272 research outputs found

    En hjerne til forskel: – neuropædagogik og faglighed på botilbud for voksne med varig nedsat fysisk og psykisk funktionsevne

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    Rapporten er udarbejdet i tilknytning til projekt KvaliKomBo, som er støttet af Servicestyrelsen under Socialministeriet. Den er udgivet som publikation nr. 6 i serien 'Socialpædagogisk faglighed og voksne med psykisk/fysisk handicap' (serieredaktør: Søren Langager) under DPU’s forskningsprogram Social‐ og specialpædagogik i inkluderende perspektiv (SSIP)

    Migration of the Common Redstart (<em>Phoenicurus phoenicurus)</em>:a Eurasian songbird wintering in highly seasonal conditions in the West African Sahel

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    Some species of long-distance migrant birds are thought to follow spatiotemporal patterns of high food availability during the non-breeding season, a strategy termed "itinerancy," instead of being sedentary in one specific site. We tracked the migration of a small Eurasian songbird, the Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), using archival light-level geolocators. The birds showed a distinct counterclockwise loop migration from northern Europe. Fall migration passed west of the Mediterranean Sea and along the northwest African coast before the birds made an abrupt change of direction at the southern edge of the Sahara toward the winter area farther inland in the West African Sahel. Spring migration was more direct: north to the Iberian Peninsula and back to northern Europe. The birds spent more time in only one winter site than they do during the breeding season in northern Europe, and they generally showed no signs of itinerancy-except for one bird that probably avoided an exceptional drought. Their arrival on the winter grounds was well timed with peak vegetation greenness, assumed to reflect food availability, but vegetation greenness declined rapidly during their stay, and resource availability was relatively low throughout most of the non-breeding season. Despite the highly seasonal conditions in the wintering area, itinerancy is apparently not an optimal strategy for the Common Redstart, possibly because of timing constraints. Alternatively, food availability may not be closely linked to vegetation greenness

    Questioning Development Orthodoxy

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    This paper traces the history and current state of international economic development through its institutions and attempts to reassess these institutions and their processes in a heterodox manner. There are many stereotypes and clichés to the foreign assistance industry: that it takes from the poor in rich countries and gives to the rich in poor countries; that it provides laboratories for economists and other social scientists to apply theories abroad that they would never attempt at home (the most obvious examples of these are population control programs and the privatization of pension funds); and that development creates “brain drain” from indigenous 2 institutions to the very institutions of development itself. Although a brief summary of the major research programs in development is given, the paper does not attempt to falsify or confirm any of these or other research programs and their corresponding policy recommendations. The purpose of the paper is to question the very nature of international economic development itself through an historical and philosophical re-examination of its institutional constructs. The Hegelian dialectical method of analysis is applied to the institutions of economic development and is used to ask, “what next and why

    Respuesta reproductiva de conejas a una dieta de forraje verde hidropónico (FVH)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la incorporación de forraje verde hidropónico (FVH) como única dieta en conejas mediante el uso de indicadores reproductivos; abarcando las etapas desde mantenimiento a gestación. Se utilizaron 16 conejas (cruza Neozelandesa x Californiana) y 4 machos reproductores. El FVH utilizado fue Avena sativa y Triticum aestivum. Las dietas suministradas fueron alimento balanceado y FVH, ambas ad-libitum. Se ajustó la técnica de producción de FVH determinando: dosis de semilla, rendimiento, densidad y alturas de las plantas. Los resultados obtenidos fueron analizados estadísticamente para corroborar la significancia y la correlación con distintos índices productivos. La aceptabilidad de la avena resultó superior a la del trigo y se mostraron diferencias significativas a favor de la dieta testigo en: números de gazapos nacidos vivos, número de animales destetados y peso de los mismos; observándose una fuerte relación entre el consumo de materia seca y las variables: número y peso de animales destetados. El FVH como dieta única no resultó recomendable para las etapas de gestación y lactancia.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Multiple fragmented habitat-patch use in an urban breeding passerine, the Short-toed Treecreeper

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    Individual responses of wild birds to fragmented habitat have rarely been studied, despite large-scale habitat fragmentation and biodiversity loss resulting from widespread urbanisation. We investigated the spatial ecology of the Short-toed Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla, a tiny, resident, woodland passerine that has recently colonised city parks at the northern extent of its range. High resolution spatiotemporal movements of this obligate tree-living species were determined using radio telemetry within the urbanized matrix of city parks in Copenhagen, Denmark. We identified regular edge crossing behaviour, novel in woodland birds. While low numbers of individuals precluded a comprehensive characterisation of home range for this population, we were able to describe a consistent behaviour which has consequences for our understanding of animal movement in urban ecosystems. We report that treecreepers move freely, and apparently do so regularly, between isolated habitat patches. This behaviour is a possible driver of the range expansion in this species and may contribute to rapid dispersal capabilities in certain avian species, including Short-toed Treecreepers, into northern Europe. Alternatively, these behaviours might be common and/or provide an adaptive advantage for birds utilising matrix habitats, for example within urban ecosystems

    Migration direction in a songbird explained by two loci

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    Migratory routes and remote wintering quarters in birds are often species and even population specific. It has been known for decades that songbirds mainly migrate solitarily, and that the migration direction is genetically controlled. Yet, the underlying genetic mechanisms remain unknown. To investigate the genetic basis of migration direction, we track genotyped willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus from a migratory divide in Sweden, where South-West migrating, and South-East migrating subspecies form a hybrid swarm. We find evidence that migration direction follows a dominant inheritance pattern with epistatic interaction between two loci explaining 74% of variation. Consequently, most hybrids migrate similarly to one of the parental subspecies, and therefore do not suffer from the cost of following an inferior, intermediate route. This has significant implications for understanding the selection processes that maintain narrow migratory divides