158 research outputs found

    Factores que influyen en el ingreso de los productores de durazno en la provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador

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    [EN] Tungurahua province has conditions suitable for growing deciduous fruit trees such as peach (Prunus persica L). This research aimed to identify the main factors influencing the production of this fruit crop and their effect on farmers income. Surveys were carried out directly to peach farmers in seven counties of Tungurahua such as Ambato, Cevallos, Mocha, Patate, Pelileo, Píllaro and Tisaleo. The results indicated that the most relevant factors were: farmer age, sown area, fruit selection, reason for fruit growing, type of production and production issues.[ES] La provincia de Tungurahua posee condiciones adecuadas para cultivar frutales caducifolios como el durazno (Prunus persica L.). Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar los principales factores que influyen en la producción e inciden en la generación de ingresos económicos al agricultor. En-cuestas fueron realizadas directamente a los productores de durazno en siete cantones de Tungurahua como son Ambato, Cevallos, Mocha, Patate, Pelileo, Píllaro y Tisaleo. Los resultados indicaron que los factores más relevantes fueron: edad del productor, superficie sembrada, selección de la fruta, razón para cultivar frutales, tipo de producción e inconvenientes de producción.Viera, W.; Viera, A.; Martínez, A.; Jácome, R.; Ayala, G.; Sotomayor, A.; Galarza, D.... (2018). Factors influencing peach farmer income in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 17(2):133-141. doi:10.7201/earn.2017.02.06SWORD13314117

    Cross-sectional survey of Good Samaritan behaviour by physicians in North Carolina

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    ObjectiveTo assess the responses of physicians to providing emergency medical assistance outside of routine clinical care. We assessed the percentage who reported previous Good Samaritan behaviour, their responses to hypothetical situations, their comfort providing specific interventions and the most likely reason they would not intervene.SettingPhysicians residing in North Carolina.ParticipantsConvenience sample of 1000 licensed physicians.InterventionMailed survey.DesignCross-sectional study conducted May 2015 to September 2015.Main outcome and measuresWillingness of physicians to act as Good Samaritans as determined by the last opportunity to intervene in an out-of-office emergency.ResultsThe adjusted response rate was 26.1% (253/970 delivered). 4 out of 5 physicians reported previous opportunities to act as Good Samaritans. Approximately, 93% reported acting as a Good Samaritan during their last opportunity. There were no differences in this outcome between sexes, practice setting, specialty type or experience level. Doctors with greater perceived knowledge of Good Samaritan law were more likely to have intervened during a recent opportunity (p=0.02). The most commonly cited reason for potentially not intervening was that another health provider had taken charge.ConclusionsWe found the frequency of Good Samaritan behaviour among physicians to be much higher than reported in previous studies. Greater helping behaviour was exhibited by those who expressed more familiarity with Good Samaritan law. These findings suggest that physicians may respond to legal protections

    Rol de los microorganismos benéficos en la Agricultura Sustentable

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    Currently, there is a worldwide trend to develop "sustainable agriculture" in order to reduce the use of chemical pesticides that pollute the environment (air, soil and water) and promote the use of beneficial microorganisms in the different production systems, but that have not been considered within the crop agronomic management plans or as a component of the crop integrated management1. Sustainable agriculture aims to produce a sufficient amount of food to meet current and future demand through the efficient use of natural resources, in order to generate income for the farmer, produce clean products with less impact on the environment.Actualmente a nivel mundial existe la tendencia de desarrollar una “agricultura sustentable” con la finalidad de reducir el uso de pesticidas químicos que contaminan el medio ambiente (aire, suelo y agua) y promover el uso de microorganismos benéficos en los distintos sistemas productivos, pero que no han sido considerados dentro de los planes de manejo agronómico del cultivo o como un componente del manejo integrado del cultivo1.La agricultura sustentable tiene como objetivo producir una cantidad suficiente de alimentos para satisfacer la demanda actual y futura mediante el uso eficiente de los recursos naturales, con la finalidad de generar ingresos para el agricultor, producir productos limpios y con menor impacto al medio ambiente

    Determinant aspects of the deciduous fruit production in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador

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    The province of Tungurahua is well known for the production of deciduous fruit trees in Ecuador, however, its production is impacted by some issues that affect productivity. The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a diagnosis of the production system of deciduous fruit trees in 6 locations in Tungurahua province. Surveys were carried out to obtain information on 117 production units (farms). A regression model was used to determine the relationship between the variables and their incidence in the production system. The results showed that peach (Prunus persica) is the fruit crop with highest yield (16.19 t ha-1), followed by apple (Malus domestica) (13.36 t ha-1) and pear (Pyrus communis) (13.15 t ha-1). Apple cultivars Emilia and Golden Delicious, cv. Uvilla of pear and Conservero Amarillo of peach were the most cultivated in Tungurahua. The main factors that influenced the farmer income were: Land area used for cultivation, reason for growing fruit trees, age of the producer, fruit selection and type of production. It is necessary to advocate to expand the cultivated land area of these fruit crops in order to satisfy local demand and compete with imports of these fruits

    Determinant aspects of the deciduous fruit production in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador

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    The province of Tungurahua is well known for the production of deciduous fruit trees in Ecuador, however, its production is impacted by some issues that affect productivity. The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a diagnosis of the production system of deciduous fruit trees in 6 locations in Tungurahua province. Surveys were carried out to obtain information on 117 production units (farms). A regression model was used to determine the relationship between the variables and their incidence in the production system. The results showed that peach (Prunus persica) is the fruit crop with highest yield (16.19 t ha-1), followed by apple (Malus domestica) (13.36 t ha-1) and pear (Pyrus communis) (13.15 t ha-1). Apple cultivars Emilia and Golden Delicious, cv. Uvilla of pear and Conservero Amarillo of peach were the most cultivated in Tungurahua. The main factors that influenced the farmer income were: Land area used for cultivation, reason for growing fruit trees, age of the producer, fruit selection and type of production. It is necessary to advocate to expand the cultivated land area of these fruit crops in order to satisfy local demand and compete with imports of these fruits

