28 research outputs found

    Ex vivo detection of lipopolysaccharide immunopositivity in Rushton bodies

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    Aim. Our aim was to investigate how bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is immunoexpressed in periapical lesions. By surprise we detected Rushton bodies (RBs) whose origin has been debatable to be positive for LPS. Methodology. Samples of radicular cysts (N=70) were stained in order to identify variations in LPS immunoexpression indicating bacterial background. For immunostaining, we used an anti-LPS antibody from Escherichia coli, and for visualization Horse Radish Peroxidase labeled polymer as the secondary antibody. Results. RBs showed positivity for LPS in radicular cysts. After collection of radicular cyst samples (70 in total), we noted that all RBs (N=25) histologically detected in tissue samples were positive for LPS. Furthermore, calcification in the cyst capsule showed immunopositivity. Conclusion. We demonstrate for the first time that LPS is present in RBs, indicating that host response to bacteria might be the initial cause of the formation of these hyaline bodies in the cyst epithelium and cyst capsule calcifications

    Oncocytic variant of sialadenoma papilliferum ? a rare salivary gland tumor : a case report

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    Sialadenoma papilliferum (SP) is a rare minor salivary gland neoplasm that accounts for less than 1% of all salivary gland tumors. The tumor typically affects older people, presenting most commonly as a slow-growing tumor of the hard palate, although oth

    Suun limakalvomuutokset lapsilla ja nuorilla

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    Suun limakalvomuutokset ovat melko tavallisia lapsilla ja nuorilla.Ne ovat usein trauman tai infektion aiheuttamia. Lisäksi ne voivat liittyä ­yleissairauksiin, kuten tulehduksellisiin suolistosairauksiin ja keliakiaan sekä iholimakalvosairauksiin, kuten punajäkälään.Yleisimpiä muutoksia ovat aftat, herpes simplex -virusinfektioon liittyvät muutokset ja karttakieli.Huolellinen diagnostiikka ja hoito on tärkeä osa lasten ja nuorten ­terveydenhoitoa.</p

    Organotypic in vitro block culture model to investigate tissue-implant interface. An experimental study on pig mandible

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    In vitro studies of implant-tissue attachment are primarily based on two-dimensional cell culture models, which fail to replicate the three-dimensional native human oral mucosal tissue completely. Thus, the present study aimed to describe a novel tissue culture model using pig mandibular block including alveolar bone and gingival soft tissues to evaluate the tissue attachment to titanium implant provided with hydrothermally induced TiO2 coating. Tissue attachment on TiO2 coated and non-coated implants were compared. Ti-6Al-4V alloy posts were used to function as implants that were inserted in five pig mandibles. Implants were delivered with two different surface treatments, non-coated (NC) titanium and hydrothermal induced TiO2 coated surfaces (HT). The tissue-implant specimens were cultured at an air/liquid interface for 7 and 14 days. The tissue-implant interface was analyzed by histological and immunohistochemical stainings. The microscopic evaluation suggests that pig tissue explants established soft and hard tissue attachment to both implant surfaces. The epithelial cells appeared to attach to the coated implant. The epithelium adjacent to the implant abutment starts to change its phenotype during the early days of the healing process. New bone formation was seen within small pieces of bone in close contact with the coated implant. In conclusion, this in vitro model maintains the viability of pig tissue and allows histologically and immunohistochemically evaluate the tissue-implant interface. HT-induced TiO2 coating seems to have a favorable tissue response. Moreover, this organotypic tissue culture model is applicable for further studies with quantitative parameters to evaluate adhesion molecules present at the implant-tissue interface.[GRAPHICS]

    Epithelial cell attachment and adhesion protein expression on novel in sol TiO2 coated zirconia and titanium alloy surfaces

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    An adequate mucosal attachment is important when it comes to preventing peri-implant inflammation. The aim of this study was to compare epithelial cell adhesion and adhesion protein expression on in sol TiO2-coated and non-coated zirconia and titanium alloy surfaces. Fifty-six zirconia and titanium discs were cut, and half of them were coated with bioactive TiO2-coating. To study the epithelial cell attachment, human gingival keratinocytes were cultivated on discs for 1, 3, 6, and 24 h. The cell proliferation was detected by cultivating cells for 1, 3, and 7 days. In addition, the levels of adhesion proteins laminin y2, integrin alpha 6, beta 4, vinculin, and paxillin were detected with Western Blot method. Furthermore, high-resolution imaging of the actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion proteins was established. Longer-term cell culture (1-7 days) revealed higher cell numbers on the coated zirconia and titanium discs compared to non-coated discs. The difference was statistically significant (p < .05) after 24 h on coated zirconia and after 3 and 7 days on coated titanium discs compared to non-coated discs. Clear induction in the protein levels of laminin y2 and integrin alpha 6 were detected on both coated samples, meanwhile integrin beta 4 were clearly induced on coated titanium alloy. The microscope evaluation showed significantly increased cell spreading on the coated discs. According to this study, the in sol induced TiO2-coating increases keratinocyte attachment and the expression of adhesion proteins on coated zirconia and titanium in vitro. Consequently, the coating has potential to enhance the mucosal attachment on implant surfaces

