151 research outputs found


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    Recent theoretical and empirical work generally often focus on the interdependence of nations and regions underlying that the economy of one country or region is not independent of the economies of others. However, these models generally ignores the impact of location and neighborhood in explaining growth. This paper presents an augmented Solow model that includes spatial externalities and spatial interdependence among economies. We obtain a spatial econometric reduce form which allows testing the effects of the rate of saving and the rate of population growth on income per capita. Finally, we use the propriety of spatial multiplier effect in order to evaluate the impact of a shock on saving rate on european regional disparities.

    The Role of Human Capital and Technological Interdependence in Growth and Convergence Processes: International Evidence

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    This paper develops a bisectorial growth model with physical and human capital accumulation. Each sector is characterized by a different technology involving different human capital parameters. The model includes human capital externalities together with technological interdependence between economies. It leads to a spatial autoregressive reduced form for the real income per worker at steady state. The structural parameters of the model are recovered and evidence of the insignificance of human capital in explaining per capita growth, that is the human capital puzzle, is reconsidered. In fact, the parameter related to human capital in the consumption good sector is low which is consistent with evidence presented in the growth accounting framework. In contrast it is indeed higher in the education sector. Our model leads to spatial econometric specifications which are estimated on a sample of 89 countries over the period 1960-1995 using maximum likelihood as well as Bayesian estimation methods, which are robust versus outliers and heteroskedasticity. This model yields a spatially augmented convergence equation characterized by parameter heterogeneity. A locally linear spatial autoregressive specification is then estimated providing a different convergence speed estimate for each country of the sample.Conditional convergence, technological interdependence, spatial autocorrelation, parameter heterogeneity, locally linear estimation

    Growth, Technological Interdependence and Spatial Externalities - Theory and Evidence

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    This paper presents a theoretical model, based on the neoclassical growth literature, which explicitly takes into account technological interdependence among economies and examines the impact of location and neighborhood effects in explaining growth. Technological interdependence is supposed working through spatial externalities. The magnitude of the physical capital externalities at steady state, which is usually not identified in the literature, is estimated using a spatial econometric specification explaining the steady state income level. This spatially augmented Solow model yields a conditional convergence equation which is characterized by parameter heterogeneity. A locally linear spatial autoregressive specification is then estimated.

    A Contribution to the Schumpeterian Growth Theory and Empirics

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    Cet article propose un cadre théorique et méthodologique unifie caractérisé par la priseen compte explicite des intéractions technologiques dans la modélisation des processus decroissance en adoptant une perspective Schumpétérienne. L'interdépendance globale impliquée par les spillovers internationaux de R&D doit être intégrée non seulement dans lamodélisation théorique mais également dans la spécification économétrique qui en découle.L'économétrie spatiale apparaît alors naturellement comme la méthodologie adéquate pourtraiter le problème de l'estimation de telles spécifications. Le modèle économétrique que nousproposons inclut le modèle de croissance néoclassique comme cas particulier. Nous pouvonspar conséquent tester explicitement le rôle joué par les investissements en R&D dans le processusde croissance de long terme contre le modèle de croissance de Solow. Finalement, lespropriétés de notre spécification économétrique spatiale permettent d'évaluer les effets directet indirect des spillovers internationaux de R&D.Contribution; Schumpeterian; Growth; Theory; Empirics

    "Dual' gravity: Using spatial econometrics to control for multilateral resistance"

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    We propose a quantity-based 'dual' version of the gravity equation that yields an estimating equation with both cross-sectional interdependence and spatially lagged error terms. Such an equation can be concisely estimated using spatial econometric techniques. We illustrate this methodology by applying it to the Canada-U.S. data set used previously, among others, by Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) and Feenstra (2002, 2004). Our key result is to show that controlling directly for spatial interdependence across trade flows, as suggested by theory, significantly reduces border effects because it captures 'multilateral resistance'. Using a spatial autoregressive moving average specification, we find that border effects between the U.S. and Canada are smaller than in previous studies: about 8 for Canadian provinces and about 1.3 for U.S. states. Yet, heterogeneous coefficient estimations reveal that there is much variation across provinces and states.

