77 research outputs found

    A computer model of infant perceptual development

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    A theory is presented of the development of pattern recognition and looking behaviour in infancy. It is proposed that scanning habits are acquired and patterns recognized with the reproduction of fixations and eye movements in the order in which they originally occurred. Recognition is achieved by correctly predicting the current input for each fixation. Evidence supporting this proposal is discussed, and the limitations of other theories are examined. A case is made for the storage of two kinds of visual information, originating from central and peripheral vision respectively. Infants indicate recognition of familiar patterns by looking less at them than patterns which are new. This can be explained by the discrepancy principle which proposes a curvilinear relation between the amount of looking and degree of discrepancy between a pattern and its representation in memory. This principle is incorporated in the theory to account for the control of the length of sequences of fixations. A computer model of the theory is described. This contains a simulation of the cortical processing of visual input, a number of oculomotor reflexes, learning mechanisms, and the means of controlling the length of a fixation sequence by assessing its discrepancy with the contents of memory. The model was run on a computer and learned to recognize patterns by scanning them and reproducing the original sequences of fixations. The ability of the model to mimic infant looking behaviour is shown in three simulations of different infant experiments. Recognition was demonstrated by a decline in looking at familiar relative to new patterns, and this ability was retained after a delay. Such behaviour took time to develop, and the model required a certain level of visual experience before it appeared. Individual differences in the performance of the model resembling tempo differences in infants were also produced

    Supplemental Iodide for Preterm Infants and Developmental Outcomes at 2 Years:an RCT

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    Background The recommendation for enteral iodide intake for preterm infants is 30–40 ÎŒg/kg/day and 1ÎŒg/kg/day for parenteral intake. Preterm infants are vulnerable to iodide insufficiency and thyroid dysfunction. The hypothesis tested whether, compared to placebo, iodide supplementation of preterm infants improves neurodevelopment. Methods A randomized controlled trial of iodide supplementation versus placebo in infants <31 weeks’ gestation. Trial solutions (sodium iodide or sodium chloride; dose 30ÎŒg/kg/day) were given within 42 hours of birth to the equivalent of 34 weeks’ gestation. The only exclusion criterion was maternal iodide exposure during pregnancy or delivery. Whole blood levels of thyroxine, thyrotropin and thyroid binding globulin were measured on four specific postnatal days. The primary outcome was neurodevelopmental status at two years’ of age, measured using the Bayley-III scales. The primary analyses are by intention-to-treat and data are presented also for survivors. Results 1,273 infants (637 intervention, 636 placebo) were recruited from 21 UK neonatal units. 131 infants died, and neurodevelopmental assessments were undertaken in 498 iodide and 499 placebo supplemented infants. There were no significant differences between the intervention and placebo groups in the primary outcome: mean difference Cognitive score, -0.34, 95% confidence interval (CI) -2.57 to 1.89; Motor composite score, 0.21, 95% CI -2.23 to 2.65; Language composite score, -0.05, 95%CI -2.48 to 2.39. There was evidence of weak interaction between iodide supplementation and hypothyroxinemic status in the Language composite score and one subtest score. Conclusions Overall iodide supplementation provided no benefit to neurodevelopment measured at 2 years of age

    The roles of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy, lactation and infancy: review of current knowledge and consensus recommendations

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    This paper reviews current knowledge on the role of the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n-3) and arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6), in maternal and term infant nutrition as well as infant development. Consensus recommendations and practice guidelines for health-care providers supported by the World Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Early Nutrition Academy, and the Child Health Foundation are provided. The fetus and neonate should receive LC-PUFA in amounts sufficient to support optimal visual and cognitive development. Moreover, the consumption of oils rich in n-3 LC-PUFA during pregnancy reduces the risk for early premature birth. Pregnant and lactating women should aim to achieve an average daily intake of at least 200mg DHA. For healthy term infants, we recommend and fully endorse breastfeeding, which supplies preformed LC-PUFA, as the preferred method of feeding. When breastfeeding is not possible, we recommend use of an infant formula providing DHA at levels between 0.2 and 0.5 weight percent of total fat, and with the minimum amount of AA equivalent to the contents of DHA. Dietary LC-PUFA supply should continue after the first six months of life, but currently there is not sufficient information for quantitative recommendation

    Scientific Opinion on the energy conversion factor of d‐tagatose for labelling purposes

