4 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Guided Discovery Learning to Teach Integral Calculus for the Mathematics Students of Mathematics Education Widya Dharma University

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    The objectives of this research are (1) to develop Guided Discovery Learning in integral calculus subject; (2) to identify the effectiveness of Guided Discovery Learning in improving the students' understanding toward integral calculus subject. This research was quasy experimental research with the students of even semester in Mathematics Education Widya Dharma University as the sample. Cluster Random sampling was conducted to determine control group that was taught using Conventional model and experimental group that was taught using Guided Discovery Learning model. The instruments of this research included pre-test, post-test, and student's response questionnaire. The data of post-test was analyzed using T-test. The result was H0 was rejected for the level of significance The result of this data analysis found out that Guide Discovery Learning was more effective than Conventional Model. It was supported by the result questionnaire. The result of questionnaire that more than 75% questionnaire items got 67.65% positive response. It means Guided Discovery Learning can increase students' interest in joining integral calculus class

    Kemampuan Guru SD Dalam Perencanaan Intim (Inovasi, Teknik, Dan Model) Pembelajaran Sastra

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    Kemampuan Guru SD?é?á dalam Perencanaan?é?á Intim (Inovasi, Teknik, Dan Model)?é?á Pembelajaran Sastra.?é?á Permasalahan yang diteliti: 1) apa sajakah masalah yang dihadapi guru SD dalam perencanaan?é?á Intim (inovasi, teknik, dan model)?é?á pembelajaran sastra? 2) bagaimanakah kemampuan guru SD?é?á dalam perencanaan?é?á Intim (inovasi, teknik, dan model)?é?á pembelajaran sastra?. Tujuan penelitian: 1) mendeskripsikan masalah yang dihadapi guru SD dalam perencanaan?é?á Intim (inovasi, teknik, dan model)?é?á pembelajaran sastra.?é?á 2) mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru SD?é?á dalam perencanaan?é?á Intim (inovasi, teknik, dan model)?é?á pembelajaran sastra. Berdasasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh data mengenai ketegori perencanaan guru yang mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan inovasi pembelajaran?é?á 62%,?é?á kadang-kadang melakukan inovasi 36%, tidak tahu mengenai perencanaan inovasi 1%, dan tidak menjawab 1%. Kategori perencanaan model pembelajaran, guru memahami dan menerapkan model pembelajaran?é?á 58%, kadang-kadang memahami dan menerapkan model pembelajaran?é?á 39%, tidak tahu model?é?á pembelajaran?é?á 2%, tidak menjawab pilihan 2%. Sedangkan kategori perencanaan teknik pembelajaran, guru memahami dan merencanakan teknik pembelajaran 65%, kadang-kadang memahami teknik pembelajaran 32%, tidak tahu teknik pembelaran 1%, dan tidak menjawab?é?á 2%. Kemampuan guru SD dalam perencanaan Intim (Inovasi, Teknik, dan Model) pembelajaran sastra masih perlu ditingkatkan karena masih ada banyak kendala dan masalah yang dihadapi guru dalam pembelajaran sastra. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena sarana prasarana sekolah yang kurang menunjang dalam pembelajaran, peningkatan kompetensi guru yang kurang merata, dan kompleksitas masalah pembelajaran serta kompleksitas kondisi peseta didik yang multikultural. ?é?

    Penyuluhan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Intelegensi Natural pada Guru Paud Non Formal di Kecamatan Gayamsari Semarang

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    ?é?á A natural intelligence is a new method in the teaching and learning process in as the steps of indication to associate the needed subtance. It has a purpose to build the children?óÔé¼Ôäós intelligence to be multintellegence. This method is used to make an effective teaching learning process which deals with the students?óÔé¼Ôäó potential quality to get the maximal output in long term. This concept is actually presented to the early age learners in learning Bahasa Indonesia to know how their mother tongue will influence their second language based on the community that they live with. By living with their community who speaks Bahasa Indoensia as the second language, they will learn it in how to speak and write naturally. Learning Bahasa Indonesia using a natural intelegence is a good method in making them able to speak and write it well because this method motivate and force them how to understand, comprehend and apply it directly. And this method was actually trained to teachers of Non ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ Formal PAUD / Under age /children group. By having this training, Non ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ Formal PAUD teachers will be apble to implement the method well and the result will make children learn Bahasa Indonesia effectively and creatively