7 research outputs found

    The use of frames in knowledge-based systems : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University

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    The general aim of this study was to investigate the use of frames as a means of representing knowledge in computer knowledge-based systems. This thesis examines the application of frames to two particular situations, the playing of an opening bid in Bridge, and the recognition of birds from field observations. The Frame Representation Language FRL was used in the implementation of the two different systems. Three aspects of frames are investigated the problems of matching two different frames; the problems of structuring frame systems for searching; and the problem of improving the interface between the frame system and the user of the knowldege base. A comparison is also made of frames with other methods of knowledge representation such as production systems and semantic networks. Finally, further areas of research into the use of frames are suggested such as the extension of frame matching, research into the aspects of knowledge representation and application of frames to specific problems

    Alpha Multipliers Breadth-First Search Technique for Resource Discovery in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Resource discovery in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks is important in the field of grid computing. Breadth-first search (BFS) is widely used for resource discovery in unstructured P2P networks. The technique is proven to return as many search results as possible. However, the network cost of the technique is high due to the flooding of query messages that can degenerate the performance of the whole network. The objective of this study is to optimise the BFS technique, so that it will produce good search results without flooding the network with unnecessary walkers. Several resource discovery techniques used in unstructured P2P networks are discussed and categorised. P2P simulators that are used for P2P network experiments were studied in accordance to their characteristics such as, scalability, extensibility and support status. Several network topology generators were also scrutinised and selected in order to find out the most real-life like network generation model for unstructured P2P experiments. Multiple combinations of five-tuple alpha multipliers have been experimented to find out the best set to make -BFS. In our test, the -BFS increases the query efficiency of the conventional BFS from 55.67% to 63.15%

    Tracking the Fine Scale Movements of Fish using Autonomous Maritime Robotics: A Systematic State of the Art Review

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    This paper provides a systematic state of the art review on tracking the fine scale movements of fish with the use of autonomous maritime robotics. Knowledge of migration patterns and the localization of specific species of fish at a given time is vital to many aspects of conservation. This paper reviews these technologies and provides insight into what systems are being used and why. The review results show that a larger amount of complex systems that use a deep learning techniques are used over more simplistic approaches to the design. Most results found in the study involve Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, which generally require the most complex array of sensors. The results also provide insight into future research such as methods involving swarm intelligence, which has seen an increase in use in recent years. This synthesis of current and future research will be helpful to research teams working to create an autonomous vehicle with intentions to track, navigate or survey

    Artificial intelligence : Excercises I- Agents and environment

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    s.l.165 p.; 29 c

    Elementos para uma história da neuroascese Elements for a history of neuroascese

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    O espetacular progresso das neurociências e o intenso processo de popularização, via mídia, de imagens e informações que associam a atividade cerebral a praticamente todos os aspectos da vida produzem, no imaginário social, crescente percepção do cérebro como detentor das propriedades e autor das ações que definem o que é ser alguém. Nesse contexto sociocultural, aumenta o interesse pela neuroascese, isto é, discursos e práticas a respeito de como agir sobre o cérebro para maximizar sua performance. Com o objetivo de traçar alguns elementos da história da ascese cerebral, resgatam-se momentos históricos do século XIX em que práticas neuroascéticas eram comuns. O artigo problematiza a continuidade dessas práticas na atualidade, levando em conta os diferentes contextos socioculturais e históricos nos quais se originam.<br>The spectacular progress of the neurosciences, as well as the intense process of popularization by the media of images and information that associate cerebral activity with practically every aspect of life, have produced a growing perception of the brain as the site and agent of all the properties and actions that define us as human beings. Today's socio-cultural context has seen increased interest in 'neuroascese', that is, discourses and practices aimed at maximizing brain performance. Tracing elements of the history of 'brain ascese' back to historical moments of the nineteenth century in which neuroascetic practices were commonplace, the article examines their continued use today, taking into account the social, cultural, and historical contexts in which they originated