426 research outputs found

    My biomass, your biomass, our solution

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    The USA is pursuing an array of renewable energy sources to reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass energy and biomass ethanol are key components in this pursuit. Vast amounts of biomass feedstock will be needed to produce sufficient ethanol to meet any of the numerous target production goals. The Billion Ton Vision suggests one billion tons of biomass is needed annually to meet the ‘30x30’ goal (to replace 30% of 2004 levels of fossil transportation fuel use with ethanol by the year 2030). Great advances in technology will be required to produce this enormous quantity of biomass sustainably. These advances will not come about through ill-coordinated, competitive efforts. On the contrary, the problem of sustainably meeting the biofuel feedstock demand while continuing to meet traditional demands for agricultural output is so great that we need to focus all our energies on establishing complementary public energy policy based on facts and candid analysis; on crafting cooperative, coordinated energy goals across agencies; and on creating enthusiastic, dedicated teams of researchers and educators to develop and deploy existing and new technologies

    Comparisons of soil physical characteristics in long-term tillage winter wheat-fallow tillage experiments

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    Soil physical characteristics resulting from tillage of fallow-wheat (Triticurn aestivurn L.) cropping systems were compared for two soils in western Nebraska. The soil physical environment influences the amount of water entering soil and the microenvironment that influences soil biological processes important to plant response. Effects of tillage on physical properties varied with soil type and depth of soil tillage. Generally, the 0-76 mm surface layer has the largest number of physical properties that differ as a result of tillage; however, only a few properties differed at greater depths. The Alliance silt loam (fine silty, mixed, mesic, Aridic Arguistoll) soil at the Previously Cultivated site, for example, showed differences in bulk density, hydraulic conductivity, ratio of air to water permeability, and total porosity for the 0-76 mm layer but only hydraulic conductivity was different at the 76-152 mm depth. A similar frequency of differences in physical properties was also true in the 0-76 mm layer for the Duroc loam (fine silty, mixed, mesic, Pachic Haplustoll) soil at the Native Sod site. Compared among treatments, water content, bulk density, and pore space differed in the 0-76 mm layer, while all properties different in the 76-152 mm layer, and there were fewer differences in the 152-304 mm layer in the Native Sod site. The sod treatment usually was the most extreme value with the tillage treatment values clustered together. Air to water permeability ratio, as an indicator of structural stability (ratio of 1 being stable), for the Alliance soil ranged from 18 to 43 in the 0-76 mm layer and from 31 to 152 in the 76-152 mm layer. For the Duroc soil, the ratio ranged from 5 to 6 in the 0-76 mm layer and 6 to 22 in the 76-152 mm layer. The Duroc soil has not been cropped as long as the Alliance soil and showed a tendency to be more structurally stable. Based on precipitation intensity records and infiltration characteristics, water would seldom run off the Duroc soil when in sod and with sub-till or no-till. Results show that the runoff would occur most frequently from the plow treatment

    Root System Characteristics of Two Soybean Isolines Undergoing Water Stress Condition

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    Environmental stress may have a differential influence on root development of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] isolines which vary in pubescence density. Root length density and root dry matter distribution as a function of depth and distance from the row were determined for two isolines of \u27Harosoy\u27 soybean in association with an experiment designed to evaluate the influence of epidermal pubescence on root development, water use, and photosynthetic characteristics of the two isolines. The isolines, Harosoy normal (HN) and Harosoy dense (HD), differed in the density of trichomes on the epidermal surfaces of leaves, stems, and pods. The study was conducted at the Univ. of Nebraska Field Laboratory at Mead, Nebr., during the 1980 growing season. Root samples were collected 47 (full bloom) and 78 (beginning seed) days after planting. Until the first sampling, soil water content was high at all depths, and roots were concentrated in the surface 0.15-111 layer, especially under the row. Eighty percent of the roots were found within the upper 0.30 m. By 78 days after planting and after 30 days of drought, root length density was greatest at the 0.90 to 1.20-m layer; 80% of the roots pared to were found within the 0 to 1.2-m layer; and uniform lateral distribution was observed. Harosoy dense pubescence isoline tended to have a greater root density, to explore deeper into the soil, and to extract more soil water during the drought than did the normal pubescence isoliie. However, the rate of water extraction (per unit root length) was greater for the HN isoline


