91 research outputs found

    Chapter 49: No Jail for Victims of Domestic Violence

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    Social Aspects of Nineteenth Century American Elocution.

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    An Experimental Study of Controlled and Uncontrolled Types of Breathing.

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    UnderprissĂ€ttning vid börsintroduktioner i Norden – MarknadsförhĂ„llandets pĂ„verkan

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    Syftet med denna studie Àr att undersöka eventuella skillnader mellan de nordiska börserna samt mellan olika sektorer. Samt huruvida marknadsförhÄllandet pÄverkar graden av underprissÀttning. Den nordiska marknaden Àr studiens fokus dÄ flera av de tidigare studierna till stor del utelÀmnat Norden. Thomson ONE Banker, Zephyr samt Datastream 5.0 anvÀndes för att samla in öppnings- och stÀngningspriser för företag som introducerats pÄ nÄgon av de nordiska börsernas huvudlistor. Urvalsgruppen bestÄr av 162 företag som introducerades inom den utvalda tidsperioden, 1 januari 1996 fram till och med första kvartalet 2014. De statistiskt genomförda testerna visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i graden av underprissÀttning mellan de nordiska börserna. Dock Àr sektorvariablerna samt variabeln för marknadsförhÄllande icke signifikanta, dock ges det indikationer pÄ att det finns eventuella skillnader mellan de olika sektorerna samt att goda marknadsförhÄllanden ökar graden av underprissÀttning. Bevisligen finns det skillnader i graden av underprissÀttning mellan de nordiska börserna, framförallt Àr det OMX Copenhagen som skiljer sig mot resterande börser. Dessa börser uppvisar istÀllet ganska likartad grad av underprissÀttning. TyvÀrr gÄr det inte att dra nÄgra större slutsatser kring de andra variablerna pÄ grund av de icke signifikanta resultaten. Dock kan man med stöd frÄn tidigare forskning och indikationerna frÄn denna studies resultat se vissa skillnader mellan de olika sektorerna. Dock finns det fortfarande meningsskiljaktigheter rörande marknadsförhÄllandets pÄverkan pÄ underprissÀttning.The purpose of this study is to examine possible differences in underpricing between the Nordic Stock Exchanges and between different sectors. This study will also examine if the level of underpricing is affected by the market conditions. The Nordic market will be the focus of this study due to the fact that many of the previous studies have excluded the Nordics. Thomson ONE Banker, Zephyr and Datastream 5.0 was used to collect opening and closing prices for companies that were introduced at any of the Nordic Stock Exchanges. The sample consists of 162 companies, introduced from January 1st 1996 to the first quarter of 2014. Results: The performed statistical tests show that there is a significant difference in underpricing between the Nordic Stock Exchanges. However, the sector variable and the market condition variable are insignificant, yet there are some indications that there are some differences between the sectors and that favorable market conditions increases the degree of underpricing. Evidently, there are differences in degree of underpricing between the Nordic Stock Exchanges. OMX Copenhagen is the Stock Exchange that differs the most compared to the other Exchanges, which all show a similar degree of underpricing. Unfortunately, it is not possible to draw any conclusions concerning the other variables due to the insignificant results. Although, with support from previous studies and the indications from the results there may be some differences between the sectors. However, it is ambiguous how the market condition affects the degree of underpricing

    ROI pÄ ERP; Hur utvÀrderas ett affÀrssystem?

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    AffÀrssystemen har kommit att spela en allt mer central roll i mÄnga verksamheter de senaste decennierna, framför allt inom tillverkningsindustrin. Detta har ocksÄ gjort att en allt större del utav företags IT-budgetar spenderas pÄ dessa system. Investeringar i affÀrssystem Àr dock mycket svÄra att utvÀrdera. En stor del utav de vÀrden som affÀrssystem genererar Àr svÄra att kvantifiera och uppskatta ett ekonomiskt vÀrde pÄ, och en del vÀrden som genereras Àr svÄra att hÀrleda till affÀrssystemet överhuvudtaget. PÄ grund av detta Àr traditionella kalkyl- och utvÀrderingsmetoder ofta otillrÀckliga, och andra utvÀrderingsmetoder Àr nödvÀndiga. Vi stÀllde oss dÀrför frÄgan hur företag gÄr till vÀga för att hantera denna problematik, och vilka modeller de tar hjÀlp av för att göra detta. För att besvara denna frÄga undersökte vi akademisk litteratur, och satte samman ett antal diskussionspunkter som vi sedan anvÀnde i intervjuer med fem företag i tillverkningsindustrin. Efter intervjuerna genomförde vi en analys dÀr litteraturen jÀmfördes med vÄrt empiriska underlag. Vi fann att utvÀrdering, i ekonomisk form, inte Àr en prioriterad frÄga för företag idag. Investeringskalkyler anvÀndes flitigt, men ambitionerna att följa upp dessa var vÀldigt smÄ. Vi sÄg inte heller nÄgot anvÀnde utav teoretiska modeller för utvÀrdering hos företagen i studien

    Organizing for Social Change : Worker Cooperatives as Resistance to Capitalism

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    When people around the globe are increasingly confronted with the challenges of rising economic inequalities and declining democratization, often associated with the spread of globalized capitalism, it becomes difficult to defend a position of business as usual. Worker co-ops are economic associations equally owned and democratically governed by workers with the potential to contribute to economic democracy and social change. This dissertation explores how worker cooperatives, primarily in Sweden, are constructed and organized by co-operators in ways that can resist capitalism, while at the same time having to relate to capitalism as the context in which they operate. The analyzed empirical material includes an international marketing campaign promoting co-ops; qualitative material, mainly interviews, from five Swedish worker co-ops; and second-hand material on timebanks, network-based exchange services.  Overall, the results show that co-operators construct worker co-ops as better for individuals and societies than capitalist-oriented organizing, which is associated with economic ideals for profit and growth and hierarchical control. In contrast, the worker co-ops organize themselves as a form of constructive resistance to capitalism by enacting social ideals such as freedom to self-govern, equal work relations through friendship and the valuing of work time, perceived to benefit society without generating profit. The co-ops’ very existence demonstrates and spreads awareness that this alternative form of organizing is viable in the here and now. However, the analysis also shows that co-ops’ resistance within capitalist market economic contexts involves risks of the reproduction of power and the compromise of ideals in order to survive. Thereby, this dissertation contributes to knowledge on the possibilities and pitfalls of organizing for social change within contexts dominated by the very power resistance is directed against.When people around the globe are increasingly confronted with the challenges of rising economic inequalities and declining democratization, often associated with the spread of globalized capitalism, it becomes difficult to defend a position of business as usual. Worker co-ops are economic associations equally owned and democratically governed by workers with the potential to contribute to economic democracy and social change. This dissertation explores how worker cooperatives, primarily in Sweden, are constructed and organized by co-operators in ways that can resist capitalism, while at the same time having to relate to capitalism as the context in which they operate. The qualitative study shows that worker co-ops challenge capitalism, associated with economic ideals and hierarchical control, by instead enacting social ideals such as equal work relations through friendships, uncommodified work time and freedom to self-govern. The worker co-ops’ very existence demonstrates that such organizing is viable in the here and now. However, this dissertation also shows how worker co-ops risk the reproduction of power and compromise of ideals in order to survive within capitalist market economic contexts, thus highlighting both the possibilities and pitfalls of organizing for social change

    Chapter 49: No Jail for Victims of Domestic Violence

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