17 research outputs found

    Принятие решений в условиях многокритериальности с комбинаторными свойствами альтернатив

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    В статье рассматривается задача принятия решений при многих критериях на комбинаторных конфигурациях. Такие задачи являются моделями многих практических задач. Обосновываются свойства области допустимых решений задачи, базирующиеся на свойствах многогранника размещений, вершины которого определяют заданное комбинаторное множество точек. Представлено множество альтернатив в виде ориентированного графа многогранника размещений. Описываются свойства графа многогранника размещений, которые используются для разработки нового метода решений предлагаемой задачи на графе.У статті розглядується задача прийняття рішень при багатьох критеріях на комбінаторних конфігураціях. Такі задачі є моделями багатьох практичних задач. Обґрунтовуються властивості області допустимих рішень задачі, що базуються на властивостях многогранника розміщень, вершини якого визначають задану комбінаторну множину точок. Представлено множину альтернатив у вигляді орієнтованого графа многогранника розміщень. Описуються властивості графа многогранника розміщень, які використовуються для розробки нового методу розв’язання пропонованої задачі на графі.In article the decision-making task is considered at many criteria on combinatorial configurations which is models of many practical tasks. Properties of area of admissible solutions the tasks which are based on properties of a polyhedron of allocations which tops define the set combinatorial point set are proved. It is presented sets of alternatives in the form of a graph of a polyhedron of allocations. Properties of a polyhedron graph of allocations which are used for development of a new method of solutions of the offered task on the graph are described

    Dietary calcium decreases but short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides increase colonic permeability in rats

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    An increased intestinal permeability is associated with several diseases. Nutrition can influence gut permeability. Previously, we showed that dietary Ca decreases whereas dietary short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS) increase intestinal permeability in rats. However, it is unknown how and where in the gastrointestinal tract Ca and scFOS exert their effects. Rats were fed a Western low-Ca control diet, or a similar diet supplemented with either Ca or scFOS. Lactulose plus mannitol and Cr-EDTA were added to the diets to quantify small and total gastrointestinal permeability, respectively. Additionally, colonic tissue was mounted in Ussing chambers and exposed to faecal water of these rats. Dietary Ca immediately decreased urinary Cr-EDTA excretion by 24 % in Ca-fed rats compared with control rats. Dietary scFOS increased total Cr-EDTA permeability gradually with time, likely reflecting relatively slow gut microbiota adaptations, which finally resulted in a 30 % increase. The lactulose: mannitol ratio was 15 % higher for Ca-fed rats and 16 % lower for scFOS-fed rats compared with control rats. However, no dietary effect was present on individual urinary lactulose and mannitol excretion. The faecal waters did not influence colonic permeability in Ussing chambers. In conclusion, despite effects on the lactulose: mannitol ratio, individual lactulose values did not alter, indicating that diet did not influence small-intestinal permeability. Therefore, both nutrients affect permeability only in the colon: Ca decreases, while scFOS increase colonic permeability. As faecal water did not influence permeability in Ussing chambers, probably modulation of mucins and/or microbiota is important for the in vivo effects of dietary Ca and scFOS

    Интеллектуалы в дискурсе власти постсовременности

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    Background: It is suggested that allergic immune activation, combined with a genetic predisposition, may contribute to the expression of aberrant social behaviour relevant to autism. We have previously shown that a food allergic response reduced social behaviour in mice, which was associated with altered dopaminergic activity in brain regions relevant for social and emotional behaviour. Dietary fatty acid composition has been shown to affect both the immune system and neurological processes and may therefore contribute to the prevention of food allergy-induced abnormalities in social behaviour. Method: The aim of this study was to assess whether dietary supplementation with fish oil rich in long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LCPUFA) prevents food allergy-induced abnormalities in social behaviour and associated deficits of the dopaminergic system in the prefrontal cortex of whey-sensitised mice. Results: The n-3 LCPUFA-enriched fish oil diet decreased the acute allergic skin response and was able to prevent the disturbance in social behaviour of whey-sensitised mice. N-3 LCPUFA supplementation increased docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) incorporation in the brain and restored levels of dopamine and its metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) and homovanillic acid (HVA) in the prefrontal cortex of allergic mice. Moreover, reduced levels of 5-HIAA, metabolite of serotonin, in intestines of allergic mice was also restored by the n-3 LCPUFA-enriched diet. Conclusion: In addition to its effects on the allergic skin response, n-3 LCPUFA restored allergy-induced deficits in social behaviour and in prefrontal dopamine and metabolite levels. Therefore, n-3 LCPUFA may exert its beneficial effect on behaviour via modulation of the dopaminergic system in the prefrontal cortex and may therefore be an interesting target in the use of dietary interventions for immune-mediated psychiatric disorders such as ASD

    Impaired cellular immune response in rats exposed perinatally to Baltic Sea herring oil or 2,3,7,8-TCDD

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    While the immunotoxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has been well established, the effects of complex environmental mixtures of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs) are poorly understood. Many PHAHs, including the polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs), -dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), possess 'dioxin-like' activities, and accumulate in the aquatic food chain. Organisms occupying high trophic levels may therefore be exposed to concentrations which may present an immunotoxic risk. In this study, pregnant PVG rats were administered a daily oral dose of 1 ml of the following during pregnancy and lactation: (1) oil extracted from herring caught in the relatively uncontaminated Atlantic Ocean; (2) oil extracted from herring caught in the contaminated Baltic Sea; or (3) the Atlantic herring oil extract spiked with 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The daily intakes of aryl hydrocarbon (Ah)-receptor dependent toxic equivalents (TEQ) for mothers were 0.3 in the Atlantic group, 2.1 in the Baltic group, and 134 ng/kg body wt. in the 2,3,7,8-TCDD positive control group. Immune function and host resistance to rat cytomegalovirus (RCMV) we

