42 research outputs found

    TOPO-EUROPE: Understanding of the coupling between the deep Earth and continental topography

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    Linking different spatial and temporal scales in coupled deep Earth and surface processes is a prime objective of the multidisciplinary international research program TOPO-EUROPE. The research approach of TOPO-EUROPE integrates active collection of new data, reconstruction of the geological record and numerical and analog modeling. The results of the program presented in this special volume focus on four closely interrelated topics: crustal and upper mantle structures, lithosphere geodynamics, sedimentary basin dynamics and surface processes. Quantitative understanding of topographic evolution in space and time requires study of processes from the upper mantle, through the lithosphere and crust and acting on the Earth's surface. The results presented here demonstrate the opportunities to further understanding of topography through integrated studies of the full Earth system across space and timescales

    The Exhumation history of the European Alps inferred from linear inversion of thermochronometric data

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    Thermochronometric data collected across the Alps over the last three decades allows for investigation of the evolution of this orogen, which is subject to changes in climate and geodynamics. Exhumation rates are inferred from the thermochronometric ages using a statistical inversion method based on the fact that the distance a sample traveled since closure is equal to the integral of the exhumation rate from the present day to the age of the sample. Exhumation rates are assumed to be spatially correlated but are free to vary through time. This results in the quantification of exhumation rates across the Alps, since 32 Ma, along with assessments of the quality of these inferences. We find that exhumation rates are initially fast in the internal arc of the Western Alps at rates up to 0.8 km/Myr at 30 Ma, decreasing at 20 Ma to 0.3 km/Myr to remain slow to the present. At the same time, around 20 Ma, rates across the External Crystalline Massifs of Western Alps increase to 0.6 km/Myr. We also find that the onset of high exhumation rates in the Tauern Window and the Lepontine Dome occurs at around 20 Ma, a time characterized by major reorganizations in the Alpine chain. A general increase in exhumation rates at around 5 Ma over the entire Alps is not confirmed. Instead we find that the Western Alps exhibit a 2 to 3 fold increase in exhumation rate over the last 2 Ma, during a recent event not seen further east, in spite of very similar topographic characteristics. We attribute this strong signal to detachment of the European slab in the Western Alps, combined with efficient glacial erosion

    Pliocene onset of rapid exhumation in Taiwan during arc-continent collision: new insights from detrital thermochronometry

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    The Coastal Range in eastern Taiwan contains the remnants of the Pliocene–Pleistocene retro-foredeep basin of the ongoing Penglai orogeny. These sedimentary successions record the earliest exhumation of the Central Range, Taiwan. We dated detrital Plio-Pleistocene sediments in the Coastal Range using multiple thermochronometers [fission-track, zircon (U–Th)/He and U/Pb dating] to document changes in exhumation rate through time. Fission-track grain ages in 2–4-Myr-old sediments were not reset by the Penglai orogeny and reflect the early stage removal of the sedimentary cover. This early stage, when exhumation rates were low, could encompass both the accretionary wedge phase of the orogen and the early arc–continent collision. Sediments younger than 2-Myr-old yield Pliocene zircon fission-track grain ages and suggest that exhumation, transport and deposition occurred within 0.4–1.5 Myr. The recorded onset of rapid exhumation in the Pliocene is contemporaneous with other major tectonic changes in the region, including an increase in subsidence rate in both the pro- and retro-foredeep basins and a change in the wedge kinematics from internal shortening to underplating

    Geomorphology and earth system science

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    Earth system science is an approach to obtain a scientific understanding of the entire Earth system on a global scale by describing how its component parts and their interactions have evolved, how they function, and how they may be expected to continue to evolve on all time-scales. The aim of this review is to introduce some key examples showing the role of earth surface processes, the traditional subject of geomorphology, within the interacting Earth system. The paper considers three examples of environmental systems in which geomorphology plays a key role: (i) links between topography, tectonics, and atmospheric circulation; (ii) links between geomorphic processes and biogeochemical cycles; and (iii) links between biological processes and the earth’s surface. Key research needs are discussed, including the requirement for better opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, clearer mathematical frameworks for earth system models, and more sophisticated interaction between natural and social scientists

    Dating the Irrigation System of the Samarkand Oasis: A Geoarchaeological Study

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    The oasis of Samarkand in the Middle Zeravshan Valley (modern Uzbekistan) was a major political and economic center in ancient western Central Asia. The chronology of its irrigation system was, until now, only constrained by the quality and quantity of archaeological findings and several different hypotheses have been proposed for it. We use a new approach combining archaeological surveying, radiocarbon dating, sedimentary analysis, and the numerical modeling of a flood event to offer new evidence for, and quantitative dating of, the development of irrigation system on the southern flank of the Middle Zeravshan Valley. We analyzed 13 bones and charcoals from 3 archaeological sites and obtained new 14C ages from Afrasiab (ancient Samarkand), a dwelling damaged by flooding in the 2nd century AD (site code: SAM-174) and the fortress of Kafir Kala. We established the origin of sedimentary deposits at the sites to infer the presence of the 2 most important canals of the southern flank: the Dargom and the Yanghiaryk. Finally, we show with a numerical model of overland flow that a natural flood was unlikely to have produced the damage observed at SAM-174. The combined results of the study indicate that the canals south of Samarkand existed, and were mainly developed, in the 2nd century AD and were not connected to the main feeding canal of Afrasiab at that time

    Low-temperature thermochronologic trends across the central Andes, 21-28\ub0S

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    In this paper, we merge more than 200 new apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He analyses and 21 apatite fission-track analyses from 71 new samples with previous published thermochronologic data using the same systems to understand the growth and large-scale kinematics of the central Andes between 21°S and 28°S. In general, minimum dates decrease and the total range of dates increases from west to east across the range. Large variations in thermochronometer dates on the east side reflect high spatial gradients in depth of recent erosional exhumation. Almost nowhere in this part of the Andes has Cenozoic erosion exceeded ~6–8 km, and in many places in the eastern half of the range, erosion has not exceeded 2–3 km, despite these regions now being 5–6 km above sea level. This means that west of the rapidly deforming and eroding eastern range front, uplift and erosion are largely decoupled as a result of meager precipitation, relatively low relief, internal drainage, and volcanic burial. We interpret the west-to-east pattern of decreasing minimum dates across the range as recording the time-transgressive eastward migration of a focused zone of deformation, erosion, and convergence between the South American plate and the eastern edge of the Andean orogenic plateau. At this scale, the thermochronologic data do not suggest major changes in rates of plateau propagation or shortening/convergence with time. We use the thermochronometer date-distance trend and a simple kinematic model to infer a rate of eastward propagation of deformation and plateau growth of 6–10 km/m.y. This plateau propagation model balances horizontal convergence, erosion, and crustal thickening and predicts rates of shortening and convergence between the Andes block and South American plate that are consistent with geologic and geodetic observations