19 research outputs found

    Using nanopore sequencing to identify bacterial infection in joint replacements: a preliminary study

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    This project investigates if third-generation genomic sequencing can be used to identify the species of bacteria causing prosthetic joint infections (PJIs) at the time of revision surgery. Samples of prosthetic fluid were taken during revision surgery from patients with known PJIs. Samples from revision surgeries from non-infected patients acted as negative controls. Genomic sequencing was performed using the MinION device and the rapid sequencing kit from Oxford Nanopore Technologies. Bioinformatic analysis pipelines to identify bacteria included Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, Kraken2 and MinION Detection Software, and the results were compared with standard of care microbiological cultures. Furthermore, there was an attempt to predict antibiotic resistance using computational tools including ResFinder, AMRFinderPlus and Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database. Bacteria identified using microbiological cultures were successfully identified using bioinformatic analysis pipelines. Nanopore sequencing and genomic classification could be completed in the time it takes to perform joint revision surgery (2ā€“3 h). Genomic sequencing in this study was not able to predict antibiotic resistance in this time frame, this is thought to be due to a short-read length and low read depth. It can be concluded that genomic sequencing can be useful to identify bacterial species in infected joint replacements. However, further work is required to investigate if it can be used to predict antibiotic resistance within clinically relevant timeframes

    The establishment, maintenance, and adaptation of high- and low-impact chronic pain: a framework for biopsychosocial pain research

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    We present a framework for the study of states of chronic pain and transitions between those states. We capture in the framework the dynamic nature of pain: people live with pain that changes over time. First, we offer definitions of both acute and chronic pain and explore the contextual considerations related to the common use of this temporal dichotomy. Second, we promote the importance of incorporating the impact pain has on a person's life. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities inherent in implementing this common approach. Our goal is to produce a framework for the study of the development, maintenance, and resolution of chronic pain. Whether a single brief event or a constant feature of life, pain interrupts to prioritise protection, interferes with activity, reduces quality of life, and can alter identity.44 Protection is achieved by escape from harm, avoidance of perceived danger, withdrawal for respite and repair, and communication of incapacity and environmental risk; longer-term protection is achieved by learning the cues for pain and injury.53 From this perspective, pain is most usefully considered a need state, fundamentally a motivational drive to protect.49 This approach centres our attention on the consequences of pain for the person in their context, on its duration and its impact

    Thresholds for adding degraded tropical forest to the conservation estate

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    Logged and disturbed forests are often viewed as degraded and depauperate environments compared with primary forest. However, they are dynamic ecosystems1 that provide refugia for large amounts of biodiversity2,3, so we cannot afford to underestimate their conservation value4. Here we present empirically defined thresholds for categorizing the conservation value of logged forests, using one of the most comprehensive assessments of taxon responses to habitat degradation in any tropical forest environment. We analysed the impact of logging intensity on the individual occurrence patterns of 1,681 taxa belonging to 86 taxonomic orders and 126 functional groups in Sabah, Malaysia. Our results demonstrate the existence of two conservation-relevant thresholds. First, lightly logged forests (68%) of their biomass removed, and these are likely to require more expensive measures to recover their biodiversity value. Overall, our data confirm that primary forests are irreplaceable5, but they also reinforce the message that logged forests retain considerable conservation value that should not be overlooked


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    AbstractObjectivesThe objective of this study is to investigate if genomic sequencing is a useful method to diagnose orthopaedic infections. Current methods used to identify the species of bacteria causing orthopaedic infections take considerable time and the results are frequently insufficient for guiding antibiotic treatment. The aim here is to investigate if genomic sequencing is a faster and more reliable method to identify the species of bacteria causing infections. Current methods include a combination of biochemical markers and microbiological cultures which frequently produce false positive results and false negative results.MethodsSamples of prosthetic fluid were obtained from surgical interventions to treat orthopaedic infections. DNA is extracted from these samples lab and nanopore genomic sequencing is performed. Initial investigations informed that a sequencing time of 15 minutes was sufficient. The resulting genomic sequence data was classified using Basic Local Alignment Tool (BLAST) against the NCBI bacterial database and filtered by only including reads with an identity score of 90 and E-value of 1e-50. An E-value of 1e-50 suggests a high-quality result and is commonly used when analysing genomic data. This data was then filtered in R Studio to identify if any species were associated with orthopaedic infections. The results from genomic sequencing were compared to microbiology results from the hospital to see if the same species had been identified. The whole process from DNA extraction to output took approximately 2 hours, which was faster than parallel microbiological cultures.ResultsIn these preliminary analyses, 15 samples have been collected from patients with confirmed/suspected orthopaedic infections. To date, 11 samples from confirmed infected patients have been sequenced and a summary of the findings are presented in the table attached. As well as finding bacteria species to match microbiological cultures, genomic sequencing has also identified bacteria when culture results have been negative, but the patient is known to have an infection due to clinical indication and previous culture results. This example suggests genomic sequencing may have higher sensitivity than microbiological cultures at detecting bacteria causing orthopaedic infections. Results in table indicate the identification of bacteria from genomic sequencing that match microbiological cultures are high quality.ConclusionsPreliminary data presented using genomic sequencing suggests that the technique may be useful to identify bacterial species causing orthopaedic infections and can do so in a shorter time frame than current microbial methods. The results from genomic sequencing all produced a number of false positive results which hopefully can be reduced by improving the bioinformatic techniques used and increasing the sample number to include individuals without an infection. Further analysis will also look at identifying antibiotic resistance genes in the sequencing data and seeing if this ca be used to predict which patients will and will not respond to antibiotic treatment. The aim at the end of this project is to demonstrate if genomic sequencing is a more sensitive method to identify bacteria causing orthopaedic infections that current methods and if it can be used to guide antibiotic treatment. Include limitations, next steps and bigger picture.Declaration of Interest(b) declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported:I declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research project