    Omega-3 meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren en allergiepreventie

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    In de westerse wereld is de dieetinname van meervoudig onverzadigde langeketen-n-3-vetzuren relatief laag, terwijl deze vetzuren bijdragen aan de neurologische en visuele ontwikkeling, het functioneren van het immuunsysteem en bescherming bieden tegen hart- en vaatziekten. Uit recent onderzoek is gebleken dat deze n-3-vetzuren mogelijk ook de kans op het ontwikkelen van een allergie verminderen. Zo toonden kleinschalige, placebogecontroleerde interventiestudies aan dat de suppletie van langeketen-n-3-vetzuren -in de vorm van visolie- tijdens de zwangerschap en lactatie bescherming kan bieden tegen het ontstaan van atopisch eczeem van het kind en op latere leeftijd de kans op het ontwikkelen van astma kan verminderen. De effecten zijn echter niet eenduidig en de timing en dosering van de n-3-vetzuurinterventie en de genetische predispositie kunnen van cruciaal belang zijn voor het beschermende effect. Dit moet in grootschalige interventiestudies verder worden onderzocht. Onderzoek naar de effecten van n-3-vetzuren bij allergie richt zich met name op preventie. Er zijn echter aanwijzingen dat allergie gepaard kan gaan met verminderde n-3-vetzuur-plasmaniveaus, wat mogelijk kan bijdragen aan de mate van ernst van de symptomen. Meer onderzoek naar de toepassing van langeketen-n-3-vetzuren is niet alleen nodig voor preventie, maar ook ter ondersteuning van de behandeling van allergieën, zoals atopisch eczeem en astma, mogelijk in combinatie met medicijnen

    Omega-3 meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren en allergiepreventie

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    In de westerse wereld is de dieetinname van meervoudig onverzadigde langeketen-n-3-vetzuren relatief laag, terwijl deze vetzuren bijdragen aan de neurologische en visuele ontwikkeling, het functioneren van het immuunsysteem en bescherming bieden tegen hart- en vaatziekten. Uit recent onderzoek is gebleken dat deze n-3-vetzuren mogelijk ook de kans op het ontwikkelen van een allergie verminderen. Zo toonden kleinschalige, placebogecontroleerde interventiestudies aan dat de suppletie van langeketen-n-3-vetzuren -in de vorm van visolie- tijdens de zwangerschap en lactatie bescherming kan bieden tegen het ontstaan van atopisch eczeem van het kind en op latere leeftijd de kans op het ontwikkelen van astma kan verminderen. De effecten zijn echter niet eenduidig en de timing en dosering van de n-3-vetzuurinterventie en de genetische predispositie kunnen van cruciaal belang zijn voor het beschermende effect. Dit moet in grootschalige interventiestudies verder worden onderzocht. Onderzoek naar de effecten van n-3-vetzuren bij allergie richt zich met name op preventie. Er zijn echter aanwijzingen dat allergie gepaard kan gaan met verminderde n-3-vetzuur-plasmaniveaus, wat mogelijk kan bijdragen aan de mate van ernst van de symptomen. Meer onderzoek naar de toepassing van langeketen-n-3-vetzuren is niet alleen nodig voor preventie, maar ook ter ondersteuning van de behandeling van allergieën, zoals atopisch eczeem en astma, mogelijk in combinatie met medicijnen

    Impact of Nondigestible Oligosaccharides on Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue and Oral Tolerance Induction

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    Human milk is very rich in nondigestible oligosaccharides, which support colonization of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli and immune maturation. Manufactured nondigestible oligosaccharides are added to infant formula in order to mimic functional aspects of human milk oligosaccharides. They support the growth of beneficial microbes and reduce gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. Furthermore they reduce the risk of developing allergic disease when provided early in life. Oral tolerance induction is key in the prevention of allergies. Environmental factors such as dietary constituents and the colonization with commensal microorganisms at the mucosal surface are crucial for the generation of mucosal tolerance. Evidence is building that nondigestible galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides can either directly or indirectly modulate the GALT and systemic immune system in health and disease. Besides increasing IL-10 and IgA in mice and human, they were found to induce functional regulatory T-cells in spleens of mice affected with cow’s milk allergy. In addition, they induce galectin-9 capable of IgE neutralization. The immunologic basis by which nondigestible oligosaccharides may affect the mucosal and systemic immune system is discussed in this book chapter

    Impact of Nondigestible Oligosaccharides on Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue and Oral Tolerance Induction

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    Human milk is very rich in nondigestible oligosaccharides, which support colonization of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli and immune maturation. Manufactured nondigestible oligosaccharides are added to infant formula in order to mimic functional aspects of human milk oligosaccharides. They support the growth of beneficial microbes and reduce gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. Furthermore they reduce the risk of developing allergic disease when provided early in life. Oral tolerance induction is key in the prevention of allergies. Environmental factors such as dietary constituents and the colonization with commensal microorganisms at the mucosal surface are crucial for the generation of mucosal tolerance. Evidence is building that nondigestible galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides can either directly or indirectly modulate the GALT and systemic immune system in health and disease. Besides increasing IL-10 and IgA in mice and human, they were found to induce functional regulatory T-cells in spleens of mice affected with cow’s milk allergy. In addition, they induce galectin-9 capable of IgE neutralization. The immunologic basis by which nondigestible oligosaccharides may affect the mucosal and systemic immune system is discussed in this book chapter