    Zirconia implants with improved attachment to the gingival tissue

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    BackgroundGingival tissue attachment is known to be important for long term prognosis of implants. This in vitro study evaluated the gingival attachment to zirconia implants and zirconia implants modified with sol‐gel derived TiO2 coatings.Materials and methodsZirconia endodontic posts (n = 23) were used to function as implants that were inserted into the center of full thickness porcine gingival explants (n = 31). The tissue/implant specimens were then individually placed at an air/liquid interface on a stainless‐steel grid in cell culture wells containing a nutrient solution. The tissue cultures were incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2 environment and at days 7 and 14, the specimens were harvested and analyzed by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) measurements under dynamic loading conditions mimicking natural mastication. Specimens were also analyzed by immunohistochemical staining identifying the laminin (Ln) γ2 chain specific for Ln‐332, which is known to be a crucial molecule for the proper attachment of epithelium to tooth/implant surface.ResultsTissue attachment to TiO2 coated zirconia demonstrated higher dynamic modulus of elasticity and higher creep modulus, meaning that the attachment is stronger and more resistant to damage during function over time. Laminin γ2 was identified in the attachment of epithelium to TiO2 coated zirconia.ConclusionBoth DMA and histological analysis support each other, that the gingival tissue is more strongly attached to sol‐gel derived TiO2 coated zirconia than uncoated zirconia. Immunohistochemical staining showed that TiO2 coating may enhance the synthesis and deposition of Ln‐332 in the epithelial attachment to the implant surface.</div

    Suun limakalvosairauksien paikallinen lääkehoito

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    Lähtökohdat Suun limakalvoilla esiintyy runsaasti erilaisia sairauksia, joita hammaslääkärin tulee osata diagnosoida ja hoitaa. Useimmiten diagnoosi tulee varmistaa koepalalla. Limakalvosairauksia voidaan hoitaa erilaisilla lääkeaineilla. Hammaslääkärin on tunnettava saatavana olevat lääkevalmisteet ja osattava ohjeistaa potilasta lääkkeiden turvalliseen käyttöön. Menetelmät Tähän artikkeliin on kerätty tietoa suun limakalvosairauksien lääkehoitoa koskevasta kirjallisuudesta ja julkaisuista. Artikkelissa käsiteltävät lääkkeet löytyvät Terveysportin ”lääkket ja hinnat”-tietokannasta, joka on Duodecimin, Kelan, Suomen Apteekkariliiton, Fimean, Lääketietokeskus Oy:n ja Suomen Lääkeohje Oy:n tuottama sivusto terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille. Tulokset Limakalvojen virus- ja bakteeritulehdukset hoidetaan oikein kohdennetulla lääkityksellä. Osa limakalvojen hoitoon käytetyistä lääkkeistä ei paranna varsinaista sairautta muutosten taustalla, vaan lääkehoidon tarkoituksena on saada limakalvosairaus hallintaan vähentämällä kipua, pienentämällä muutosten kokoa ja estämällä niiden jatkuva uusiutuminen. Lääkkeet parantavat potilaan elämänlaatua ja auttavat potilasta selviämään paremmin sairauden kanssa. Suurin osa suun limakalvojen hoitoon käytettävistä lääkkeistä on paikallisvalmisteita. Hammaslääkärin tulee tuntea lääkkeiden tavallisimmat vasta-aiheet ja yhteisvaikutukset. Johtopäätökset Suun limakalvosairauksien hoitoon on käytettävissä runsaasti erilaisia lääkkeitä. Hammaslääkäriltä vaaditaan perehtyneisyyttä lääkehoitohin ja jatkuvaa lääkealan seuraamista. Hammaslääkärien tulee myös tarvittaessa määrätä näitä lääkkeitä potilailleen ja ohjeistaa potilaita lääkkeiden oikeassa käytössä

    Appearance and recurrence of odontogenic keratocysts

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    ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the appearance, histopathological features, and recurrence of odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) from a large single institute registry over a 36-year period.Materials and MethodsA total of 226 cases of OKC were identified in 174 patients over a 36-year period in a single institute in Southwestern Finland. Histological specimens were re-evaluated. The patient's age, sex, location, recurrence, and histopathological features of the OKC were the study variables.ResultsOKCs occurred more frequently in men, the mean age was 46 years, and the most frequent site was the lower jaw. Recurrence rate was 21%. Histopathologically, inflammation was present in 95% and satellite cysts in 10% of cases. In patients diagnosed with satellite cysts, OKC recurred in 50% of cases, while the corresponding figure for patients without satellite cysts was 17%.ConclusionsCompared with the literature, patients were older and inflamed cysts were found more frequently. Satellite cysts occurred only in association with chronic inflammation. Based on the results, regular radiographic evaluation is important among patients aged 10-29 years to detect OKCs and to treat them before enlargement, infection, and inflammation. Satellite cysts should be reported and may be a sign of increased risk of OKC recurrence.Peer reviewe

    Ex vivo detection of lipopolysaccharide immunopositivity in Rushton bodies

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    . Aim. Our aim was to investigate how bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is immunoexpressed in periapical lesions. By surprise we detected Rushton bodies (RBs) whose origin has been debatable to be positive for LPS. Methodology. Samples of radicular cysts (N=70) were stained in order to identify variations in LPS immunoexpression indicating bacterial background. For immunostaining, we used an anti-LPS antibody from Escherichia coli, and for visualization Horse Radish Peroxidase labeled polymer as the secondary antibody. Results. RBs showed positivity for LPS in radicular cysts. After collection of radicular cyst samples (70 in total), we noted that all RBs (N=25) histologically detected in tissue samples were positive for LPS. Furthermore, calcification in the cyst capsule showed immunopositivity. Conclusion. We demonstrate for the first time that LPS is present in RBs, indicating that host response to bacteria might be the initial cause of the formation of these hyaline bodies in the cyst epithelium and cyst capsule calcifications.Peer reviewe