562 research outputs found

    Purine metabolism of heterotrophic bacteria

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    NASA MSFC hardware in the loop simulations of automatic rendezvous and capture systems

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    Two complementary hardware-in-the-loop simulation facilities for automatic rendezvous and capture systems at MSFC are described. One, the Flight Robotics Laboratory, uses an 8 DOF overhead manipulator with a work volume of 160 by 40 by 23 feet to evaluate automatic rendezvous algorithms and range/rate sensing systems. The other, the Space Station/Station Operations Mechanism Test Bed, uses a 6 DOF hydraulic table to perform docking and berthing dynamics simulations

    A High-Mass Protobinary System in the Hot Core W3(H2O)

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    We have observed a high-mass protobinary system in the hot core W3(H2O) with the BIMA Array. Our continuum maps at wavelengths of 1.4mm and 2.8mm both achieve sub-arcsecond angular resolutions and show a double-peaked morphology. The angular separation of the two sources is 1.19" corresponding to 2.43X10^3 AU at the source distance of 2.04 kpc. The flux densities of the two sources at 1.4mm and 2.8mm have a spectral index of 3, translating to an opacity law of kappa ~ nu. The small spectral indices suggest that grain growth has begun in the hot core. We have also observed 5 K components of the CH3CN (12-11) transitions. A radial velocity difference of 2.81 km/s is found towards the two continuum peaks. Interpreting these two sources as binary components in orbit about one another, we find a minimum mass of 22 Msun for the system. Radiative transfer models are constructed to explain both the continuum and methyl cyanide line observations of each source. Power-law distributions of both density and temperature are derived. Density distributions close to the free-fall value, r^-1.5, are found for both components, suggesting continuing accretion. The derived luminosities suggest the two sources have equivalent zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) spectral type B0.5 - B0. The nebular masses derived from the continuum observations are about 5 Msun for source A and 4 Msun for source C. A velocity gradient previously detected may be explained by unresolved binary rotation with a small velocity difference.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Predicted Changes in Climatic Niche and Climate Refugia of Conservation Priority Salamander Species in the Northeastern United States

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    Global climate change represents one of the most extensive and pervasive threats to wildlife populations. Amphibians, specifically salamanders, are particularly susceptible to the effects of changing climates due to their restrictive physiological requirements and low vagility; however, little is known about which landscapes and species are vulnerable to climate change. Our study objectives included, (1) evaluating species-specific predictions (based on 2050 climate projections) and vulnerabilities to climate change and (2) using collective species responses to identify areas of climate refugia for conservation priority salamanders in the northeastern United States. All evaluated salamander species were projected to lose a portion of their climatic niche. Averaged projected losses ranged from 3%–100% for individual species, with the Cow Knob Salamander (Plethodon punctatus), Cheat Mountain Salamander (Plethodon nettingi), Shenandoah Mountain Salamander (Plethodon virginia), Mabee’s Salamander (Ambystoma mabeei), and Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri) predicted to lose at least 97% of their landscape-scale climatic niche. The Western Allegheny Plateau was predicted to lose the greatest salamander climate refugia richness (i.e., number of species with a climatically-suitable niche in a landscape patch), whereas the Central Appalachians provided refugia for the greatest number of species during current and projected climate scenarios. Our results can be used to identify species and landscapes that are likely to be further affected by climate change and potentially resilient habitats that will provide consistent climatic conditions in the face of environmental change

    Evaluation of protection induced by a dengue virus serotype 2 envelope domain III protein scaffold/DNA vaccine in non-human primates

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    AbstractWe describe the preclinical development of a dengue virus vaccine targeting the dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV2) envelope domain III (EDIII). This study provides proof-of-principle that a dengue EDIII protein scaffold/DNA vaccine can protect against dengue challenge. The dengue vaccine (EDIII-E2) is composed of both a protein particle and a DNA expression plasmid delivered simultaneously via intramuscular injection (protein) and gene gun (DNA) into rhesus macaques. The protein component can contain a maximum of 60 copies of EDIII presented on a multimeric scaffold of Geobacillus stearothermophilus E2 proteins. The DNA component is composed of the EDIII portion of the envelope gene cloned into an expression plasmid. The EDIII-E2 vaccine elicited robust antibody responses to DENV2, with neutralizing antibody responses detectable following the first boost and reaching titers of greater than 1:100,000 following the second and final boost. Vaccinated and naïve groups of macaques were challenged with DENV2. All vaccinated macaques were protected from detectable viremia by infectious assay, while naïve animals had detectable viremia for 2–7 days post-challenge. All naïve macaques had detectable viral RNA from day 2–10 post-challenge. In the EDIII-E2 group, three macaques were negative for viral RNA and three were found to have detectable viral RNA post challenge. Viremia onset was delayed and the duration was shortened relative to naïve controls. The presence of viral RNA post-challenge corresponded to a 10–30-fold boost in neutralization titers 28 days post challenge, whereas no boost was observed in the fully protected animals. Based on these results, we determine that pre-challenge 50% neutralization titers of >1:6000 correlated with sterilizing protection against DENV2 challenge in EDIII-E2 vaccinated macaques. Identification of the critical correlate of protection for the EDIII-E2 platform in the robust non-human primate model lays the groundwork for further development of a tetravalent EDIII-E2 dengue vaccine