    Pensar e protagonizar o envelher saudável com foco na Qualidade de Vida: Um relato de experiências

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.A elevação da expectativa de vida e a complexidade do mundo contemporâneo conduzem à necessidade de adoção de comportamentos compatíveis com as novas demandas e exigências sociais, buscando o desenvolvimento de capacidades cognitivas, emocionais, afetivas, criativas e de interação social. O objetivo deste projeto é viabilizar o estudo e produção de conhecimentos sobre o processo d

    Technological alternatives for the control of Botrytis sp. In Andean blackberry (Rubus glaucus)

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    The Andean blackberry crop (Rubus glaucus) is very important for the farmers, since they must implement cultural practices that allow reducing the use of synthetic pesticides. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of different technological alternatives for the control of Botrytis sp. in the blackberry crop. The treatments were: 1: Absolute control (silwet+water), 2: Traditional chemical treatment (Carbendazim), 3: Mirtaceae extract (Iridium®), 4: Bacterial metabolite (Balus®) and 5: Trichoderma spp. (Tricomix®). The applications were carried out every 15 days for the synthetic product and every 8 days for the biologicals, organic and the control. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used with 3 repetitions and Tukey test at 5 % were made. The studied variables were botrytis incidence (%), yield (g/plot), weight (g), polar and equatorial diameter (mm), firmness (N), total soluble solids (Brix), titratable acidity (% citric acid) and pH (log H+). Throughout a weekly incidence analysis, it was possibly to identify that the Carbendazim, Trichoderma spp. and mirtaceae extract had a better control in the incidence of Botrytis sp. in the blackberry fruit

    Parasitism of the root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) chitwood in five wild Solanaceae species

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    There is a high incidence of the nematode Meloidogyne incognita in several economically important species of Solanaceae. This nematode causes damage to the roots, leading even to the death ofthe plant, causing economic losses for the producer. This research was carried out in greenhouse to assess the response of five species of wild Solanaceae (Solanum auriculatum, S.hirtum, S.hispidum,S.arboreum and Nicotiana glauca) to the infestation of M. incognita was evaluated. A randomized block design with three replicates was used. The initial inoculum was obtained from infested roots of treetomato (S. betaceum Cav.), which was propagated in kidney tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) hibrid ‘Sheila’ which was used to inoculate the wild Solanaceae plus two susceptible controls (S. betaceum and S. quitoense) were inoculated with a dose of 2500 larvae. According to the reproduction factor of the nematode, S. arboreum, S. hirtum and N. glauca showed resistance because obtained values less than 1. In addition, S. hirtum (14.88) and N. glauca (22.67) showed the lowest number of root knots. In terms of foliage yield (dry weight), a response of tolerance was observed in all species except for the controls. It can be concluded that S. hirtum (compatible with S. quitoense - naranjilla) and N. glauca (compatible with S. betaceum - tree tomato) might be used as rootstocks of Solanaceae fruit crops of commercial importance in Ecuador, contributing to the integrated fruit production system.Existe una alta incidencia del nematodo Meloidogyne incognita en varias especies Solanáceas de importancia económica. Este nematodo causa daño a las raíces, llevando incluso a la muertede la planta, causando pérdidas económicas para el productor. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en invernadero para evaluar la respuesta de cinco especies de solanáceas silvestres (Solanumauriculatum, S. hirtum, S. hispidum, S. arboreum y Nicotiana glauca) a la infestación de M. incognita. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar con tres repeticiones. Se obtuvo el inóculo inicial de raíces infestadas de tomate de árbol (S. betaceum Cav.), el cual se propagó en tomate riñón (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) híbrido ‘Sheila’ y se inoculó las Solanáceas silvestres más dos controles susceptibles (S. betaceum y S. quitoense) con una dosis de 2500 larvas. De acuerdo al factor de reproducción del nematodo, S. arboreum, S. hirtum y N. glauca presentaron resistencia porque obtuvieron valores menor a 1. Además, S. hirtum (14,88) y N. glauca (22,67) presentaron el menor número de agallas en las raíces. En términos de rendimiento de follaje (peso seco), se observó una respuesta de tolerancia en todas las especies excepto en las plantas control. Se puede concluir que S. hirtum (compatiblecon S. quitoense - naranjilla) y N. glauca (compatible con tomate de árbol -S. betaceum) podrían ser utilizados como portainjertos de Solanáceas de importancia comercial en Ecuador

    Early testing on S1 lines of black corn (Zea mays L.) from the Ecuadorian highlands

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm from the Ecuadorian Higlands has low tolerance to inbreeding especially in starchy cultivars. To create competitive varieties at the commercial level it is necessary to identify outstanding progenitor lines by early testing. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the yield potential of S1 lines of black corn by early testing. The experiment was conducted at the “Tunshi” Experiment Station, Licto parish, Chimborazo province, Ecuador using a complete random block design with four replications. Twenty-four treatments were evaluated, each consisting of an S1 line of black corn. Agronomic traits were registered and the percentage of inbreeding depression was calculated. The lines presented statistical differences (P ≤ 0.05) in the variables days to male and female flowering, plant height, ear height, leaf disease, ear length, weight of 100 kernels and grain yield. All the variables showed inbreeding depression, except days to male flowering, which presented a low increase. Lines 16, 15 and 22 were the most productive with yields of 2.00; 2.08 and 1.95 t ha-1 respectively. These results allow to select lines with less depressive effects on yield produced by inbreeding, and to continue with the improvement processes of black maize