557 research outputs found

    Space Weather Monitoring for ISS Space Environments Engineering and Crew Auroral Observations

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    The awareness of potentially significant impacts of space weather on spaceand ground ]based technological systems has generated a strong desire in many sectors of government and industry to effectively transform knowledge and understanding of the variable space environment into useful tools and applications for use by those entities responsible for systems that may be vulnerable to space weather impacts. Essentially, effectively transitioning science knowledge to useful applications relevant to space weather has become important. This talk will present proven methodologies that have been demonstrated to be effective, and how in the current environment those can be applied to space weather transition efforts

    Somatosensory Deficits in Post-ACL Reconstruction Patients: A Case-Control Study

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    Introduction: Diminished cutaneous detection thresholds have been identified in patients with multiple orthopedic conditions, and these phenomena may occur in postanterior cruciate ligament reconstructed (ACLR) patients. The purpose of this study was to determine if differences in lower extremity cutaneous detection thresholds exist in post-ACLR patients when compared with healthy controls. Methods: Fifteen individuals who were post-ACLR and 15 individuals who had no history of knee injury participated. Light touch cutaneous detection thresholds were assessed at 4 locations on the foot and ankle (first metatarsal, fifth metatarsal, medial malleolus, and lateral malleolus). Nonparametric statistics examined group differences between the sites. Results: ACLR subjects had decreased cutaneous sensation at the first metatarsal and medial malleolus compared with healthy controls. Conclusions: Somatosensory deficits are present in post-ACLR patients. Future research should investigate these phenomena longitudinally in post-ACLR individuals along with somatosensory targeted interventions

    Technical Challenges Associated with In-Air Wingtip Docking of Aircraft in Forward Flight

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    Autonomous in-air wingtip docking of aircraft offers significant opportunity for system level performance gains for numerous aircraft applications. Several of the technical challenges facing wingtip docking of fixed-wing aircraft are addressed in this paper, including: close proximity aerodynamic coupling; mechanisms and operations for robust docking; and relative state estimation methods. A simulation framework considering the aerodynamics, rigid-body dynamics, and vehicle controls is developed and used to perform docking sensitivity studies for a system of two 5.5% scale NASA Generic Transport Model aircraft. Additionally, proof of- concept testing of a candidate docking mechanism designed to move the primary wingtip vortex inboard suggests the viability of such an approach for achieving robust docking

    Improving the Reporting of Primary Care Research: An International Survey of Researchers

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    PURPOSE: To assess opportunities to improve reporting of primary care (PC) research to better meet the needs of its varied users. METHODS: International, interprofessional online survey of PC researchers and users, 2018 to 2019. Respondents used Likert scales to rate frequency of difficulties in interpreting, synthesizing, and applying PC research reports. Free-text short answers were categorized by template analysis to record experiences, concerns, and suggestions. Areas of need were checked across existing reporting guidelines. RESULTS: Survey yielded 255 respondents across 24 nations, including 138 women (54.1%), 169 physicians (60%), 32 scientists (11%), 20 educators (7%), and 18 public health professionals (6%). Overall, 37.4% indicated difficulties using PC research reports "50% or more of the time." The most common problems were synthesizing findings (58%) and assessing generalizability (42%). Difficulty was reported by 49% for qualitative, 46% for mixed methods, and 38% for observational research. Most users wanted richer reporting of theoretical foundation (53.7%); teams, roles, and organization of care (53.4%); and patient involvement in the research process (52.7%). Few reported difficulties with ethics or disclosure of funding or conflicts. Free-text answers described special challenges in reporting PC research: context of clinical care and setting; practical details of interventions; patient-clinician and team relationships; and generalizability, applicability and impact in the great variety of PC settings. Cross-check showed that few current reporting guidelines focus on these needs. CONCLUSIONS: Opportunities exist to improve the reporting of PC research to make it more useful for its many users, suggesting a role for a PC research reporting guideline

    Development of Silica-Immobilized Vaccines for Improving Thermo-Tolerance and Shelf-Life

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    Introduction. It is estimated that 50% of vaccines produced annu- ally are wasted because effectivity is dependent on protein structure and heat exposure disrupts the intermolecular interactions that maintain this structure. Since 90% of vaccines require a temperature- controlled supply chain, it is necessary to create a cold chain system to minimize vaccine waste. We have developed a more sustainable technology via the adsorption of Invasion Plasmid Antigen D (IpaD) onto mesoporous silica gels, improving the thermal stability of pro- tein-based therapeutics. Methods.xThe solution depletion method using UV-Vis was uti- lized to study the adsorption of IpaD onto silica gels. The silica-IpaD complex is heated above the denaturing temperature of the protein and then the IpaD is removed using N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine N-oxide (LDAO) and their secondary structure is tested using cir- cular dichroism (CD). Results. Pore diameter, pore volume and surface area were charac- terized for seven different silica gels. Silica gels designated as 6389, 6378, and 6375 had an adsorption percentage above 95% at pore volumes of 2.2, 2.8 and 3.8 cm3 mg-1, respectively. CD analyses con- firmed that the adsorbed IpaD after the heat treatment displayed a similar “W” shape CD signal as the native IpaD, indicating the con- servation of α-helices. In contrast, the unprotected IpaD after being exposed to high temperature shows a flat CD signal, demonstrating the loss of secondary structure. Conclusion. We have successfully increased the thermo-tolerance for IpaD using mesoporous silica and continue to further optimize mesoporous silica’s physiochemical properties to improve adsorption and desorption yields