779 research outputs found

    Protecting Ecosystems, Culture, and Human Rights in Chile Through Indigenous and Community-Conserved Territories and Areas

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    In environmental conservation circles around the world, the contributions of indigenous peoples and local communities to the sustainable maintenance of ecosystems and natural resources are being given increased attention. Whether for cultural, spiritual, economic, or other purposes, the use of traditional and local knowledge of habitat and resource management is slowly making its way into the modern environmental movement, and is being incorporated into the dominant conservation paradigms. These managed areas, known as Indigenous and Community-Conserved Territories and Areas, or ICCAs, are defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as “natural and/or modified ecosystems containing significant biodiversity values, ecological services and cultural values, voluntarily conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities, through customary laws or other effective means”. The ICCA concept constitutes a new way of thinking about environmental protection which incorporates preserving the human rights of indigenous peoples, which are explicitly enshrined in international law. After spending eight months working with a human rights NGO in Temuco, Chile, the author has focused on the ICCA concept for his capstone project, as it provides a solid combination of his practicum work and personal interests. Through participatory research and collaborative efforts of his Chilean and indigenous Mapuche colleagues, the author answers the research question, “What are the major benefits of ICCAs, and what are the principal barriers to their broader support and effective legal recognition in Chile?” Based on his findings, the author outlines a comprehensive project proposal that seeks to address the underlying issues that have served to marginalize indigenous peoples in Chile. Furthermore, the proposal also supports the appropriate legal mechanisms required to give ICCAs – and their indigenous and local stewards – formal recognition under Chilean law

    Professor David R. Mason

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    Professor David R. Maso

    A New Weapon Against Confidence Games

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    Variance and Failure of Proof in Montana

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    Variance and Failure of Proof in Montan

    William F. Crowley\u27s report on the Montana Plan

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    William F. Crowley\u27s report to the Judiciary Committee on the Montana Plan.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/montanaconstitution/1282/thumbnail.jp

    A New Weapon Against Confidence Games

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    City of Redlands Safe Routes to Schools Shadow Mapping

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    The City of Redlands seeks to improve the tree canopy coverage over key pedestrian zones with the intention of providing more shade to pedestrians in support of the Safe Routes to School Program. An analysis of the current canopy and the shaded sidewalks allowed city planners to distinguish those areas that are both “walkable” and in need of more shade. LIDAR data can generate a detailed and accurate measurement of the city’s canopy index, and was used to determine the total shadow coverage of trees and buildings. Overlaid with priority sidewalks, this map identified pedestrian zones in need of shade. The results allow the City of Redlands to more clearly understand the current canopy near school zones, and determine areas with a deficit of shade coverage

    An abstract of Idaho Supreme court decisions affecting education

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    Montana’s Judicial System—A Blueprint for Modernization

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    Montana’s Judicial Syste