and this work were funded by an Arthritis Research UK PhD studentship (Grant Code: 18598) awarded to Anwen S. Williams, Eddie C. Y. Wang, and Michael D. Stone. Eddie C. Y. Wang was additionally funded by MRC Project Grant G0901119. Funding for open access was kindly provided by Cardiff University.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A quantitative evaluation of the extent of fluralaner uptake by ticks (Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes scapularis) in fluralaner (Bravecto TM ) treated vs. untreated dogs using the parameters tick weight and coxal index

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    Background Fluralaner is a new antiparasitic drug that was recently introduced as Bravecto TM chewable tablets for the treatment of tick and flea infestations in dogs. Most marketed tick products exert their effect via topical application and contact exposure to the parasite. In contrast, Bravecto TM delivers its acaricidal activity through systemic exposure. Tick exposure to fluralaner occurs after attachment to orally treated dogs, which induces a tick-killing effect within 12 h. The fast onset of killing lasts over the entire treatment interval (12 weeks) and suggests that only marginal uptake by ticks is required to induce efficacy. Three laboratory studies were conducted to quantify the extent of uptake by comparison of ticks’ weight and coxal index obtained from Bravecto TM -treated and negative-control dogs. Methods Three studies were conducted using experimental tick infestation with either Ixodes ricinus or Ixodes scapularis after oral administration of fluralaner to dogs. All studies included a treated (Bravecto TM chewable tablets, MSD Animal Health) and a negative control group. Each study had a similar design for assessing vitality and weighing of ticks collected from dogs of both groups. Additionally, in one study the coxal index (I. ricinus) was calculated as a ratio of tick’s ventral coxal gap and dorsal width of scutum. Tick weight data and coxal indices from Bravecto TM -treated and negative-control groups were compared via statistical analysis. Results Ticks collected from Bravecto TM -treated dogs weighed significantly less (p ≀ 0.0108) than ticks collected from negative-control dogs, and their coxal index was also significantly lower (p < 0.0001). The difference in tick weights was demonstrated irrespective of the tick species investigated (I. ricinus, I. scapularis). At some assessments the mean tick weights of Bravecto TM -treated dogs were significantly lower than those of unfed pre-infestation (baseline) ticks. The demonstrated tick-killing efficacy was in the range of 94.6 – 100 %. Conclusions Tick weights and coxal indices confirm that a minimal uptake results in a sufficient exposure of ticks to fluralaner (Bravecto TM ) and consequently in a potent acaricidal effect

    Prognosis Does not Change the Landscape: Palliative Home Care Clients Experience High Rates of Pain and Nausea, Regardless of Prognosis

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    Background: Most individuals who typically receive palliative care (PC) tend to have cancer and a relatively short prognosis (\u3c 6 months). People with other life-limiting illnesses can also benefit from a palliative care approach. However, little is known about those who receive palliative home care in Ontario, Canada\u27s largest province. To address this gap, the goal of this project was to understand the needs, symptoms and potential differences between those with a shorter (\u3c 6 months) and longer prognosis (6+ months) for individuals receiving PC in the community. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted using interRAI Palliative Care (interRAI PC) assessment data collected between 2011 and 2018. Individuals with a shorter prognosis (\u3c 6 months; n = 48,019 or 64.1%) were compared to those with a longer prognosis (6+ months; n = 26,945) across several clinical symptoms. The standardized difference (stdiff), between proportions, was calculated to identify statistically meaningful differences between those with a shorter and longer prognosis. Values of the stdiff of 0.2 or higher (absolute value) indicated a statistically significant difference. Results: Overall, cancer was the most prevalent diagnosis (83.2%). Those with a shorter prognosis were significantly more likely to experience fatigue (75.3% vs. 59.5%; stdiff = 0.34) and shortness of breath at rest (22.1% vs. 13.4%; stdiff = 0.23). However, the two groups were similar in terms of severe pain (73.5% vs. 66.5%; stdiff = - 0.15), depressive symptoms (13.2% vs. 10.7%; stdiff = 0.08) and nausea (35.7% vs. 29.4%; stdiff = 0.13). Conclusions: These results highlight the importance of earlier identification of individuals who could benefit from a palliative approach to their care as individuals with a longer prognosis also experience high rates of symptoms such as pain and nausea. Providing PC earlier in the illness trajectory has the potential to improve an individual\u27s overall quality of life throughout the duration of their illness

    User-centered development of a Virtual Research Environment to support collaborative research events

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    This paper discusses the user-centred development process within the Collaborative Research Events on the Web (CREW) project, funded under the JISC Virtual Research Environments (VRE) programme. After presenting the project, its aims and the functionality of the CREW VRE, we focus on the user engagement approach, grounded in the method of co-realisation. We describe the different research settings and requirements of our three embedded user groups and the respective activities conducted so far. Finally we elaborate on the main challenges of our user engagement approach and end with the project’s next steps
