923 research outputs found

    Accuracy of the TRIA3 thick shell element

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    The accuracy of the new TRIA3 thick shell element is assessed via comparison with a theoretical solution for thick homogeneous and honeycomb flat simply supported plates under the action of a uniform pressure load. The theoretical thick plate solution is based on the theory developed by Reissner and includes the effects of transverse shear flexibility which are not included in the thin plate solutions based on Kirchoff plate theory. In addition, the TRIA3 is assessed using a set of finite element test problems developed by the MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. (MSC). Comparison of the COSMIC TRIA3 element as well as those from MSC and Universal Analytics Inc. (UAI) for these problems is presented. The current COSMIC TRIA3 element is shown to have excellent comparison with both the theoretical solutions and also those from the two commercial versions of NASTRAN with which it is compared

    Global Real Estate Markets - Cycles and Fundamentals

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    The correlations among international real estate markets are surprisingly high, given the degree to which they are segmented. While industrial, office and retail properties exist all around the world, they are not economic substitutes because of locational specificity. In addition, the broad securitization of real estate property companies has, until recently, lagged that of other types of companies. Never-the-less, international property returns move together in dramatic fashion. In this paper, we use eleven years of global property returns to explore the factors influencing this co-movement. We attribute a substantial amount of the correlation across world property markets to the effects of changes in GNP, suggesting that real estate is a bet on fundamental economic variables which are correlated across countries. A decomposition shows that a local production factor is more important in some countries than in others.

    Helping Guatemala: Organization of American States, Unit for the Promotion of Democracy, Mine Action Program in Central America (AIMCA)

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    Because of the internal conflict during the 1980s, Guatemala’s land is now littered with AP landmines and UXO. The OAS and Inter-American Defense Board have developed an assistance program to help the country

    Our National Police

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    A brief history and review of the effectiveness of the nineteenth century army, or ‘national police’ of the United States

    Accuracy of the QUAD4 thick shell element

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    The accuracy of the relatively new QUAD4 thick shell element is assessed via comparison with a theoretical solution for thick homogeneous and honeycomb flat simply supported plates under the action of a uniform pressure load. The theoretical thick plate solution is based on the theory developed by Reissner and includes the effects of transverse shear flexibility which are not included in the thin plate solutions based on Kirchoff plate theory. In addition, the QUAD4 is assessed using a set of finite element test problems developed by the MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. (MSC). Comparison of the COSMIC QUAD4 element as well as those from MSC and Universal Analytics, Inc. (UAI) for these test problems is presented. The current COSMIC QUAD4 element is shown to have excellent comparison with both the theoretical solutions and also those from the two commercial versions of NASTRAN that it was compared to

    Comparing regime continuity and change: Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia

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    Comparing regime continuity and change: Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia

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    A vast literature has accumulated about democratic preconditions, transition, and consolidation in developing countries, highlighting the centrality of these themes in comparative politics today. Further, much of this discussion has been collated among the geographic areas through which democracy's 'third wave' (Huntington 1990) has recently passed, enabling specialists to control for important contextual variables. In explaining regime openings in the relatively uniform settings of South America, southern Europe, eastern Europe, and East Asia, for example, area specialists have been able to analytically set aside such disparate, though significant, features and legacies as bureaucratic authoritarianism, latifundist agriculture, Soviet antecedents, new NIC statuses, Catholicism, Confucianism, and varying degrees of ethnic or cultural complexity. This has permitted, in short, much comparative work, the testing of relatively uncluttered causal statements across a number of cases. Then, after sketching out bold regional generalizations, specialists have been able to factor in fine country uniqueness's, specifying with even greater exactness the relationships between democratic pressures and outcomes. (First paragraph.

    Low Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Galactic Black Holes

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    X-ray observations of Galactic black holes (GBHs) such as Cygnus X-1 have greatly advanced the understanding of these objects. However, the vast majority of the observations have been restricted to energies below ~200 keV. The Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) allowed for the first time simultaneous observations at energies from ~25 keV up to >1 GeV. In particular, the BATSE experiment aboard CGRO was able to monitor low-energy gamma-ray emission from Cygnus X-1, as well as other GBHs, nearly continuously over a nine year period. Using the Enhanced BATSE Occultation Package (EBOP), light curves and spectra in the energy range 25–2000 keV have been obtained for six GBHs. Based on the spectra when the GBHs were in a high gamma-ray flux state, it is suggested that at least two different classes of GBHs exist. The first is characterized by a Comptonization spectrum below ~200 keV followed by a soft power law excess as exhibited by Cygnus X-1, GRO J0422+32, GRO J1719−24, and GX 339-4. The second class is characterized by simple power law spectrum in the full 25–2000 keV range, with no evidence for a Comptonization component, as exhibited by GRO J1655−40 and GRS 1915+105.Gamma-ray observations can serve as an important diagnostic in studying the physical processes around GBHs. More sensitive observations in the future at energies >250 keV will help answer questions regarding issues such as the nonthermal electron distribution, state transitions, and the connection to jets