4,875 research outputs found

    Evolution of Extra-Nigral Damage Predicts Behavioural Deficits in a Rat Proteasome Inhibitor Model of Parkinson's Disease

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    Establishing the neurological basis of behavioural dysfunction is key to provide a better understanding of Parkinson's disease (PD) and facilitate development of effective novel therapies. For this, the relationships between longitudinal structural brain changes associated with motor behaviour were determined in a rat model of PD and validated by post-mortem immunohistochemistry. Rats bearing a nigrostriatal lesion induced by infusion of the proteasome inhibitor lactacystin into the left-medial forebrain bundle and saline-injected controls underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at baseline (prior to surgery) and 1, 3 and 5 weeks post-surgery with concomitant motor assessments consisting of forelimb grip strength, accelerating rotarod, and apormorphine-induced rotation. Lactacystin-injected rats developed early motor deficits alongside decreased ipsilateral cortical volumes, specifically thinning of the primary motor (M1) and somatosensory cortices and lateral ventricle hypertrophy (as determined by manual segmentation and deformation-based morphometry). Although sustained, motor dysfunction and nigrostriatal damage were maximal by 1 week post-surgery. Additional volume decreases in the ipsilateral ventral midbrain; corpus striatum and thalamus were only evident by week 3 and 5. Whilst cortical MRI volume changes best predicted the degree of motor impairment, post-mortem tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the striatum was a better predictor of motor behaviour overall, with the notable exception of performance in the accelerating rotarod, in which, M1 cortical thickness remained the best predictor. These results highlight the importance of identifying extra-nigral regions of damage that impact on behavioural dysfunction from damage to the nigrostriatal system

    Vector Competence of Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) for Three Genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi

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    The vector competence of 2 tick species, Ixodes ricinus (L.) and Ixodes scapularis Say, was determined and compared for 3 genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi. The 3 genospecies of B. burgdorferi used in the following experiments were Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (B-31 and B-31.D1 clone), Borrelia afzelii (strain Pgau.C3), and Borrelia garinii (strain VS286 and VSBP). Spirochetes from all 5 strains were inoculated intradermally into outbred mice; larval ticks of both species were subsequently fed on those mice and replete larvae were assayed for infection by culture in BSK-H media every 7 d for 4 wk. Infection frequencies in I. scapularis exposed to the 5 strains were as follows: B-31 (90%), B-31.D1 (83%), Pgau.C3 (87%), VS286 (10%), and VSBP (5%). The comparable infection frequencies for /. ricinus were B-31 (3%), B-31.D1 (3%), Pgau.C3 (90%), VS286 (5%), and VSBP (3%). Resultant nymphal /. scapularis successfully transmitted B-31, B-31.D1, Pgau.C3, and VS286 to outbred mice. /. ricinus nymphs transmitted Pgau.C3 and VS286. Both species failed to transmit strain VSB

    Quantum cascade laser-based reflectance spectroscopy: a robust approach for the classification of plastic type

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Michel, A. P. M., Morrison, A. E., Colson, B. C., Pardis, W. A., Moya, X. A., Harb, C. C., & White, H. K. Quantum cascade laser-based reflectance spectroscopy: a robust approach for the classification of plastic type. Optics Express, 28(12), (2020): 17741-17756, doi:10.1364/OE.393231.The identification of plastic type is important for environmental applications ranging from recycling to understanding the fate of plastics in marine, atmospheric, and terrestrial environments. Infrared reflectance spectroscopy is a powerful approach for plastics identification, requiring only optical access to a sample. The use of visible and near-infrared wavelengths for plastics identification are limiting as dark colored plastics absorb at these wavelengths, producing no reflectance spectra. The use of mid-infrared wavelengths instead enables dark plastics to be identified. Here we demonstrate the capability to utilize a pulsed, widely-tunable (5.59 - 7.41 µm) mid-infrared quantum cascade laser, as the source for reflectance spectroscopy, for the rapid and robust identification of plastics. Through the application of linear discriminant analysis to the resulting spectral data set, we demonstrate that we can correctly classify five plastic types: polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high density polyethylene (HDPE), low density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS), with a 97% accuracy rate.Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation; National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI DBS13)

    Cytosolic Fc receptor TRIM21 inhibits seeded tau aggregation

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other neurodegenerative disorders are associated with the cytoplasmic aggregation of microtubule-associated protein tau. Recent evidence supports transcellular transfer of tau misfolding (seeding) as the mechanism of spread within an affected brain, a process reminiscent of viral infection. However, whereas microbial pathogens can be recognized as nonself by immune receptors, misfolded protein assemblies evade detection, as they are host-derived. Here, we show that when misfolded tau assemblies enter the cell, they can be detected and neutralized via a danger response mediated by tau-associated antibodies and the cytosolic Fc receptor tripartite motif protein 21 (TRIM21). We developed fluorescent, morphology-based seeding assays that allow the formation of pathological tau aggregates to be measured in situ within 24 h in the presence of picomolar concentrations of tau seeds. We found that anti-tau antibodies accompany tau seeds into the cell, where they recruit TRIM21 shortly after entry. After binding, TRIM21 neutralizes tau seeds through the activity of the proteasome and the AAA ATPase p97/VCP in a similar manner to infectious viruses. These results establish that intracellular antiviral immunity can be redirected against host-origin endopathogens involved in neurodegeneration

    Regulation and Rose of Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) During Inflammation in Human Gingival Fibroblasts (HGF)

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    Periodontitis is the most common cause of adult tooth loss in the U.S., with an estimated 1 in 3 adults suffering from some form and 10-15% of adults developing severe forms. In addition to its direct impact, periodontitis also contributes to the development of several other diseases, including cardiovascular disease, pre-term low birth weight, and diabetes. Although the primary function of HO-1 is the breakdown of heme to carbon monoxide, iron and bilirubin, it has also been shown to play an important role in wound repair and the resolution of inflammation by mechanisms involving homeostatic regulation of the redox state of cells. A series of experiments has been designed to determine whether and to what extent the levels of HO-1 mRNA and protein are regulated by inflammatory cytokines in HGF isolated from individuals with or without periodontitis. Preliminary results show that HO-1 mRNA is expressed in HGF cultures derived from patients with periodontitis and that mRNA levels are inhibited over 60% by Interleukin-1 at 6 hours (10 ng/ml, p \u3c 0.001). Interestingly however, HO-1 protein levels as measured by ELISA are not decreased by IL-1. Experiments are currently underway to address this apparent paradox, as well as the potential role of HO-1 in the regulation of inflammatory mediators in HGF

    Differences in the gas and dust distribution in the transitional disk of a sun-like young star, PDS 70

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    We present ALMA 0.87 mm continuum, HCO+ J=4--3 emission line, and CO J=3--2 emission line data of the disk of material around the young, Sun-like star PDS 70. These data reveal the existence of a possible two component transitional disk system with a radial dust gap of 0."2 +/- 0."05, an azimuthal gap in the HCO+ J=4--3 moment zero map, as well as two bridge-like features in the gas data. Interestingly these features in the gas disk have no analogue in the dust disk making them of particular interest. We modeled the dust disk using the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code HOCHUNK3D (Whitney et al. 2013) using a two disk components. We find that there is a radial gap that extends from 15-60 au in all grain sizes which differs from previous work
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