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    The objective of this research was to determine the influence center-pivot sprinkler irrigation methods in combination with tillage practices for corn (Zea mays L.) have on surface runoff of irrigation and rainfall. A center pivot irrigation machine was redesigned to apply water by high-pressure-impact (HPI), low-pressure-impact (LPI), and low-pressure-spray (LPS) nozzles. The center-pivot was a standard 10-tower machine, 395 meters in length and 38.4 meters tower spacing. Three tillage systems were used -- till-plant (T), disk (D), and subtill (S) which was till-plant with subsoiling between rows with straight single shanks, 360 mm deep, after last cultivation. The soil was a Sharpsburg silty clay loam (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Argiudolls). Runoff was measured from two plots representing each tillage system under the span between towers 9 and 10 for HPI, LPI, and LPS. Hand samples of water were taken at specific time intervals during runoff events for sediment and nutrient analysis. The greatest average annual sediment yield within each irrigation system was for D tillage treatment (148 kg ha-1) and smallest was for S tillage treatment (2 kg ha-1). Total nitrogen in runoff followed a pattern similar to sediment with a range from 0.86 to 0.01 kg ha-I for D and S tillage, respectively. Runoff as a percentage of irrigation water applied for irrigation systems ranked LPS \u3e LPI \u3e HPI. Tractor wheel trafficked rows accounted for majority of the runoff


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    The research reported here provides data on the effects of crop residues on the surface of no-till soil upon the soil environment and resulting biological activity, including crop growth. For maize (Zea mays L.) and soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production in eastern Nebraska, U.S.A. (4 years of data), increasing crop residue rate decreased maximum soil temperatures at the soil surface by at least 5°C, and generally increased soil water storage by at least 50 mm. Availability and uptake of nitrogen from the soil organic matter and applied fertilizers (and for soya bean from decomposition of crop residues) were increased by increasing the crop residue rate from 0 to 150% of the quantity left after grain harvest of the previous crop. Hardly any of the nitrogen in maize residues was used by the next crop. These changes in the soil environment resulted in less stress on crops produced on residue-covered soil than for those on bare soil. Consequently, each Mg ha-1 of crop residues on the soil surface increased grain and stover production by approximately 120 and 270 kg ha-1 for maize, and 90 and 300 kg ha-1 for soya bean, respectively. Results show that there are major direct crop growth benefits from leaving crop residues on the soil surface, in addition to cumulative benefits that may result from reduced erosion losses and enhanced soil organic-matter contents

    Fractal Description of Soil Fragmentation for Various Tillage Methods and Crop Sequences

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    Soil structure has been difficult to quantify and, at best, has been studied semiquantitatively. Fractal representation of soil fragmentation can provide an indication of soil structure. The purpose of our study was to use fractal analysis to quantify soil fragmentation under various tillage and crop sequence treatments at different times during the growing season. We collected soil samples from four tillage treatments (established 10 yr earlier) of chisel, disk, no-till, and moldboard plow in factorial arrangement with two crop sequences of corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]-corn (C-SC), and soybean- cornaoybean, (S-C-S) on a Sharpsburg (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Argiudoll) soil. Aggregate-size distribution was used to calculate fractal dimension (D) for each treatment. Higher D values indicate greater soil fragmentation and a soil dominated by smaller aggregates. The opposite is true for lower D values. Differences in soil fragmentation observed for tillage treatments after autumn tillage became even greater over winter. Soil fragmentation increased over autumn and winter, with D increasing in the order of plow \u3e chisel \u3e disk \u3e no-till. Formation of larger soil aggregates increased during the growing season for all tillage systems. The D values for C S C were smaller than S-C-S in the no-till, indicating that the previous year\u27s corn in CS-C provided more large aggregates. Soybean appears to have negative effects on large-aggregate formation in no-till. Aggregate densities, averaged across tillage and crop sequence, increased from 1.25 to 1.77 Mg m-3 as the aggregate diameter decreased from 6.38 to 0.162 mm. Fractal analysis was found to be useful in determining soil fragmentation differences due to different tillage methods and crop sequences

    Fractal Description of Soil Fragmentation for Various Tillage Methods and Crop Sequences

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    Soil structure has been difficult to quantify and, at best, has been studied semiquantitatively. Fractal representation of soil fragmentation can provide an indication of soil structure. The purpose of our study was to use fractal analysis to quantify soil fragmentation under various tillage and crop sequence treatments at different times during the growing season. We collected soil samples from four tillage treatments (established 10 yr earlier) of chisel, disk, no-till, and moldboard plow in factorial arrangement with two crop sequences of corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]-corn (C-SC), and soybean- cornaoybean, (S-C-S) on a Sharpsburg (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Argiudoll) soil. Aggregate-size distribution was used to calculate fractal dimension (D) for each treatment. Higher D values indicate greater soil fragmentation and a soil dominated by smaller aggregates. The opposite is true for lower D values. Differences in soil fragmentation observed for tillage treatments after autumn tillage became even greater over winter. Soil fragmentation increased over autumn and winter, with D increasing in the order of plow \u3e chisel \u3e disk \u3e no-till. Formation of larger soil aggregates increased during the growing season for all tillage systems. The D values for C S C were smaller than S-C-S in the no-till, indicating that the previous year\u27s corn in CS-C provided more large aggregates. Soybean appears to have negative effects on large-aggregate formation in no-till. Aggregate densities, averaged across tillage and crop sequence, increased from 1.25 to 1.77 Mg m-3 as the aggregate diameter decreased from 6.38 to 0.162 mm. Fractal analysis was found to be useful in determining soil fragmentation differences due to different tillage methods and crop sequences

