86 research outputs found

    Motivation and Achievement in Problem-Based Learning: The Role of Interest, Tutors, and Self-Directed Study

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    __Abstract__ This study examines the effects of two learning environments (i.e., problem-based learning [PBL] versus lecture-based [LB] environments) on undergraduates’ study motivation. Survey results demonstrated that PBL students scored higher on competence but did not differ from LB students on autonomous motivation. Analyses of focus groups further indicated that active learning aspects, such as collaboration are perceived as motivating. However, controlling elements (i.e., mandatory presence) and uncertainty (i.e., in selecting the correct and sufficient literature) were described as detrimental for students’ motivation. In conclusion, PBL does not always seem to lead to higher intrinsic motivation. It is therefore crucial to build in the right amount of structure in learning environments and balance controlling elements versus autonomy, even in learning environments that are intended to be motivating for students

    The role of perceived quality of problems in the association between achievement goals and motivation in problem-based learning

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of perceived problem quality in the relationship between students’ (N = 226) achievement goals and autonomous motivation to study in a problem-based learning (PBL) environment. Specifically, the relationships between students’ achievement goals (mastery-approach, performance-approach, performance-avoidance, and mastery-avoidance goals), problem quality-related characteristics (triggering interest, familiarity, stimulating collaborative learning, resulting in intended learning objectives, and promoting critical reasoning), and autonomous motivation to study were investigated. The findings indicate that the perceived quality of problems (i.e., familiarity, resulting in intended learning objectives, promoting critical reasoning, and by that triggering interest) fosters autonomous motivation to study and that the perception of this quality is influenced by students’ achievement goals. Therefore, the quality of problems and students’ achievement goals should be taken into account in a PBL environment

    Behind the times: a brief history of motivation discourse in problem-based learning

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    That idea that problem-based learning (PBL) is more motivating that traditional education has been prevalent since the inception of PBL at McMaster University in the late 1960s. Evidencing this through empirical research, however, has proven to be a lot more problematic. This paper retraces how the discourse on motivation started from a laymen's conception in the early days of PBL, and slowly evolved into a field of scientific inquiry in the 1980s and 1990s. However, looking at the evolution of motivation theory over the same period, we show that motivation discourse in the burgeoning literature on motivation and PBL remained largely wedded to the laymen's approach, and failed to catch up with the new achievement-goal theory and self-determination theory approaches. This paper proceeds to analyse the explosion of studies on PBL and motivation after 2000, acknowledging efforts to move away from anecdotal accounts and provide theoretical grounding to the research. However, once again, we show that the majority of the research employed outdated motivational measures that do not fully grasp the complexity of contemporary motivation theory. The paper concludes on the observation that single-course and curriculum-wide research interventions have yielded no conclusive results on the effect of PBL on intrinsic motivation, and that future research should therefore seek to use up-to-date motivational constructs in more targeted interventions

    The role of motivational profiles in learning problem-solving and self-assessment skills with video modeling examples

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    In the current study, we examine the role of situation-specific motivational profiles in the effectiveness of video modeling examples for learning problem-solving and self-assessment accuracy in the domain of biology. A sample of 342 secondary school students participated in our study. Latent profile analysis resulted in four motivational profiles: (a) good-quality profile (high autonomous motivation, moderate introjected and external motivation), (b) moderately positive profile (moderate motivation levels with relatively higher autonomous motivation), (c) moderately negative profile (moderate motivation levels with relatively higher external motivation), and (d) poor-quality profile (moderate external, low autonomous motivation). Findings showed students with good-quality or moderately positive profiles learned more from the video modeling in terms of problem-solving and self-assessment accuracy than students with poor-quality or moderately negative profiles. Furthermore, students with a moderately negative profile outperformed students with a poor-quality profile on problem-solving and self-assessment accuracy. Results further indicated that students with good-quality and moderately positive profiles experienced studying the video modeling examples as less effortful than students with poor-quality or moderately negative profiles. Overall, our results demonstrated that knowing about students’ motivational profiles could help explain differences in how well students learn problem-solving as well as self-assessment skills from watching video modeling examples

    The Relation Between Student’s Effort and Monitoring Judgments During Learning: A Meta-analysis

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    Research has shown a bi-directional association between the (perceived) amount of invested effort to learn or retrieve information (e.g., time, mental effort) and metacognitive monitoring judgments. The direction of this association likely depends on how learners allocate their effort. In self-paced learning, effort allocation is usually data driven, where the ease of memorizing is used as a cue, resulting in a negative correlation between effort and monitoring judgments. Effort allocation is goal driven when it is strategically invested (e.g., based on the importance of items or time pressure) and likel

    Formative assessment as practice: the role of students’ motivation

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    Formative assessment can be seen as an integral part of teaching and learning, as formative assessment affects students’ learning and vice versa. Students’ motivation can theoretically be placed at the centre of this reciprocal relationship, as formative assessment is assumed to affect students’ need satisfaction of autonomy, competence and relatedness, and consequently their autonomous motivation. In the current study, two assumptions were tested empirically

    Het belang van relatiekwaliteit in het hoger onderwijs

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    Relaties tussen studenten en hun opleiding spelen een belangrijke rolin het hoger onderwijs. Studenten ontwikkelen zich in die periode immers tot jonge professionals die na het behalen van hun diploma de arbeidsmarkt betreden. In dit artikel worden de belangrijkste inzichten over een proefschrift over relatiekwaliteit in het hoger onderwijs gepresenteerd. In het promotieonderzoek onderzochten we de relatie tussen studenten en hun opleiding, oftewel relatiekwaliteit, vanuit een studentperspectief. We bekeken welke invloed die relatie heeft op hun betrokkenheid (d.i. engagement en loyaliteit). In het onderzoek onder studenten en alumni werd aangetoond dat relatiekwaliteit een positieve invloed heeft op studentbetrokkenheid en studentloyaliteit. Ook als relatiekwaliteit over de tijd heen gemeten wordt (longitudinaal), blijkt ze studentbetrokkenheid en studentloyaliteit gunstig te beïnvloeden. Uit het onderzoek komt naar voren dat als hoger onderwijsinstellingen de relatiekwaliteit regelmatig monitoren, zij adequater kunnen reageren op wat studenten nodig hebben in de relatie met hun opleiding. De bevindingen van het proefschrift voorzien in een beter inzicht in de relatie van studenten met hun opleiding. Die kan ten goede komen bij het opstellen van onderwijsbeleid bijvoorbeeld gericht op de begeleiding en omgang met studenten. Voor hoger onderwijsinstellingen en studenten kan dit gunstig zijn. Een goede relatiekwaliteit maakt dat studenten meer betrokken zijn bij hun studie en ze een positieve band tussen onderwijsinstellingen en studenten bewerkstelligt, ook na het afstuderen. Afgestudeerden blijven zo eerder betrokken bij hun voormalig onderwijsinstituut bijvoorbeeld doordat ze gastlezingen geven, stageplekken aanbieden en ideeën voor praktijkgericht onderzoek aanbrengen
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