717 research outputs found

    Observations of large-scale fluid transport by laser-guided plankton aggregations

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    Diel vertical migration of plankton has been proposed to affect global ocean circulation to a degree comparable to winds and tides. This biomixing process has never been directly observed, however, due to the inability to predict its occurrence in situ or to reproduce it in a laboratory setting. Furthermore, it has been argued that the energy imparted to the ocean by plankton migrations occurs at the scale of individual organisms, which is too small to impact ocean mixing. We describe the development of a multi-laser guidance system that leverages the phototactic abilities of plankton to achieve controllable vertical migrations concurrently with laser velocimetry of the surrounding flow. Measurements in unstratified fluid show that the hydrodynamic interactions between neighboring swimmers establish an alternate energy transfer route from the small scales of individually migrating plankton to significantly larger scales. Observations of laser-induced vertical migrations of Artemia salina reveal the appearance of a downward jet, which triggers a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability that results in the generation of eddy-like structures with characteristic length scales much larger than the organisms. The measured energy spectrum is consistent with these findings and indicates energy input at large scales, despite the small individual size of the organisms. These results motivate the study of biomixing in the presence of stratification to assess the contribution of migrating zooplankton to local and global ocean dynamics. The laser control methodology developed here enables systematic study of the relevant processes

    Gambaran Pemberian Obat Masal Pencegahan Kaki Gajah di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Welamosa Kecamatan Wewaria Kabupaten Ende Tahun 2011-2015

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    Elephant Foot Disease (Lymphatic Filariasis), hereinafter referred to as filariasis, is a chronic infectious disease caused by filarial worms that attack the lymph nodes. Data from the Ende District Health Office shows that up to 2015 there were 233 cases of filariasis with the highest number found in the welamosa Public Health Center in the authority district of 67 people. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of mass drug prevention of elephantiasis in the working area of Welamosa Health Center in Wewaria District, Ende Regency in 2011-2015. The type of research used is descriptive with a cross-sectional design using a stratified random sampling technique with a sample of 380 samples. The results showed that people who drank mass medicine to prevent elephantiasis in 2011 amounted to 51%, in 2012 amounted to 52%, in 2013 amounted to 56%, in 2014 and 2015 respectively 62%. People who do not take medication are caused by not getting medication and not taking medication. Residents who get the medicine but do not drink it are more due to no desire to drink that because of the side effects of drugs/allergies while the people who do not get the medicine are more due to the unwillingness/willingness to take the drug

    Asymmetry of motion: vortex rings crossing a density gradient

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    Vortex rings are critical for thrust production underwater. In the ocean, self-propelled mesozooplankton generate vortices while swimming within a weakly stratified fluid. While large-scale biogenic transport has been observed during vertical migration in the wild and lab experiments, little focus has been given to the evolution of induced vortex rings as a function of their propagation direction relative to the density gradient. In this study, the evolution of an isolated vortex ring crossing the interface of a stable two-layer system is examined as a function of its translation direction with respect to gravity. The vortex ring size and position are visualized using Planar Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) and the induced vorticity field derived from Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is examined. It is found that the production of baroclinic vorticity significantly affects the propagation of vortex rings crossing the density interface. As a result, any expected symmetry between vortex rings traveling from dense to light fluids and from light to dense fluids breaks down. In turn, the maximum penetration depth of the vortex ring occurs in the case in which the vortex propagates against the density gradient due to the misalignment of the pressure and density gradients. Our results have far-reaching implications for the characterization of local ecosystems in marine environments.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Autophagy in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

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    Autophagy is a mechanism involved in cellular homeostasis under basal and stressed conditions delivering cytoplasmic content to the lysosomes for degradation to macronutrients. The potential role of autophagy in disease is increasingly recognised and investigated. To date, a key role of autophagy in hepatic lipid metabolism is recognised and dysfunctional autophagy might be an underlying cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Nevertheless, the exact role of autophagy in lipid metabolism remains controversial, with both a lipolytic function of autophagy and lipogenic function reported. This chapter aims to review the current knowledge on autophagy in NAFLD, with a special focus on its role in hepatic lipid metabolism, hepatic glucose metabolism and insulin resistance, steatohepatitis, hepatocellular injury and hepatic fibrogenesis. Finally, interaction with another cellular homeostatic process, the unfolded protein response (UPR), will be briefly discussed

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Discoveri Learning Dengan Bantuan Cd Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Siswa (Studi Pada Siswa Kelas VIII Mata Pelajaran PAK, SMP Negeri 3 Saparua)

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    This research aims to improve students' High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) through the development of Discoveri Learning-Based Learning Tools with the Help of Interactive CDs (Studies in Class VIII PAK Subjects, SMP Negeri 3 Saparua). This type of research is development research, with a population of SMA Negeri 3 Saparua, as many as 327 students with a sample in class VIII of 31 students. The research results also found that the instrument validity test had met the validity criteria, including: Teaching materials, student responses, teacher responses, teacher ability to manage learning, student activities, learning implementation plans (RPP) and HOTS and Interactive CD ability tests above average. -average score 4.00, apart from the practicality test, teacher response questionnaire and student response questionnaire above 80%. From this research it was also found that the effectiveness of components in the form of teachers' ability to manage learning was 74% in the very good category, the average percentage of student activity was 71.39% in the good category, and the average percentage of the HOTS ability test was 90.86% and are in the high category and have achieved classical completeness, namely 93.3% of students have completed classically