    Progress in Interferometry for LISA at JPL

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    Recent advances at JPL in experimentation and design for LISA interferometry include the demonstration of Time Delay Interferometry using electronically separated end stations, a new arm-locking design with improved gain and stability, and progress in flight readiness of digital and analog electronics for phase measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, LISA 8 Symposium, Stanford University, 201

    Heartland Virus in Lone Star Ticks, Alabama, USA

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    We detected Heartland virus (HRTV) in lone star nymphs collected in 2018 in northern Alabama, USA. Real-time reverse transcription PCR selective for the small segment of the HRTV genome and confirmatory sequencing of positive samples showed high identity with HRTV strains sequenced from Tennessee and Missouri

    Augmenting the 6-3-5 method with design information

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    This paper describes a comparative study between the 6-3-5 Method and the ICR Grid. The ICR Grid is an evolved variant of 6-3-5 intended to better integrate information into the concept generation process. Unlike a conventional 6-3-5 process where participants continually sketch concepts, using the ICR Grid (the name derived from its Inform, Create, Reflect activities and structured, grid-like output) participants are additionally required to undertake information search tasks, use specific information items for concept development, and reflect on the merit of concepts as the session progresses. The results indicate that although the quantity of concepts was lower, the use of information had a positive effect in a number of areas, principally the quality and variety of output. Although grounded in the area of product development, this research is applicable to any organisation undertaking idea generation and problem solving. As well as providing insights on the transference of information to concepts, it holds additional interest for studies on the composition and use of digital libraries

    Trajectories of Quality of Life after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Secondary Analysis of BMT CTN 0902 Data

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    Quality of life is increasingly recognized as an important secondary endpoint of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). The current study examined the extent to which attrition results in biased estimates of patient quality of life. The study also examined whether patients differ in terms of trajectories of quality of life in the first six months post-transplant. A secondary data analysis was conducted of 701 participants who enrolled in the Blood and Marrow Transplantation Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) 0902 trial. Participants completed the SF-36, a measure of quality of life, prior to transplant and 100 and 180 days post-transplant. Results indicated that attrition resulted in slightly biased overestimates of quality of life but the amount of overestimation remained stable over time. Patients could be grouped into three distinct classes based on physical quality of life: 1) low and stable; 2) average and declining, then stable; and 3) average and stable. Four classes of patients emerged for mental quality of life: 1) low and stable; 2) average, improving, then stable; 3) higher than average (by almost 1 SD) and stable; and 4) average and stable. Taken together, these data provide a more comprehensive understanding of quality of life that can be used to educate HCT recipients and their caregivers

    Vulnerability and resilience of living marine resources to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill : an overview

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    Funding for the project was primarily provided by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative through several of its research centers.The 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) was the largest and perhaps most consequential accidental marine oil spill in global history. This paper provides an overview of a Research Topic consisting of four additional papers that: (1) assemble time series data for ecosystem components in regions impacted by the spill, and (2) interpret temporal changes related to the vulnerability of species and ecosystems to DWH and the ensuing resilience to perturbation. Time series abundance data for many taxa pre-date DWH, often by decades, thus allowing an assessment of population- and community-level impacts. We divided the north central GoM into four interconnected “eco-types”: the coastal/nearshore, continental shelf, open-ocean pelagic and deep benthic. Key taxa in each eco-type were evaluated for their vulnerability to the circumstances of the DWH spill based on population overlap with oil, susceptibility to oil contamination, and other factors, as well their imputed resilience to population-level impacts, based on life history metrics, ecology and post-spill trajectories. Each taxon was scored as low, medium, or high for 13 vulnerability attributes and 11 resilience attributes to produce overall vulnerability and resilience scores, which themselves were also categorical (i.e., low, medium, or high). The resulting taxon-specific V-R scores provide important guidance on key species to consider and monitor in the event of future spills similar to DWH. Similar analyses may also guide resource allocation to collect baseline data on highly vulnerable taxa or those with low resilience potential in other ecosystems. For some species, even a decade of observation has been insufficient to document recovery given chronic, long-term exposure to DWH oil remaining in all eco-types and because of impacts to the reproductive output of long-lived species. Due to the ongoing threats of deep-water blowouts, continued surveillance of populations affected by DWH is warranted to document long-term recovery or change in system state. The level of population monitoring in the open-ocean and deep benthic eco-types has historically been low and is inconsistent with the continued migration of the oil industry to the ultra-deep (≄1,500 m) where the majority of leasing, exploration, and production now occurs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
