1,922 research outputs found

    A Different Kind of Holocaust: From Euthanasia to Tyranny

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    William G. Simpson to Landon Butler, 17 August 1977

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    Carbon typed letter dated 17 August 1977 from William G. Simpson to Landon Butler, Deputy Assistant to the President, re: Gulf South and Latin America.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_h/1060/thumbnail.jp

    William G. Simpson to Frank Moore, 1 August 1977

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    Carbon typed letter dated 1 August 1977 from William G. Simpson, Administrative Assistant to Eastland, to Frank Moore, re: signed photograph of president.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_h/1057/thumbnail.jp

    Permanent draft genome sequences for two variants of Frankia sp. strain CpI1, the first Frankia strain isolated from root nodules of Comptonia peregrina

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    Frankia stains CpI1-S and CpI1-P are members of Frankia lineage Ia that are able to reinfect plants of the Betulaceae and Myricaceae families. Here, we report two 7.6-Mbp draft genome sequences with 6,396 and 6,373 candidate protein-coding genes for CpI1-S and CpI1-P, respectively

    A Numerical Model for Heat Transfer and Moisture Evaporation Processes in Hot-Press Drying—An Integral Approach

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    A numerical model, which was based on the energy principle that the rate of water evaporation from the interface (or wet line) at a given time during hot-press drying was controlled by the rate of heat energy reaching the interface at that time, has been developed. The model treated the drying as a process in which the retreat of the interface and free water flow to the interface occur simultaneously. After all parameters were determined according to the available literature and experiments, the numerical model worked well in predicting the drying curves from process and material variables. The model, which has a sound theoretical base but is numerically simple, has a good potential to be expanded for general high temperature drying and to be adopted in a production line to presort the lumber for good drying practice

    Organizational Efficacy of Small and Medium-Sized Suppliers: The Role of Information Quality and Continuous Quality Improvement

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    The role of information quality and continuous quality improvement was analyzed in regards to the organizational efficacy of small and medium-sized suppliers. It was anticipated that both variables would have positive relationships with organizational efficacy. Results supported these hypotheses and demonstrate the importance of firms controlling the flow of quality information and emphasizing continuous quality improvement in order to strengthen organizational efficacy. Given the significant impact of efficacy on individual and group performance and the relationships confirmed as part of the current study, future research is called for such that we might better understand the qualities that characterize the successful supply chain relationships for SMEs

    Stimulus Variability Affects the Amplitude of the Auditory Steady-State Response

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    In this study we investigate whether stimulus variability affects the auditory steady-state response (ASSR). We present cosinusoidal AM pulses as stimuli where we are able to manipulate waveform shape independently of the fixed repetition rate of 4 Hz. We either present sounds in which the waveform shape, the pulse-width, is fixed throughout the presentation or where it varies pseudo-randomly. Importantly, the average spectra of all the fixed-width AM stimuli are equal to the spectra of the mixed-width AM. Our null hypothesis is that the average ASSR to the fixed-width AM will not be significantly different from the ASSR to the mixed-width AM. In a region of interest beamformer analysis of MEG data, we compare the 4 Hz component of the ASSR to the mixed-width AM with the 4 Hz component of the ASSR to the pooled fixed-width AM. We find that at the group level, there is a significantly greater response to the variable mixed-width AM at the medial boundary of the Middle and Superior Temporal Gyri. Hence, we find that adding variability into AM stimuli increases the amplitude of the ASSR. This observation is important, as it provides evidence that analysis of the modulation waveform shape is an integral part of AM processing. Therefore, standard steady-state studies in audition, using sinusoidal AM, may not be sensitive to a key feature of acoustic processing