    Perencanaan Teknis Jaringan Air Bersih Di Desa Nunusunu Kecamatan Kualin Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    Air merupakan unsur utama bagi kehidupan manusia. Kekurangan suplai air bersih akan berpengaruh pada berbagai faktor kehidupan manusia. Metode yang dipakai adalah metode observasi yakni teknik pengambilan data melalui pengamatan langsung di lapangan baik pengukuran debit, pengukuran topografi maupun metode dokumentasi dan wawancara yakni teknik pengambilan data dengan mengambil teori-teori, rumus-rumus ,peraturan dan ketetapan yang menunjang dalam penelitian ini dan data-data yang diperoleh dari pejabat desa lokasi penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam perhitungan proyeksi jumlah penduduk menggunakan Metode Aritmatik, Metode Geometrik dan Metode Eksponensial.Hasilproyeksi jumlah penduduk Dusun IV Desa Nunusunu tahun 2034 adalah 1337 jiwa. Besar kebutuhan air pada tahun rencana adalah 0,712 ltr/dtk. Debit Mata Air Oe Paleo adalah 0,991 ltr/dtk.Jenis pipa yang digunakan adalah jenis pipa GIP, dengan diameter pipa d = 2 inchi = 0,05 m dan d= 1,5 inchi = 0,04 m.Volume bak penangkap mata air (broncaptering) 6 m3, volume bak penampung (reservoir) 20 m3dan terdapat 6unit hidran umum (HU) memiliki volume yang berbeda-beda sesuai jumlah pemukiman penduduk tiap lokasi yakni 10 m3, 5.2 m3,dan 5 m3 (10.000 liter, 5.200 liter dan 5000 liter).Teknis operasional menyangkut hal-hal teknik yakni rincian kebutuhan operasional dan pemeliharaan, pelaku dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan

    Evaluasi Kenerja Jaringan Irigasi Bendungan Tilong Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang

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    Pembangunan Bendungan Tilong untuk memenuhi air baku dan air irigasi. Daerah Irigasi Tilong memiliki luas wilayah layanan irigasi sebesar 1.484 Ha diantaranya luas layanan 233 Ha untuk mengaliri daerah Fatukanutu. Dalam pengoperasiannya, jaringan irigasi mengalami beberapa kerusakan seperti rusaknya tubuh saluran akibat erosi tebing, tanaman liar dan sebagainya, sehingga peneliti ingin mengevaluasi kinerja jaringan irigasi Fatukanutu ditinjau dari aspek fisik, aspek pemanfaatan dan aspek operasional dan pemeliharaan (O & P). Metode yang dilakukan yaitu pengukuran debit inflow-outflow, dan analisis deskriptif jawaban kuesioner yang diuraikan dengan memberi nilai tertentu (skala likert) terhadap setiap variable aspek yang ditinjau. Jaringan Irigasi Fatukanutu di lihat dari aspek fisik memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 2.93, Cukup Baik. Jaringan Irigasi Fatukanutu di lihat dari aspek pemanfaatan memproleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 1.98, Kurang Baik dan efektifitas pengelolaan lahan 45.55 Ha dari luas lahan rencana 233 Ha sebesar 19.55 % yaitu terdapat tiga sub ruas bagian yang difungsikan dan dimanfaatkan dalam pengelolahan lahan yaitu BT1, BFK3 dan BFK4, sedangkan 5 sub bagian lainnya tidak dimanfaatkan untuk pengelolaan lahan yaitu Sub Bagian BFK1, BFK2, BFK 5, BFK6, BFK7. Jaringan Irigasi Fatukanutu di lihat dari aspek O & P memproleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 1.65, Kurang Baik. Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi Fatukanutu secara keseluruhan berdasarkan ketiga aspek tersebut memperoleh nilai sebesar 2.19 Kurang Baik. Tilong dam of development is to fillup main water and irrigation water. Tilong Irrigation has an area of 1,484 ha irrigation services including extensive service area of 233 hectares to flow through Fatukanutu. thelrrigation Network in Fatukanutu has been operated since 2003 to drain the land in Hamlet Fatukanutu. In operation, the irrigation network suffered some damage as a result of damage to the channel bank erosion, weeds and etc, therefore the researchers wanted to evaluate the performance of irrigation networks in Fatukanutu. The performance evaluation is reviewed based on physical aspects, aspects of utilization and operational aspects and maintenance (O & M). The method performed is conducted by inflow-outflow discharge measurements, and descriptive analysis questionnaire described by giving a specific value (scale likert) for each variable aspect reviewed. Fatukanutu irrigation network in full view from the physical aspect has get an average value of 2.93, it was Very Good. Fatukanutu irrigation network in view of the aspects of utilization obtainan average value of 1.98, Less Good and effectiveness of land managemen thas a percentage of 19.55 % or 45.55 hectares of land area of 233 hectares plan where there are three sub-sections and sections that function is used in land management BT1, BFK3 and BFK4, while the other 5 sub-section is not used for land management namely sub-section BFK1, BFK2, BFK5, BFK6, BFK7. Fatukanutu Irrigation network from the aspects of O & M to obtainan average value of 1.65, Less Good. Irrigation Network Performance Fatukanutu overall based on three aspects to obtained a value of 2.19 Less Good