117 research outputs found

    Gamma-Ray Spectral Characteristics of Thermal and Non-Thermal Emission from Three Black Holes

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    Cygnus X-1 and the gamma-ray transients GROJ0422+32 and GROJ1719-24 displayed similar spectral properties when they underwent transitions between the high and low gamma-ray (30 keV to few MeV) intensity states. When these sources were in the high gamma-ray intensity state (gamma-2, for Cygnus X-1), their spectra featured two components: a Comptonized shape below 200-300 keV with a soft power-law tail (photon index >3) that extended to ~1 MeV or beyond. When the sources were in the low-intensity state (gamma-0, for Cygnus X-1), the Comptonized spectral shape below 200 keV typically vanished and the entire spectrum from 30 keV to ~1 MeV can be characterized by a single power law with a relatively harder photon index ~2-2.7. Consequently the high- and low-intensity gamma-ray spectra intersect, generally in the ~400 keV - 1 MeV range, in contrast to the spectral pivoting seen previously at lower (~10 keV) energies. The presence of the power-law component in both the high- and low-intensity gamma-ray spectra strongly suggests that the non-thermal process is likely to be at work in both the high and the low-intensity situations. We have suggested a possible scenario (Ling & Wheaton, 2003), by combining the ADAF model of Esin et al. (1998) with a separate jet region that produces the non-thermal gamma-ray emission, and which explains the state transitions. Such a scenario will be discussed in the context of the observational evidence, summarized above, from the database produced by EBOP, JPL's BATSE earth occultation analysis system.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Proceedings of 2004 Microquasar Conference, Beijing, China, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, minor corrections per refere

    Low Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Galactic Black Holes

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    X-ray observations of Galactic black holes (GBHs) such as Cygnus X-1 have greatly advanced the understanding of these objects. However, the vast majority of the observations have been restricted to energies below ~200 keV. The Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) allowed for the first time simultaneous observations at energies from ~25 keV up to >1 GeV. In particular, the BATSE experiment aboard CGRO was able to monitor low-energy gamma-ray emission from Cygnus X-1, as well as other GBHs, nearly continuously over a nine year period. Using the Enhanced BATSE Occultation Package (EBOP), light curves and spectra in the energy range 25–2000 keV have been obtained for six GBHs. Based on the spectra when the GBHs were in a high gamma-ray flux state, it is suggested that at least two different classes of GBHs exist. The first is characterized by a Comptonization spectrum below ~200 keV followed by a soft power law excess as exhibited by Cygnus X-1, GRO J0422+32, GRO J1719−24, and GX 339-4. The second class is characterized by simple power law spectrum in the full 25–2000 keV range, with no evidence for a Comptonization component, as exhibited by GRO J1655−40 and GRS 1915+105.Gamma-ray observations can serve as an important diagnostic in studying the physical processes around GBHs. More sensitive observations in the future at energies >250 keV will help answer questions regarding issues such as the nonthermal electron distribution, state transitions, and the connection to jets

    Gamma ray monitoring of a AGN and galactic black hole candidates by the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory

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    The Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory's Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) has a powerful capability to provide nearly uninterrupted monitoring in the 25 keV-10 MeV range of both active galactic nuclei (AGN) and galactic black hole candidates (GBHC) such as Cygnus X-1, using the occultation of cosmic sources by the Earth. Since the Crab is detected by the BATSE Large Area Detectors with roughly 25(sigma) significance in the 15-125 keV range in a single rise or set, a variation by a factor of two of a source having one-tenth the strength of Cygnus X-1 should be detectable within a day. Methods of modeling the background are discussed which will increase the accuracy, sensitivity, and reliability of the results beyond those obtainable from a linear background fit with a single rise or set discontinuity

    Neural activation differences in amputees during imitation of intact versus amputee movements

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    The mirror neuron system (MNS) has been attributed with increased activation in motor-related cortical areas upon viewing of another's actions. Recent work suggests that limb movements that are similar and dissimilar in appearance to that of the viewer equivalently activate the MNS. It is unclear if this result can be observed in the action encoding areas in amputees who use prosthetic devices. Intact subjects and upper extremity amputee prosthesis users were recruited to view video demonstrations of tools being used by an intact actor and a prosthetic device user. All subjects pantomimed the movements seen in the video while recording electroencephalography (EEG). Intact subjects showed equivalent left parietofrontal activity during imitation planning after watching the intact or prosthetic arm. Likewise, when prosthesis users imitated prosthesis demonstrations, typical left parietofrontal activation was observed. When prosthesis users imitated intact actors, an additional pattern was revealed which showed greater activity in right parietal and occipital regions that are associated with the mentalizing system. This change may be required for prosthesis users to plan imitation movements in which the limb states between the observed and the observer do not match. The finding that prosthesis users imitating other prosthesis users showed typical left parietofrontal activation suggests that these subjects engage normal planning related activity when they are able to imitate a limb matching their own. This result has significant implications on rehabilitation, as standard therapy involves training with an intact occupational therapist, which could necessitate atypical planning mechanisms in amputees when learning to use their prosthesis

