268 research outputs found

    Anophelinae (Diptera: Culicidae) in ausgewählten Marschgebieten Niedersachsens : Bestandserfassung, Habitatbindung und Interpolation

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    Nach HIRSCH (1883) war die Malariasituation im 19. Jahrhundert in Norddeutschland am schlimmsten in Schleswig-Holstein, an der Küste westlich der Elbe sowie in den Moorgebieten von Hannover und Oldenburg. Erst mit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts nahm dort die Zahl der Infektionen ab. Dieser Rückgang wurde vielfach auf die Trockenlegung von Marsch-, Sumpf- und Moorgebieten zurückgeführt (MAIER 2004). Aktuell wird deshalb in Teilen der Bevölkerung ein Wiederaufflackern der Malaria bzw. anderer Mückenassoziierter Krankheiten als indirekte Folge von Wiedervernässungsmaßnahmen befürchtet. Hinzu kommen Klima- und weitere Umweltveränderungen, welche nach MAIER et al. (2003) Ursache für neu auftretende oder wiederkehrende Krankheiten sein können. Mit dem Verschwinden der Malaria wurde in Deutschland kaum weitere Forschung zur Verbreitung und Ökologie der Culiciden betrieben. Das Fehlen von fundierten Daten zur Ökologie und Populationsentwicklung der präimaginalen Culicidenstadien in den heute vorhandenen Lebensräumen (z.B. Gräben, Polder, Wiedervernässungsflächen, Mooren) erschwert Aussagen und Prognosen zur Verbreitung potenzieller Vektoren. Die aktuellen Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich zunächst auf die Untersuchung der aquatischen Entwicklungsstadien von Anopheles-Arten (Diptera: Culicidae) in Entwässerungsgräben. Diese Biotope sind für die heutige Landschaftsstruktur der Marschengebiete im Nordwesten Niedersachsens typisch, stellen dort einen hohen Anteil der Wasserflächen dar und sind grundsätzlich als Brutgewässer geeignet (CRANSTON et al. 1987, MOHRIG 1969). Wesentliches Ziel der Untersuchung war zunächst die Darstellung historischer Fundgebiete, der abgesicherte Nachweis aktueller Brutgebiete verschiedener Anopheles-Arten und die Entwicklung einer standardisierten Methode zur Charakterisierung der betreffenden Biotope. Darauf aufbauend sollen mit GISTechniken, Classification and Regression Trees (CART) und Geostatistik zukünftig Möglichkeiten der Übertragung dieser Resultate auf ähnlich ausgestattete Landschaftsräume geprüft werden.The disappearance of malaria from Northern Germany in the middle of the 20th century was closely linked to a significant reduction of Anopheles breeding sites as a consequence of intense drainage of marshes, swamps and moors. Nature conservation activities and the reestablishment of swamps and wetland areas may nowadays lead to a converse effect and contribute to the multiplication and spread of culicid mosquitoes again. Therefore, the monitoring of their distribution and abundance is advisable. The presented investigation concentrates on typical Lower Saxony marshland ditches and on their suitability to provide breeding facilities for Culicidae in general, and for the former malaria vectors An. atroparvus and An. messeae in particular. The study area was fixed geographically with special reference to historical vector findings, former malaria regions and current archive data. To determine the habitat preferences of the mosquitoes, a structural mapping of single ditches was performed and essential abiotic factors were recorded. Anopheles specimens regularly were found in ditches with submerse and emerse macrophytes but never in ditches with a high degree of surface coverage by swimming plants. Conductivity, pHvalue and total phosphate in the water body appear to be further variables which correlate with the occurrence and abundance of Anopheles larvae and pupae and therefore can be used for predictions. By means of geographic information systems (GIS) and geostatistical procedures, a surface related assessment of the given Anopheles densities within the ditches should now be feasible. To this end, the multivariate correlations between the empirical data were analysed by Classification and Regression Trees. The relations detected serve to predict the empirical findings to biotopes similar to the sampling sites. Furthermore, recent climate predictions will be analysed with respect to possible effects climate change may have on the distribution of Anophilinae in Lower Saxon

    Cipherfix: Mitigating Ciphertext Side-Channel Attacks in Software

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    Trusted execution environments (TEEs) provide an environment for running workloads in the cloud without having to trust cloud service providers, by offering additional hardware-assisted security guarantees. However, main memory encryption as a key mechanism to protect against system-level attackers trying to read the TEE's content and physical, off-chip attackers, is insufficient. The recent Cipherleaks attacks infer secret data from TEE-protected implementations by analyzing ciphertext patterns exhibited due to deterministic memory encryption. The underlying vulnerability, dubbed the ciphertext side-channel, is neither protected by state-of-the-art countermeasures like constant-time code nor by hardware fixes. Thus, in this paper, we present a software-based, drop-in solution that can harden existing binaries such that they can be safely executed under TEEs vulnerable to ciphertext side-channels, without requiring recompilation. We combine taint tracking with both static and dynamic binary instrumentation to find sensitive memory locations, and mitigate the leakage by masking secret data before it gets written to memory. This way, although the memory encryption remains deterministic, we destroy any secret-dependent patterns in encrypted memory. We show that our proof-of-concept implementation protects various constant-time implementations against ciphertext side-channels with reasonable overhead.Comment: Jan Wichelmann and Anna P\"atschke contributed equally to this wor