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutritionand Allergies (NDA) was asked to deliver a scienti\ufb01c opinion on the energy conversion factor ofD-tagatose to be used for calculating the energy value of foods to be declared in nutrition labelling.Energy conversion factors for nutrients for the purpose of nutrition labelling have been set based onthe concept of metabolisable energy (ME). The same methodology has been applied to calculate theenergy conversion factor forD-taga tose in this opinion. The assessment is based on a dossier preparedfor Nutrilab NV and submitted by Bioresco Ltd. At present, data are insuf\ufb01cient to derive an accurateME value forD-tagatose. Relying on the human data indicating a mean absorption rate of 80% (range69\u201388%) and a urinary excretion of either 1% or 5%, the corresponding energy values forD-tagatosewould be 2.8 kcal/g (11.8 kJ/g) and 2.96 kcal/g (12.4 kJ/g), respectively. Taking into account that theremaining 20% ofD-tagatose which is not absorbed in the sma ll intestine is fermented in the colonand may deliver at least some energy, e.g. in form of short-chain fatty acids, the Panel concludes thata rounded estimate of the energy conversion factor forD-tagatose based on the available data andcalculated as ME would be 3 kcal/g (12.5 kJ/g). The Panel considers that additional data on theabsorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion ofD-tagatose in humans w ould help in thecalculation of a more accurate energy conversion factor forD-tagatose based on the concept of ME

    Symbiosal<sup>Ÿ </sup>and lowering of blood pressure and reduced risk of hypertension:evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

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    Following an application from Han-Biotech GmbH, submitted for authorisation of a health claim pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 via the Competent Authority of Germany, the EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on the scientific substantiation of a health claim related to SymbiosalŸ , lowering of blood pressure and reduced risk of hypertension. The Panel considers that the food, SymbiosalŸ , which is the subject of the health claim, and the food, table salt, which SymbiosalŸ should replace, are sufficiently characterised. Lowering of blood pressure is a beneficial physiological effect. Increased blood pressure is a risk factor for hypertension. In weighing the evidence, the Panel took into account that one human study with some methodological limitations showed an effect of SymbiosalŸ on blood pressure in the context of a self-selected diet with a maximum of 3 g/day added salt. The Panel also took into account that no other human studies in which these results have been replicated were provided, that the animal studies did not support the results of the human study, that no evidence was provided in support of a mechanism by which SymbiosalŸ could induce a decrease in blood pressure upon oral consumption as compared to table salt in vivo in humans, and the low biological plausibility of the effect observed in the human intervention study. The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of SymbiosalŸ and lowering of blood pressure. </p

    NWT-02, a fixed combination of lutein, zeaxanthin and docosahexaenoic acid in egg yolk and reduction of the loss of vision:evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

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    Following an application from Newtricious R&amp;D B.V., submitted for authorisation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 via the Competent Authority of the Netherlands, the EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on the scientific substantiation of a health claim related to NWT-02 and a reduction of the loss of vision. The food proposed by the applicant as the subject of the health claim is NWT-02. NWT-02 is standardised by its content in lutein (≄ 1.10 mg), zeaxanthin (≄ 0.20 mg) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (≄ 170 mg). The Panel considers that the food/constituent that is the subject of the health claim, NWT-02, a fixed combination of lutein, zeaxanthin and docosahexaenoic acid in egg yolk, is sufficiently characterised. The claimed effect proposed by the applicant is ‘reduces loss of vision’. The target population proposed by the applicant is ‘healthy adults over 50 years of age’. The Panel considers that a reduction of the loss of vision is a beneficial physiological effect. The applicant provided two human intervention studies for the scientific substantiation of the claim. The Panel considers that the only study from which conclusions can be drawn for the scientific substantiation of the claim did not show an effect of NWT-02 on vision. The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of NWT-02, a fixed combination of lutein, zeaxanthin and docosahexaenoic acid in egg yolk, and a reduction of the loss of vision.</p

    L-carnitine and contribution to normal lipid metabolism:evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

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    Following an application from Lonza Ltd., submitted for authorisation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No1924/2006 via the Competent Authority of Germany, the EFSA Panelon Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on the scientific substantiation of a health claim related to L-carnitine and normal lipid metabolism. The food that is proposed as the subject of the health claim is L-carnitine. The Panelconsiders that L-carnitine is sufficiently characterised. The claimed effect proposed by the applicant is normal lipid metabolism'. The target population proposed by the applicant is the general population. The Panelconsiders that contribution to normal lipid metabolism is a beneficial physiological effect. The applicant proposes that the claim submitted with this application is based on the essentiality of a nutrient. The Panelconsiders that the evidence provided does not establish that dietary L-carnitine is required to maintain normal lipid metabolism in the target population, for which the claim is intended. The Panelconcludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of L-carnitine and contribution to normal lipid metabolism in the target population