    ‘Dual’ gravity: using spatial econometrics to control for multilateral resistance

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    We propose a quantity-based `dual' version of the gravity equation that yields an estimating equation with both cross-sectional interdependence and spatially lagged error terms. Such an equation can be concisely estimated using spatial econometric techniques. We illustrate this methodology by applying it to the Canada-U.S. data set used previously, among others, by Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) and Feenstra (2002, 2004). Our key result is to show that controlling directly for spatial interdependence across trade flows, as suggested by theory, significantly reduces border effects because it captures `multilateral resistance'. Using a spatial autoregressive moving average specification, we find that border effects between the U.S. and Canada are smaller than in previous studies: about 8 for Canadian provinces and about 1.3 for U.S. states. Yet, heterogeneous coefficient estimations reveal that there is much variation across provinces and states.gravity equations, multi-region general equilibrium trade models; spatial econometrics, border effects

    Modeling local growth control decisions in a multi-city case: Do spatial interactions and lobbying efforts matter?

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    JEL Classification R52, C31, D7, H7International audienceOur article analyzes the determinants of local growth control decisions, which are modeled as the result of a political struggle between different groups of voters and organized lobbies. We show that under specific hypotheses, a higher homeownership rate can induce lower levels of controls. Considering residential choices as endogenous to growth control policies, the local decisions to control growth become strategically interdependent. Assuming imperfect mobility, we show that a spatial econometric specification can be directly derived from our theoretical model. Our empirical analysis concerning the determinants of the “taxe locale d’équipement”, a French local development tax, is thus naturally based on spatial econometrics. Its results confirm the major predictions of our model

    Sprachbewusst unterrichten. Handreichung für den Unterricht an Grund-, Haupt-, Ober- und Realschulen

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    Sprachliche Bildung in allen Fächern gehört zu den Kernaufgaben der Grund- und weiterführenden Schulen. Unterschiede in den sprachlichen Kompetenzen der Schülerinnen und Schüler erfordern einen Unterricht, der sich neben der fachlichen Vermittlung zugleich sprachsensibel verhält. Dies wiederum verlangt von den Lehrpersonen entsprechende Konzepte, mit denen sie den sprachlichen Herausforderungen ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler konstruktiv begegnen können. Die Handreichung richtet sich deshalb an Dozentinnen und Dozenten aller Fächer in der Hochschullehre und in der Lehrerfortbildung sowie an Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die sich im Selbststudium zu Fragen der sprachlichen Bildung weiterqualifizieren möchten. Neben einem theoretischen Überblick über aktuelle Aspekte sprachsensiblen Unterrichts werden exemplarische Seminarkonzepte aus der universitären Lehrerfortbildung vorgestellt. Das Material der Handreichung ist im Rahmen des Verbundprojektes „UMBRÜCHE GESTALTEN. Sprachenförderung und -bildung als integrale Bestandteile innovativer Lehramtsausbildung in Niedersachsen“ entwickelt, erprobt und evaluiert worden

    Modelling local growth control decisions in a multi-city case: Do spatial interactions and lobbying efforts matter?

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    Our article analyses the determinants of the decision of French municipalities to raise the “taxe locale d’équipement”, a local development tax which can be regarded as a price measure to control growth. We model the decision to raise this tax as the result of a political struggle between different land-related interest groups. As a city’s decision to control its development raises demand for housing in neighbouring cities, local growth control choices have to be considered as spatially interdependent. Our spatial econometric specification is directly derived from the theoretical model and thereby becomes a natural tool to estimate such strategic interactions between local governments. The empirical results confirm our predictions. The decision to raise the “taxe locale d’équipement” is influenced by the lobbying of land-related interest groups and subject to spatial strategic interaction. But against the general presumption that growth control choices are mainly determined by resident homeowners, our analysis reveals that the main driving force seems to be “absentee” homeowners which act as landlords. We find weak evidence for the presence of “urban growth machines” in France.land use regulation;growth control;lobbying;spatial econometrics