    Variable Positron Annihilation Radiation from the Galactic Center Region

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    The HEAO 3 Cosmic Gamma-Ray Spectrometer performed the first high spectral resolution survey of the entire sky at gamma-ray energies from 50 keV to 10 MeV. Studies of 511 keV positron annihilation radiation from the vicinity of the galactic center are reported here, based on data which were recorded during 1979 September/October and 1980 March/ April. The 1979 fall data show unshifted, narrow 511 keV line emission of intensity (1.85 ± 0.21) X 10^(-3) photons cm^(-2) s^(-1), consistent with earlier measurements. The 1980 spring measurement showed a statistically significant reduction in 511 keV emission from this region, thus requiring that a significant fraction of the flux originate in one or more compact sources of size ≾ 10^(18) cm. While distribution of sources within ~ 22° (at 90% confidence level) of the direction of the galactic center are allowed by the observations, the data rule out most extended models for positron production, such as by cosmic ray interaction in the interstellar medium or by distributions of many supernovae, novae, or pulsars. The data are well satisfied by assuming that the emission originates in a single compact source at the galactic center

    Gamma-Ray and Optical Observation of the 1979 November 8 Solar Flare

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    The solar flare on 1979 November 8 11h 21m 28s UT was observed by the Tel Aviv telescope of the Big Bear Solar Observatory and the High Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectrometer on the High Energy Astronomy Observatory HEAO 3. Photographs in Hα show the development of the flare and a subsequent Moreton wave. Although the flare was not detected with the high spectral resolution germanium detectors, the HEAO C-1 CsI shield detected a statistically significant signal above 80 keV, from 420 to 585 keV, and above 3.8 MeV. The temporal structure of microwave, optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray emission is consistent to within ~1 s with a simultaneous flare response at all energies. There is no evidence for either second-stage acceleration of charged particles (Bai and Ramaty, 1979) or a delay between gamma-ray and X-ray continuum emission due to energy-dependent electron energy loss times (Bai and Ramaty)

    Modelling Eurasian Beaver Foraging Habitat and Dam Suitability, for Predicting the Location and Number of Dams Throughout Catchments in Great Britain

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    Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) populations are expanding across Europe. Depending on location, beaver dams bring multiple benefits and/or require management. Using nationally available data, we developed: a Beaver Forage Index (BFI), identifying beaver foraging habitat, and a Beaver Dam Capacity (BDC) model, classifying suitability of river reaches for dam construction, to estimate location and number of dams at catchment scales. Models were executed across three catchments, in Great Britain (GB), containing beaver. An area of 6747 km2 was analysed for BFI and 16,739 km of stream for BDC. Field surveys identified 258 km of channel containing beaver activity and 89 dams, providing data to test predictions. Models were evaluated using a categorical binomial Bayesian framework to calculate probability of foraging and dam construction. BFI and BDC models successfully categorised the use of reaches for foraging and damming, with higher scoring reaches being preferred. Highest scoring categories were ca. 31 and 79 times more likely to be used than the lowest for foraging and damming respectively. Zero-inflated negative binomial regression showed that modelled dam capacity was significantly related (p = 0.01) to observed damming and was used to predict numbers of dams that may occur. Estimated densities of dams, averaged across each catchment, ranged from 0.4 to 1.6 dams/km, though local densities may be up to 30 dams/km. These models provide fundamental information describing the distribution of beaver foraging habitat, where dams may be constructed and how many may occur. This supports the development of policy and management concerning the reintroduction and recolonisation of beaver

    Absolute Calibration and Characterization of the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer. II. 70 micron Imaging

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    The absolute calibration and characterization of the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) 70 micron coarse- and fine-scale imaging modes are presented based on over 2.5 years of observations. Accurate photometry (especially for faint sources) requires two simple processing steps beyond the standard data reduction to remove long-term detector transients. Point spread function (PSF) fitting photometry is found to give more accurate flux densities than aperture photometry. Based on the PSF fitting photometry, the calibration factor shows no strong trend with flux density, background, spectral type, exposure time, or time since anneals. The coarse-scale calibration sample includes observations of stars with flux densities from 22 mJy to 17 Jy, on backgrounds from 4 to 26 MJy sr^-1, and with spectral types from B to M. The coarse-scale calibration is 702 +/- 35 MJy sr^-1 MIPS70^-1 (5% uncertainty) and is based on measurements of 66 stars. The instrumental units of the MIPS 70 micron coarse- and fine-scale imaging modes are called MIPS70 and MIPS70F, respectively. The photometric repeatability is calculated to be 4.5% from two stars measured during every MIPS campaign and includes variations on all time scales probed. The preliminary fine-scale calibration factor is 2894 +/- 294 MJy sr^-1 MIPS70F^-1 (10% uncertainty) based on 10 stars. The uncertainty in the coarse- and fine-scale calibration factors are dominated by the 4.5% photometric repeatability and the small sample size, respectively. The 5-sigma, 500 s sensitivity of the coarse-scale observations is 6-8 mJy. This work shows that the MIPS 70 micron array produces accurate, well calibrated photometry and validates the MIPS 70 micron operating strategy, especially the use of frequent stimulator flashes to track the changing responsivities of the Ge:Ga detectors.Comment: 19 pages, PASP, in pres