    PAID TO PUMP: How a tax credit could discourage conservation of the High Plains Aquifer

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    In 1965’s United States v. Shurbet case, an irrigator from Texas asserted his claim for a depletion tax deduction for groundwater pumped from the High Plains Aquifer. He argued that the unique conditions of the southern High Plains region - a plateau where the shallow aquifer is recharged only through precipitation at a slow rate - meant the groundwater resource would be depleted in time. The state argued that groundwater was not fundamentally an exhaustible natural deposit, but the Supreme Court concluded the tax deduction was appropriate given the “peculiar” conditions in the area. It was stated the decision was not meant to establish a precedent regarding cost depletion of groundwater. The findings of the Shurbet case were intended to be limited to the southern High Plains region. However, in a 1980 lawsuit against the IRS, the Gigot brothers of Kansas sought to expand the deduction to allow depletion of the aquifer beneath their 30,000 acre farm in Kansas. The case was settled in the district court with a ruling allowing the brothers’ deductions to continue, thereby extending the Shurbet decision to include all landowners extracting from the approximately 174,000 square miles of land overlying the High Plains Aquifer. Currently, the estimated value of the credit is highest in parts of northern Texas, eastern Colorado, western Kansas, and south central Nebraska

    C-reactive Protein in Patients with Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma: An Important Biomarker for Tumor-associated Inflammation

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    Two consecutive multi-center phase II trials were designed to prove the hypothesis, whether therapeutic modeling of tumor-associated inflammatory processes could result in improved tumor response

    Physical Activity During Lockdowns Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Multilevel Meta-analysis of 173 Studies with 320,636 Participants

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    Background: Many countries have restricted public life in order to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2). As a side effect of related measures, physical activity (PA) levels may have decreased. Objective: We aimed (1) to quantify changes in PA and (2) to identify variables potentially predicting PA reductions. Methods: A systematic review with random-effects multilevel meta-analysis was performed, pooling the standardized mean differences in PA measures before and during public life restrictions. Results: A total of 173 trials with moderate methodological quality (modified Downs and Black checklist) were identified. Compared to pre-pandemic, total PA (SMD − 0.65, 95% CI − 1.10 to − 0.21) and walking (SMD − 0.52, 95% CI − 0.29 to − 0.76) decreased while sedentary behavior increased (SMD 0.91, 95% CI: 0.17 to 1.65). Reductions in PA affected all intensities (light: SMD − 0.35, 95% CI − 0.09 to − 0.61, p = .013; moderate: SMD − 0.33, 95% CI − 0.02 to − 0.6; vigorous: SMD − 0.33, − 0.08 to − 0.58, 95% CI − 0.08 to − 0.58) to a similar degree. Moderator analyses revealed no influence of variables such as sex, age, body mass index, or health status. However, the only continent without a PA reduction was Australia and cross-sectional trials yielded higher effect sizes (p < .05). Conclusion: Public life restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in moderate reductions in PA levels and large increases in sedentary behavior. Health professionals and policy makers should therefore join forces to develop strategies counteracting the adverse effects of inactivity

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    The Trial of Thomas Kwoyelo: Opportunity or Spectre? Reflections from the ground on the first LRA prosecution

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    The trial of Thomas Kwoyelo – the first war crimes prosecution of a former Lord's Resistance Army fighter, and the only domestic war crimes prosecution in Uganda at the time of writing – has been packed with drama, intrigue and politics. The article considers what Kwoyelo's trial means for those most affected by the crimes he allegedly committed, and, more broadly, what it means for the ‘transitional justice’ project in Uganda. The article is concerned primarily with how the trial has been interpreted ‘on the ground’ in Acholiland: by local leadership; by those with a personal relationship to Kwoyelo; by direct victims of his alleged crimes; and by those who were not. Responses to the trial have been shaped by people's specific wartime experiences and if or how his prosecution relates to their current circumstances – as well as by the profound value of social harmony and distrust of higher authorities to dispense justice. We conclude with a discussion of the relevance of our findings for the practice of ‘transitional justice’ across the African continent

    Computational Modeling of Gas-Surface Interactions for High-Enthalpy Reacting Flows

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106443/1/AIAA2013-187.pd