10 research outputs found


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    A molécula de CH3OH é uma das espécies orgânicas mais abundantes no meio interestelar e importante precursor de espécies pré-bióticas. Nesse trabalho estudamos sua sobrevivência em um cenário típico de estrela jovem, na presença de um campo de radiação ultravioleta (UV) entre 91.2 – 205 nm. Para isso usamos o código de transferência radiativa RADMC-3D para calcular os perfis de densidade e intensidade média de fótons em toda parte do modelo. Através desses resultados, usamos a seção de choque de destruição do CH3OH na região do ultravioleta para calcular sua taxa de fotodissociação e tempo de meia vida. Concluímos que no interior do disco, a molécula pode sobreviver intacta e ser liberada para a fase gasosa por processos não-térmicos. Porém no envelope, a fotodissociação é predominante, podendo formar espécies como HCOOCH3, HOCH2CHO e CH3CH2OH

    The hunt for formamide in interstellar ices: A toolkit of laboratory infrared spectra in astronomically relevant ice mixtures and comparisons to ISO, Spitzer, and JWST observations

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    This work aims at characterizing the mid-IR spectra of formamide in its pure form as well as in mixtures of the most abundant interstellar ices via laboratory simulation of such ices, as well as demonstrating how these laboratory spectra can be used to search for formamide in ice observations. Mid-IR spectra (4000 - 500 cm1^{-1}, 2.5 - 20 μ\mum) of formamide, both in its pure form as well as in binary and tertiary mixtures with H2_2O, CO2_2, CO, NH3_3, CH3_3OH, H2_2O:CO2_2, H2_2O:NH3_3, CO:NH3_3, and CO:CH3_3OH, are collected at temperatures ranging from 15 - 212 K. Apparent band strengths and positions of eight IR bands of pure amorphous and crystalline formamide at various temperatures are provided. Three bands are identified as potential formamide tracers in observational ice spectra: the overlapping C=O stretch and NH2_2 scissor bands at 1700.3 and 1630.4 cm1^{-1} (5.881 and 6.133 μ\mum), the CH bend at 1388.1 cm1^{-1} (7.204 μ\mum), and the CN stretch at 1328.1 cm1^{-1} (7.529 μ\mum). The relative apparent band strengths, positions, and FWHM of these features in mixtures at various temperatures are also determined. Finally, the laboratory spectra are compared to observational spectra of low- and high-mass young stellar objects as well as pre-stellar cores observed with the Infrared Space Observatory, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the JWST. A comparison between the formamide CH bend in laboratory data and the 7.24 μ\mum band in the observations tentatively indicates that, if formamide ice is contributing significantly to the observed absorption, it is more likely in a polar matrix. Upper limits ranging from 0.35-5.1\% with respect to H2_{2}O are calculated. These upper limits are in agreement with gas-phase formamide abundances and take into account the effect of a H2_{2}O matrix on formamide's band strengths.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 25 pages, 11 figures, 9 table

    Uma análise multi-técnica das propriedades físicas e do conteúdo da nuvem interestelar DC291.1-1.7.

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    A nuvem escura DC291.1-1.7 está localizada no plano galáctico com as seguintes coordenadas α(2000) = 11h07m07.5s e δ(2000) = –62°05’51” . Trata-se de uma nuvem com uma estrutura alongada, tendo o centro como região mais densa. Aplicamos um modelo simplificado para estudar o comportamento da transferência radiativa na nuvem. O resultado nos forneceu o tamanho médio das seções de choque de absorção e espalhamento dos grãos de poeira, a densidade central da nuvem e as amplitudes de emissão em unidades da função fonte para os quatro comprimentos de onda da IRAC. Com os resultados de fotometria nas bandas IRAC, fizemos uma busca por objetos estelares jovens, mas o resultado mostrou uma nuvem sem estrelas jovens associadas. Em seguida aplicamos o método de distribuição espectral de energia para determinar a extinção na direção da nuvem. Em seguida aplicamos o método NICE, que apresentou um resultado semelhante de Av ≈ 9 mag. A estimativa da distância através do aumento súbido de extinção, revelou para ambos os métodos de cálculo de extinção a distância de D ≈ 〖80〗_(-25)^(+70) pc. Ainda através da extinção, encontramos evidências de grãos de poeira grandes dado o valor de e RH = 1,4. A temperatura média dos grãos ficou abaixo de T = 12 K para a região central da nuvem. Com os estudos polarimétricos encontramos um tamanho médio para os grãos na nuvem de a ≈ 0,2 μm. A massa da nuvem foi estimada em 5,45M⊙ e a densidade em 1,8 x10¹¹ m⁻³. Através das transições rotacionais das moléculas presentes na nuvem, estimamos uma temperatura cinética média de TK = 11 K. Como o modelo de esferas isotérmicas de Bonnor-Ebert estimamos uma temperatura de T = 24, 2 K. Com relação a estabilidade, a nuvem apresenta-se estável, não favorecendo o colapso, dados os resultados que encontramos para a massa de Jeans MJ = 3 M⊙, massa magnética MB = 6 M⊙ e turbulência presentes nela. Do estudo de polarização encontramos que os vetores polarização estão alinhados com o eixo alongado da nuvem, logo o campo magnético tem a mesma orientação. Isso mostra sua importância em se opor ao colapso gravitacional, visto que ele está mantendo estável a estrutura da nuvem. A densidade local e o tamanho dos grãos podem indicar formação de mantos de gelo sobre a poeira

    Porosity and Band-strength Measurements of Multi-phase Composite Ices

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    We use experimental mid-infrared optical constants and extended effective medium approximations to determine the porosity and the band strengths of multi-phase composite ices grown at 30 K. A set of porous H2O:CH4 ices are taken as a prototypical example. As a benchmark and proof of concept, the stoichiometry of the ice constituents is retreived with good accuracy from the refractive indices and the extinction coefficients of the reference binary ice mixtures with known compositions. Accurate band strengths are then calculated from experimental mid-infrared spectra of complex ices. We notice that the presence of pores has only a small effect on the overall band strengths, whereas a water dilution can considerably alter them. Different levels of porosity are observed depending on the abundance of methane used as a gas contaminant premixed with water prior to background deposition. The absorption profiles are also found to vary with deposition rate. To explain this, we use Monte Carlo simulations and we observe that the deposition rate strongly affects the pore size distribution as well as the ice morphology through reorganization processes. Extrapolated to genuine interstellar ices, the methodology presented in this paper can be used to evaluate the porosity and to quantify the relative abundances from observational data

    JOYS: Disentangling the warm and cold material in the high-mass IRAS 23385+6053 cluster

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    Context: High-mass star formation occurs in a clustered mode where fragmentation is observed from an early stage onward. Young protostars can now be studied in great detail with the recently launched James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Aims: We study and compare the warm (>100 K) and cold (<100 K) material toward the high-mass star-forming region (HMSFR) IRAS 23385+6053 (IRAS 23385 hereafter) combining high-angular-resolution observations in the mid-infrared (MIR) with the JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS) project and with the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) at millimeter (mm) wavelengths at angular resolutions of ≈0.″2–1.″0. Methods: We investigated the spatial morphology of atomic and molecular species using line-integrated intensity maps. We estimated the temperature and column density of different gas components using H2 transitions (warm and hot component) and a series of CH3CN transitions as well as 3 mm continuum emission (cold component). Results: Toward the central dense core of IRAS 23385, the material consists of relatively cold gas and dust (≈50 K), while multiple outflows create heated and/or shocked H2 and show enhanced temperatures (≈400 K) along the outflow structures. An energetic outflow with enhanced emission knots of [Fe II] and [Ni II] suggests J-type shocks, while two other outflows have enhanced emission of only H2 and [S I] caused by C-type shocks. The latter two outflows are also more prominent in molecular line emission at mm wavelengths (e.g., SiO, SO, H2CO, and CH3OH). Data of even higher angular resolution are needed to unambiguously identify the outflow-driving sources given the clustered nature of IRAS 23385. While most of the forbidden fine structure transitions are blueshifted, [Ne II] and [Ne III] peak at the source velocity toward the MIR source A/mmA2 suggesting that the emission is originating from closer to the protostar. Conclusions: The warm and cold gas traced by MIR and mm observations, respectively, are strongly linked in IRAS 23385. The outflows traced by MIR H2 lines have molecular counterparts in the mm regime. Despite the presence of multiple powerful outflows that cause dense and hot shocks, a cold dense envelope still allows star formation to further proceed. To study and fully understand the spatially resolved MIR properties, a representative sample of low- and high-mass protostars has to be probed using JWST.ISSN:0004-6361ISSN:1432-074