22 research outputs found
Het Sferische model van beroepsinteresses en de volledige en verkorte Nederlandstalige Personal Globe Inventory
In Nederland en Vlaanderen wordt veelvuldig gebruikgemaakt van interessevragenlijsten bij (studie)loopbaanvraagstukken. In tegenstelling tot de populariteit van deze vragenlijsten in de praktijk wordt er relatief weinig wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan naar beroepsinteresses in het Nederlandse taalgebied. In dit artikel wordt het Sferische model van beroepsinteresses geïntroduceerd, evenals de Nederlandse vertaling van de Personal Globe Inventory(PGI; Tracey, 2002) als een meetinstrument voor dit model. Het Sferische model voegt Prestige-interesse als derde interessedimensie toe aan de traditionele tweedimensionale circumplex van beroepsinteresses. Verder deelt het Sferische model de traditionele circumplex op in acht in plaats van zes interessegebieden. Aan de hand van 12 steekproeven uit Nederland en Vlaanderen is de kwaliteit van de PGI-lang en PGI-kort onderzocht. De psychometrische kenmerken van de Nederlandse vertaling van de PGI-lang en PGI-kort bleken acceptabel tot uitstekend: de items van de vragenlijst laadden grotendeels op de bedoelde schalen, de schalen correleerden volgens een circumplexordening, en de betrouwbaarheden waren acceptabel. De grootste sekseverschillen werden gevonden op mensen-versus-dingen interesse en Prestige-interesse was iets sterker bij jongere deelnemers en hoogopgeleiden. Toekomstig onderzoek kan zich richten op het beter begrijpen van de inhoud van Prestige-interesse en de betekenis van deze dimensie voor (studie)loopbaanprocessen en -uitkomsten
Cost-effectiveness of minimal interventional procedures for chronic mechanical low back pain: design of four randomised controlled trials with an economic evaluation
Background: Minimal interventional procedures are frequently applied in patients with mechanical low back pain which is defined as pain presumably resulting from single sources: facet, disc, sacroiliac joint or a combination of these. Usually, these minimal interventional procedures are an integral part of a multidisciplinary pain programme. A recent systematic review issued by the Dutch Health Insurance Council showed that the effectiveness of these procedures for the total group of patients with chronic low back pain is yet unclear and cost-effectiveness unknown. The aim of the study is to evaluate whether a multidisciplinary pain programme with minimal interventional procedures is cost-effective compared to the multidisciplinary pain programme alone for patients with chronic mechanical low back pain who did not respond to conservative primary care and were referred to a pain clinic. Methods. All patients with chronic low back pain who are referred to one of the 13 participating pain clinics will be asked to participate in an observational study. Patients with a suspected diagnosis of facet, disc or sacroiliac joint problems will receive a diagnostic block to confirm this diagnosis. If confirmed, they will be asked to participate in a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). For each single source a separate RCT will be conducted. Patients with a combination of facet, disc or sacroiliac joint problems will be invited for participation in a RCT as well. An economic evaluation from a societal perspective will be performed alongside these four RCTs. Patients will complete questionnaires at baseline, 3 and 6 weeks, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after start of the treatment
Factors Associated with Revision Surgery after Internal Fixation of Hip Fractures
Background: Femoral neck fractures are associated with high rates of revision surgery after management with internal fixation. Using data from the Fixation using Alternative Implants for the Treatment of Hip fractures (FAITH) trial evaluating methods of internal fixation in patients with femoral neck fractures, we investigated associations between baseline and surgical factors and the need for revision surgery to promote healing, relieve pain, treat infection or improve function over 24 months postsurgery. Additionally, we investigated factors associated with (1) hardware removal and (2) implant exchange from cancellous screws (CS) or sliding hip screw (SHS) to total hip arthroplasty, hemiarthroplasty, or another internal fixation device. Methods: We identified 15 potential factors a priori that may be associated with revision surgery, 7 with hardware removal, and 14 with implant exchange. We used multivariable Cox proportional hazards analyses in our investigation. Results: Factors associated with increased risk of revision surgery included: female sex, [hazard ratio (HR) 1.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.25-2.50; P = 0.001], higher body mass index (fo
The too little/too much scale : a new rating format for detecting curvilinear effects
This article describes the too little/too much (TLTM) scale as an innovation in rating scale methodology that may facilitate research on the too-much-of-a-good-thing effect. Two studies demonstrate how this scale can improve the ability to detect curvilinear relationships in leadership research. In Study 1, leaders were rated twice on a set of leader behaviors: once using a traditional 5-point Likert scale and once using the TLTM scale, which ranged between –4 ( much too little), 0 ( the right amount), and +4 ( much too much). Only linear effects were observed for the Likert ratings, while the TLTM ratings demonstrated curvilinear, inverted U-shaped relationships with performance. Segmented regressions indicated that Likert ratings provided variance associated with the too little range of the TLTM scale but not in the too much range. Further, the TLTM ratings added incremental validity over Likert ratings, which was entirely due to variance from the too much range. Study 2 replicated these findings using a more fine-grained, 9 -point Likert scale, ruling out differences in scale coarseness as an explanation for why the TLTM scale was better at detecting curvilinear effects. </jats:p