    Crop and Soil Productivity Response to Corn Residue Removal: A Literature Review

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    Society is facing three related issues: over-reliance on imported fuel, increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and producing sufficient food for a growing world population. The U.S. Department of Energy and private enterprise are developing technology necessary to use high-cellulose feedstock, such as crop residues, for ethanol production. Corn (Zea mays L.) residue can provide about 1.7 times more C than barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], soybean [Glycine max L.) Merr.], sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) residues based on production levels. Removal of crop residue from the field must be balanced against impacting the environment (soil erosion), maintaining soil organic matter levels, and pre- serving or enhancing productivity. Our objective is to summarize published works for potential impacts of wide-scale, corn stover collection on corn production capacity in Corn Belt soils. We address the issue crop yield (sustainability) and related soil processes directly. However, scarcity of data requires us to deal with the issue of greenhouse gases indirectly and by inference. All ramifications of new management practices and crop uses must be explored and evaluated fully before industry is established. Our conclusion is that within limits, corn stover can be harvested for ethanol production to provide a renewable, domestic source of energy that reduces greenhouse gases. Recommendation for removal rates will vary based on regional yield, climatic conditions, and cultural practices. Agronomists are challenged to develop a procedure (tool) for recommending maximum permissible removal rates that ensure sustained soil productivity

    Midseason Stalk Breakage in Corn As Affected by Crop Rotation, Hybrid, and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate

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    In July of 1993 and 1994, southern Nebraska experienced devastating windstorms, with winds estimated to exceed 45 m s-1. These storms resulted in severe brittle-snap of corn (Zea mays L.), with stalks breaking near the primary ear node in the basal portion of an elongating internode. In the storm path were several experiments established on a Hord silt loam (Cumulic Haplustolls) to determine the effect of selected management practices (crop rotation, hybrid selection, planting date, and N fertilization) on nitrate leaching to ground water from irrigated cropland. After the storms, the number of broken plants was determined in these experiments to evaluate how management practices influenced severity of the damage. In 1993, crop rotation, hybrid, planting date, and N fertilization, and their interactions, all affected the amount of brittle-snap. Treatments that resulted in more rapid growth (optimum to excess N rates, corn rotated with soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], and early planting) increased the severity of damage. In continuous corn, 7% of the plants broke, compared with 33% for rotated corn; damage ranged from 4 to 33% among hybrids; and percent broken plants increased quadratically, from 8% for the 0 kg N ha-1 treatment to 24% at N rates equal to or greater than 80 kg N ha-1. Only the hybrid factor was significant in 1994. Amount of brittle-snap was related to stage of development (r = 0.55, n = 160, P \u3c 0.001). The great difference in severity of damage among hybrids indicates that the current best management strategy to limit brittle-snap losses is to plant hybrids less prone to breakage. Alternative management strategies, such as late planting, suboptimal N rates, and continuous cropping of corn, all are known to limit yield regardless of windstorms. There is a need for greater knowledge of cell and tissue characteristics that render hybrids susceptible or resistant to brittle-snap. Also, methods for simulating brittlesnap are needed to foster effective selection for resistant lines in breeding programs

    Succinate Dehydrogenase Is a Direct Target of Sirtuin 3 Deacetylase Activity

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    BACKGROUND: Sirtuins (SIRT1-7) are a family of NAD-dependent deacetylases and/or ADP-ribosyltransferases that are involved in metabolism, stress responses and longevity. SIRT3 is localized to mitochondria, where it deacetylates and activates a number of enzymes involved in fuel oxidation and energy production. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we performed a proteomic screen to identify SIRT3 interacting proteins and identified several subunits of complex II and V of the electron transport chain. Two subunits of complex II (also known as succinate dehydrogenase, or SDH), SDHA and SDHB, interacted specifically with SIRT3. Using mass spectrometry, we identified 13 acetylation sites on SDHA, including six novel acetylated residues. SDHA is hyperacetylated in SIRT3 KO mice and SIRT3 directly deacetylates SDHA in a NAD-dependent manner. Finally, we found that SIRT3 regulates SDH activity both in cells and in murine brown adipose tissue. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study identifies SDHA as a binding partner and substrate for SIRT3 deacetylase activity. SIRT3 loss results in decreased SDH enzyme activity, suggesting that SIRT3 may be an important physiological regulator of SDH activity