    Using Nanopore sequencing to identify bacterial infection in joint replacements: A Preliminary study

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    This project investigates if third-generation genomic sequencing can be used to identify the species of bacteria causing prosthetic joint infections (PJIs) at the time of revision surgery. Samples of prosthetic fluid were taken during revision surgery from patients with known PJIs. Samples from revision surgeries from non-infected patients acted as negative controls. Genomic sequencing was performed using the MinION device and the rapid sequencing kit from Oxford Nanopore Technologies. Bioinformatic analysis pipelines to identify bacteria included Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, Kraken2 and MinION Detection Software, and the results were compared with standard of care microbiological cultures. Furthermore, there was an attempt to predict antibiotic resistance using computational tools including ResFinder, AMRFinderPlus and Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database. Bacteria identified using microbiological cultures were successfully identified using bioinformatic analysis pipelines. Nanopore sequencing and genomic classification could be completed in the time it takes to perform joint revision surgery (2ā€“3 h). Genomic sequencing in this study was not able to predict antibiotic resistance in this time frame, this is thought to be due to a short-read length and low read depth. It can be concluded that genomic sequencing can be useful to identify bacterial species in infected joint replacements. However, further work is required to investigate if it can be used to predict antibiotic resistance within clinically relevant timeframes

    Highly sensitive in vivo imaging of Trypanosoma brucei expressing "red-shifted" luciferase.

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    BACKGROUND: Human African trypanosomiasis is caused by infection with parasites of the Trypanosoma brucei species complex, and threatens over 70 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. Development of new drugs is hampered by the limitations of current rodent models, particularly for stage II infections, which occur once parasites have accessed the CNS. Bioluminescence imaging of pathogens expressing firefly luciferase (emission maximum 562 nm) has been adopted in a number of in vivo models of disease to monitor dissemination, drug-treatment and the role of immune responses. However, lack of sensitivity in detecting deep tissue bioluminescence at wavelengths below 600 nm has restricted the wide-spread use of in vivo imaging to investigate infections with T. brucei and other trypanosomatids. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we report a system that allows the detection of fewer than 100 bioluminescent T. brucei parasites in a murine model. As a reporter, we used a codon-optimised red-shifted Photinus pyralis luciferase (PpyRE9H) with a peak emission of 617 nm. Maximal expression was obtained following targeted integration of the gene, flanked by an upstream 5'-variant surface glycoprotein untranslated region (UTR) and a downstream 3'-tubulin UTR, into a T. brucei ribosomal DNA locus. Expression was stable in the absence of selective drug for at least 3 months and was not associated with detectable phenotypic changes. Parasite dissemination and drug efficacy could be monitored in real time, and brain infections were readily detectable. The level of sensitivity in vivo was significantly greater than achievable with a yellow firefly luciferase reporter. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The optimised bioluminescent reporter line described here will significantly enhance the application of in vivo imaging to study stage II African trypanosomiasis in murine models. The greatly increased sensitivity provides a new framework for investigating host-parasite relationships, particularly in the context of CNS infections. It should be ideally suited to drug evaluation programmes

    The establishment, maintenance, and adaptation of high and low impact chronic pain: A framework for biopsychosocial pain research

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    We present a framework for the study of states of chronic pain and transitions between those states. We capture in the framework the dynamic nature of pain: people live with pain that changes over time. First, we offer definitions of both acute and chronic pain, and explore the contextual considerations related to the common use of this temporal dichotomy. Second, we promote the importance of incorporating the impact pain has on a personā€™s life. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities inherent in implementing this common approach. Our goal is to produce a framework for the study of the development, maintenance, and resolution of chronic pain