69 research outputs found

    Off-axis reflection zone plate for quantitative soft x-ray source characterization

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    A compact system for high-resolution spectroscopy and quantitative photon flux and brilliance measurements of pulsed soft x-ray sources is described. The calibrated system combines a novel elliptical off-axis reflection zone plate with charge-coupled device detection for simultaneous spectral and spatial measurements. Experiments on a water-window droplet-target laser-plasma source demonstrate lambda/Delta lambda greater than or equal to 1000 spectral resolution and absolute flux and brilliance measurements. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics

    Setup of an 8 keV laboratory transmission x-ray microscope

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    This article presents a concept and the first results for the setup of an 8keV laboratory transmission x-ray microscope with a polycapillary optic as condenser at the BliX in Berlin. The incentive of building such a microscope is that the penetration depth for hard x-rays is much higher than in the soft x-ray range, e.g. the water window. Therefore, it is possible to investigate even dense materials such as metal compounds, bones or geological samples. The future aim is to achieve a spatial resolution better than 200 nm

    Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy with X-ray Fluorescence Detection at the XUV Beamline P04, PETRA III, DESY

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    The presented scanning transmission x-ray microscope (STXM), build on top of our existing modular platform (FlexIX) for high resolution imaging experiments, allows versatile investigations of different samples. The FlexIX endstation allows to switch between a Full Field and a STXM mode. For the STXM mode we use a spatialy resolved detector together with an energy dispersive detector, this allows to investigate the morphology and the chemical or elemental distribution of the sample simultaneous. The combination of the nanoscopy endstation and the XUV beamline P04 results in a powerful tool for investigations of life science samples.BMBF, 05K13UL1, Verbundprojekt 05K2013 - Hochauflösende Bildgebung: Hochauflösende Bildgebung im EUV- und weichen Röntgenbereich bei PETRA III und FLASH. Teilprojekt 1

    Большие числа П. Дирака и альтернативный анализ

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    Soft x-ray microscopy is well suited to investigation of nanoparticles in liquid media. Using a table-top microscope based on a gas-discharge source emitting at 2.88 nm, dried CdTe nanowires and dried PbS hyperbranched nanocrystals are investigated. These structures are the result of the assembly of nanoparticles in a liquid environment. Soft x-ray microscopy is aiming at a better understanding of underlying parameters that affect the self assembly to the desired final structures. It is shown that the presented setup is able to image these particles with a resolution of about 50 nm with exposure times in the range of tens of seconds. The discharge source has a photon flux of more than 109photons/(srsm2) at a photon energy of 430 eV with a bandwidth of /=840. The repetition rate of the source is up to 1000 Hz. With the current setup a photon flux of 5×10 6photons/(m2s) at the sample is achieved

    Nanofabrication of diffractive elements for soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet applications using ion beam lithography

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    In the soft x-ray (SXR) and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectral region, optical elements are mainly based on diffractive structures. We report on experiments showing the fabrication of such element, Using ion beam lithography. This allows single-step milling of freestanding transmission as well as reflection gratings. Minimum structure sizes of 70 nm were achieved. The optical elements were tested in slit. grating spectrographs at in ethanol-jet laser-induced plasma source. Relative spectral resolutions of lambda/Delta lambda approximate to 100 were observed in the SXR- and EUV-region. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1 3258655