4 research outputs found

    Does sleep affect alcohol-related attention bias?

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    Background: Poor quality sleep can lead to executive function deficits, including problems with inhibitory control. Similarly, substance use is associated with decreased inhibitory control for substance-related stimuli. Therefore, this study investigated whether sleep quality is associated with attentional bias. Methods: Participants were 39 university students (18-28 years, 29 females). An eye tracking task was used to measure attentional bias for alcohol-related stimuli. Alcohol usage and sleep quality were measured using self- report questionnaires (AUDIT and PSQI respectively). Results: An attentional bias related to alcohol usage was observed within the participants. However, there was no association observed with sleep quality. Conclusion: Therefore, we conclude that sleep quality may not influence attentional biases

    Heavy cannabis use and attentional avoidance of anxiety-related stimuli

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    Cannabis is now the most widely used illicit substance in the world. Previous research demonstrates that cannabis use is associated with dysfunctional affect regulation and anxiety. Anxiety is characterised by attentional biases in the presence of emotional information. This novel study therefore examined the attentional bias of cannabis users when presented with anxiety-related stimuli. The aim was to establish whether cannabis users respond to anxiety-related stimuli differently to control participants. A dot-probe paradigm was utilised using undergraduate students. Trials contained anxiety-related stimuli and neutral control stimuli. Eye-tracking was used to measure attention for the stimuli. Results indicated that cannabis users demonstrated attentional-avoidance behaviour when presented with anxiety-related stimuli. The findings suggest a difference in processing of emotional information in relation to neutral information between groups. It would appear that cannabis users avoid anxiety provoking stimuli. Such behaviour could potentially have motivational properties that could lead to exacerbating anxiety disorder-type behaviour