607 research outputs found

    Umweltbildung mit Wirkung : eine Arbeitshilfe

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    Umweltbildung hat über die Jahre viel Praxiserfahrung aufgebaut, die Qualität der Angebote ist hoch. Mit knapper werdenden Ressourcen rückt nun vermehrt die Wirkung der Umweltbildung ins Blickfeld. Mit einer Arbeitshilfe werden Anbietende dabei unterstützt, die Wirkung Ihrer Angebote benennen zu können, zu steigern und zu messen

    Éducation à l‘environnement et efficacité : un outil de travail

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    Au fil des ans, l’éducation à l’environnement a acquis une grande expérience pratique et la qualité des offres est élevée. Avec la diminution des ressources, l’accent est désormais mis davantage sur l’efficacité. La brochure « Éducation à l‘environnement et efficacité » est conçue pour vous aider à identifier, améliorer et mesurer l’efficacité de vos offres de formation

    Supporting the integration of sustainability into higher education curricula : a case study from Switzerland

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    From the perspective of different stakeholders, education for sustainable development (ESD) in higher education is highly desirable. In practice, however, this may present challenges, as it involves systemic and cultural changes as well as organizational transformation. A working group at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences supported such a transformative process with the aim of fostering, linking and subsequently deepening the dimensions of sustainable development in the existing curricula. By means of an assessment tool (spider diagram) developed through a bottom-up action research procedure, the working group initiated a discussion on sustainability among university lecturers, research associates and students. Results support the hypothesis that resistance to incorporating dimensions of sustainability into the curriculum can effectively be avoided by such an approach. The effectiveness of the assessment tool increased the commitment and the willingness of lecturers to share a common goal of demonstrating the relevance of sustainability in higher education

    Identificacion de factores que limitan una implementacion efectiva de la gestion del riesgo de desastres a nivel local, en distritos seleccionados de la Región Piura.

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    La finalidad del estudio es brindar insumos en el marco de la nueva ley que crea el SINAGERD, así como proponer ideas para medidas orientadas a fortalecer la gestión del riesgo de desastres a nivel local. Se investigaron algunos factores que limitan una implementación efectiva de la gestión del riesgo de desastres en distritos altamente expuestos a fenómenos naturales extremos de la región de Piura. Se ha indagado sobre el grado de institucionalización del enfoque de la gestión del riesgo, el interés político y el nivel de capacidades existentes en estos municipios. Este estudio constata una pobre implementación de la gestión del riesgo de desastres en los distritos. Una de las principales causas es que no todos los componentes del enfoque se encuentran igualmente institucionalizados. Para la gestión reactiva (preparación y atención ante situaciones de desastres) se cuenta con una unidad encargada, con reglas de operación, con un presupuesto, lo cual no sucede con los componentes de la gestión del riesgo prospectiva (prevención) y correctiva. Sin embargo, el componente reactivo es eficaz: el marco normativo precisa una regulación, los mecanismos de coordinación son deficientes, etc. Se constata cierto interés de parte de las autoridades en la gestión del riesgo, pero no en la gestión prospectiva ya que no genera votos. La falta de capacidades a nivel local es otra causa por la cual la gestión del riesgo no puede ser implementada de manera efectiva. No existe un entendimiento integral del tema; el énfasis está en el componente reactivo. Algunas recomendaciones: fortalecer capacidades, implementar mecanismos de estímulo-sanción para “aumentar” el interés político en los temas de la gestión del riesgo prospectiva y correctiva, incorporar el tema en los planes de desarrollo locales, incluir análisis del riesgo en proyectos de inversión, implementar un sistema de información para todos los niveles.Tesi

    Wohnortwechsel zwischen den Bundesländern im Kontext der Vereinigung

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    El emprendimiento desde las prácticas discursivas feministas contemporáneas

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    Los estudios feministas críticos analizan el emprendimiento y el génerocomo prácticas de construcción social entrelazadas a través del lenguaje. Apartir de las prácticas discursivas más comunes entre los estudios sobre esteproblema, se analizaron las de un grupo de emprendedores del municipiode Sogamoso (Colombia). La metodología del artículo es cualitativa, apartir de un estudio fenomenológico que incluyó 18 entrevistas durante2018; se analizó el discurso y la construcción subjetiva del “ser” empresariodesde el “ser” mujer o el “ser” hombre. Entre los principales resultados, seencontró que existen barreras por género, que, aunque son invisibles, marcana las mujeres y les impiden obtener mejores resultados en sus empresas,principalmente porque los roles asignados socialmente por género entran encontradicción con el hecho de “ser” empresarias

    Differential patterns of intronic and exonic DNA regions with respect to RNA polymerase II occupancy, nucleosome density and H3K36me3 marking in fission yeast

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    BACKGROUND: The generation of mature mRNAs involves interconnected processes, including transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), modification of histones, and processing of pre-mRNAs through capping, intron splicing, and polyadenylation. These processes are thought to be integrated, both spatially and temporally, but it is unclear how these connections manifest at a global level with respect to chromatin patterns and transcription kinetics. We sought to clarify the relationships between chromatin, transcription and splicing using multiple genome-wide approaches in fission yeast. RESULTS: To investigate these functional interdependencies, we determined Pol II occupancy across all genes using high-density tiling arrays. We also performed ChIP-chip on the same array platform to globally map histone H3 and its H3K36me3 modification, complemented by formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements (FAIRE). Surprisingly, Pol II occupancy was higher in introns than in exons, and this difference was inversely correlated with gene expression levels at a global level. Moreover, introns showed distinct distributions of histone H3, H3K36me3 and FAIRE signals, similar to those at promoters and terminators. These distinct transcription and chromatin patterns of intronic regions were most pronounced in poorly expressed genes. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that Pol II accumulates at the 3 ends of introns, leading to substantial transcriptional delays in weakly transcribed genes. We propose that the global relationship between transcription, chromatin remodeling, and splicing may reflect differences in local nuclear environments, with highly expressed genes being associated with abundant processing factors that promote effective intron splicing and transcriptional elongation

    Towards an\u2028 EU research and innovation policy agenda for nature-based solutions & re-naturing cities. Final report of the Horizon 2020 expert group on nature-based solutions and re-naturing cities.

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    1. Nature-based solutions harness the power and sophistication of nature to turn environmental, social and economic challenges into innovation opportunities. They can address a variety of societal challenges in sustainable ways, with the potential to contribute to green growth, 'future-proofing' society, fostering citizen well-being, providing business opportunities and positioning Europe as a leader in world markets. \u2028 2. Nature-based solutions are actions which are inspired by, supported by or copied from nature. They have tremendous potential to be energy and resource-efficient and resilient to change, but to be successful they must be adapted to local conditions. \u2028 3. Many nature-based solutions result in multiple co-benefits for health, the economy, society and the environment, and thus they can represent more efficient and cost-effective solutions than more traditional approaches. \u2028 4. An EU Research & Innovation (R&I) agenda on nature-based solutions will enable Europe to become a world leader both in R&I and in the growing market for nature-based solutions. For this, the evidence base for the effectiveness of nature-based solutions needs to be developed and then used to implement solutions. Both need to be done in conjunction with stakeholders. The potential for transferability and upscaling of solutions also requires further investigation. There is also a need to develop a systemic approach that combines technical, business, finance, governance, regulatory and social innovation. \u2028 5. Four principal goals have been identified that can be addressed by nature-based solutions: �� Enhancing sustainable urbanisation through nature-based solutions can stimulate economic growth as well as improving the environment, making cities more attractive, and enhancing human well-being. \u2028 �� Restoring degraded ecosystems using nature-based solutions can improve the resilience of ecosystems, enabling them to deliver vital ecosystem services and also to meet other societal challenges. \u2028 �� Developing climate change adaptation and mitigation using nature-based solutions can provide more resilient responses and enhance the storage of carbon. \u2028 �� Improving risk management and resilience using nature-based solutions can lead to greater benefits than conventional methods and offer synergies in reducing multiple risks. \u2028 6. Based on the four goals, seven nature-based solutions for R&I actions are recommended to be taken forward by the European Commission and Member States: �� Urban regeneration through nature-based solutions \u2028 �� Nature-based solutions for improving well-being in urban areas \u2028 �� Establishing nature-based solutions for coastal resilience \u2028 �� Multi-functional nature-based watershed management and ecosystem restoration \u2028 �� Nature-based solutions for increasing the sustainability of the use of matter and energy \u2028 �� Nature-based solutions for enhancing the insurance value of ecosystems \u2028 �� Increasing carbon sequestration through nature-based solutions \u2028This report was produced by the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on 'Nature-Based Solutions and Re- Naturing Cities', informed by the findings of an e-consultation and a stakeholder workshop. \u202

    The Hambach Forest in the German Debate on Climate Protection: Is There a Symbolic Value beyond the Environmental Value?

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    In the late summer of 2018, the Hambach Forest (North Rhine Westphalia/ Germany) appeared prevalently in the media due to massive protests against its clearance for lignite mining with for the power generation. Because coal power as a form of energy supply is extremely climate intensive, the Hambach Forest rapidly became a symbol of the fight against climate change and the ongoing destruction of nature and its resources for economic reasons. Due to the extra-ordinarily prominent role of the Hambach Forest in the public opinion across Germany, this research addresses values of the forest to the population in monetary terms as well as the underlying factors that determine those values. For the analysis, a contingent valuation survey was conducted in December 2019 in Germany. The proposed amounts for the preservation of the Hambach Forest are mostly in accordance with previous evaluation studies of woods and forests, although this time almost only passive-use values are decisive. Further, a conversion of the WTP values to the area of the Hambach Forest results in an extra-ordinarily high per-hectare value of about 3.6 million. Thus, the symbolic value of the forest is remarkable and should be considered in future political decisions