8,007 research outputs found

    X-ray reverberation around accreting black holes

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    Luminous accreting stellar mass and supermassive black holes produce power-law continuum X-ray emission from a compact central corona. Reverberation time lags occur due to light travel time-delays between changes in the direct coronal emission and corresponding variations in its reflection from the accretion flow. Reverberation is detectable using light curves made in different X-ray energy bands, since the direct and reflected components have different spectral shapes. Larger, lower frequency, lags are also seen and are identified with propagation of fluctuations through the accretion flow and associated corona. We review the evidence for X-ray reverberation in active galactic nuclei and black hole X-ray binaries, showing how it can be best measured and how it may be modelled. The timescales and energy-dependence of the high frequency reverberation lags show that much of the signal is originating from very close to the black hole in some objects, within a few gravitational radii of the event horizon. We consider how these signals can be studied in the future to carry out X-ray reverberation mapping of the regions closest to black holes.Comment: 72 pages, 32 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. Corrected for mostly minor typos, but in particular errors are corrected in the denominators of the covariance and rms spectrum error equations (Eqn. 14 and 15

    Discovery of high-frequency iron K lags in Ark 564 and Mrk 335

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    We use archival XMM-Newton observations of Ark 564 and Mrk 335 to calculate the frequency dependent time-lags for these two well-studied sources. We discover high-frequency Fe K lags in both sources, indicating that the red wing of the line precedes the rest frame energy by roughly 100 s and 150 s for Ark 564 and Mrk 335, respectively. Including these two new sources, Fe K reverberation lags have been observed in seven Seyfert galaxies. We examine the low-frequency lag-energy spectrum, which is smooth, and shows no feature of reverberation, as would be expected if the low-frequency lags were produced by distant reflection off circumnuclear material. The clear differences in the low and high frequency lag-energy spectra indicate that the lags are produced by two distinct physical processes. Finally, we find that the amplitude of the Fe K lag scales with black hole mass for these seven sources, consistent with a relativistic reflection model where the lag is the light travel delay associated with reflection of continuum photons off the inner disc.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Disentangling multipole resonances through a full x-ray polarization analysis

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    Complete polarization analysis applied to resonant x-ray scattering at the Cr K-edge in K2CrO4 shows that incident linearly polarized x-rays can be converted into circularly polarized x-rays by diffraction at the Cr pre-edge (E = 5994 eV). The physical mechanism behind this phenomenon is a subtle interference effect between purely dipole (E1-E1) and purely quadrupole (E2-E2) transitions, leading to a phase shift between the respective scattering amplitudes. This effect may be exploited to disentangle two close-lying resonances that appear as a single peak in a conventional energy scan, in this way allowing to single out and identify the different multipole order parameters involved.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Life inside black holes

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    We consider test planet and photon orbits of the third kind inside a black hole, which are stable, periodic and neither come out of the black hole nor terminate at the singularity. Interiors of supermassive black holes may be inhabited by advanced civilizations living on planets with the third-kind orbits. In principle, one can get information from the interiors of black holes by observing their white hole counterparts.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The Closest Look at 1H0707-495: X-ray Reverberation Lags with 1.3 Ms of Data

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    Reverberation lags in AGN were first discovered in the NLS1 galaxy, 1H0707-495. We present a follow-up analysis using 1.3 Ms of data, which allows for the closest ever look at the reverberation signature of this remarkable source. We confirm previous findings of a hard lag of ~100 seconds at frequencies v ~ [0.5 - 4] e-4 Hz, and a soft lag of ~30 seconds at higher frequencies, v ~ [0.6 - 3] e-3 Hz. These two frequency domains clearly show different energy dependences in their lag spectra. We also find evidence for a signature from the broad Fe K line in the high frequency lag spectrum. We use Monte Carlo simulations to show how the lag and coherence measurements respond to the addition of Poisson noise and to dilution by other components. With our better understanding of these effects on the lag, we show that the lag-energy spectra can be modelled with a scenario in which low frequency hard lags are produced by a compact corona responding to accretion rate fluctuations propagating through an optically thick accretion disc, and the high frequency soft lags are produced by short light-travel delay associated with reflection of coronal power-law photons off the disc.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA