40 research outputs found

    Utilization of Lime Derived From Mussel Freshwater Shells (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) to Increase Swamp Water pH For Catfish (Pangasius sp.) culture

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    The water pH of swamp land is generally low (below 4) and becomes a constraint in catfish culture that requires pH 6.5-8.5. In this current study, the low pH value of water was overcome by liming using lime produced from the mussel freshwater shells. The purposes of this study were to determine the best dosage of lime derived from mussel freshwater shells to increase the pH of swamp water, as well as its effect on the survival rate and growth of catfish fingerlings. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used were the different dosages of lime derived from mussel freshwater shells (P1=4,000, P2=5,000, P3=6,000, P4=7,000 kg/ha equivalent CaO) and calcite (CaCO3) as control (P5= 6,000 kg/ha equivalent CaO). The result showed that P4 was the best treatment according to data of swamp water pH increased from 3.4 to 8.23, soil pH increased from 3.4 to 8.22, survival rate (100%), absolute growth of weight (56.59 g) and length (13.37 cm) and feed effeciency (113.06%)


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    Indonesia sebagai negara mayoritas kelima pengguna Twitter di dunia, menjadikan platform ini sebagai dunia maya populer untuk mencari informasi dan kumpulan opini dengan tujuan memenuhi keinginan rasa ingin tahu, pengetahuan, kebencian, suka, atau topik apapun yang dianggap menarik untuk dibicarakan. Tidak jarang diskusi semacam itu mengarah pada perdebatan penting atau sepele yang membuat seseorang mengungkapkan informasi kredensial lawan mereka. Tindakan mengungkapkan informasi kredensial tentang lawan mereka disebut 'doxing'. Namun demikian, fenomena doxing adalah paradoks, karena beberapa orang mungkin mengatakan doxing dapat terjadi dengan niat jahat, sementara yang lain menganggap doxing sebagai perbuatan baik mengungkapkan aktor kasus kriminal atau tidak bermoral. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas "apa wacana etis untuk aktivitas doxing di kalangan pengguna Twitter Indonesia?". Kasus doxing yang menjadi subjek kajian tulisan ini adalah kasus viral Natalie, Rizky Billar, Gilang 'Bungkus', akun whistle blower anonim, dan dugaan penipuan. Metode dalam tulisan ini adalah kajian wacana kritis, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dokumentasi. Hasilnya, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa doxing adalah wacana terbuka yang memiliki kemungkinan untuk diperluas sesuai dengan pluralitas masyarakat, dinamika pemerintah, dan pembatasan kebebasan berbicara di bidang frekuensi publik. 'Doxing Netral' adalah terminologi baru yang diusulkan makalah ini yang percaya bahwa kecukupan doxing terletak pada tujuannya. Kesimpulannya, dalam hak apa pun ada batasan etis untuk mengetahui apakah ada lebih banyak manfaat dalam melakukannya. Ketika, orang memiliki hak untuk mengakui informasi mengenai kesejahteraan mereka maka doxing dapat diterima, juga berlaku sebaliknya. Selain itu, kami percaya bahwa itu berkompromi dengan tujuan doxing

    Aplikasi Kapur Kalsit pada Tanah Gambut untuk Meningkatkan pH Air Media Pemeliharaan Ikan Patin

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    Sari OR, Jubaedah D, Wijayanti M, Marsi M. 2021. Application calcite limein peat soil to improve water pH in culture media of catfish (Pangasius sp.). In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 844-853.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI). Application of calcite lime has been researched to be able to increase the pH of water and soil of catfish culture media. Application of lime is not only affected by soil and water pH but also affected by organic matter as in peat soil that have high carbon organic.  This research aims to know the effect of calcite lime and various C-organic on water and soil pH for culture of catfish.This research was conducted from July to December 2019 at the Laboratory of Aquaculture Experimental Pond, Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University. This research use Factorial Completely Randomized Design. Thefirst factor is different dose of calcite lime that are 7000 kg/ha equivalent CaO (K1), 8000 kg/ha equivalent CaO (K2), 9000 kg/ha equivalent CaO (K3), 10000 kg/ha equivalent CaO (K4). The second factor is peat soil with different soil organic carbon that are 19.72% (C1) and 59.98% (C2). The results of this study indicated that K3C1(interaction of dosage of lime 9000 kg/ha equivalent to CaO and 19.62% C-organic) increased the initial soil pH from 3.2 to 7.43, and water pH from 3,2 to 7.33, and produces 100% survival of catfish, absolute growth of length 9.08cm and absolute growth of weight 4.60 g


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    Intellectual capital is one of intangible asset’s component that can provide an added value to the company. Intellectual capital disclosure in the company’s annual reports can help to provide a complete information for investors in predicting the performance of the company for making an economic decisions. In addition, intellectual capital disclosure can also show the good performance of a company to attract investors. Intellectual capital disclosure can be affected by several factors, such as leverage, profitability, company age, and listing age. This study aims to obtain empirical evidence and analyze the effect of leverage, profitability, company age, and listing age on intellectual capital disclosure. The sample used in this study are banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The number of samples in this study are 95 companies and selected using purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing are using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the hypothesis testing, the results of this study show that profitability, company age, and listing age have a significant positive effect on intellectual capital disclosure, while leverage have no significant effect on intellectual capital disclosure


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    ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to know optimal feeding rate for growth, survival rate, food convertion, protein efficiency ratio, protein retention and lipid retention of Pangasius djambal fingerlings (weight 3.5-4.0 g). This experiment was done from Maret until May 2007, at Jambi Freshwater Aquaculture Development Center. This experiment used four treatments at feeding rate 2.50%, 5.00%, 7.50% and 10.00% of fish body weight. The result of research showed that the feeding rate 10.0% of fish body weight gave the highest value for daily growth rate 4.11%. the feeding rate 5.0% of body weight wasn’t different in daily growth rate until 7.50% of fish body weight significantly and gave food cenvertion efficiently until 1.35. The feeding rate 2.50% of fish body weight had the highest value for protein efficiency ratio (2.49), protein retention (153.70%) and lipid retention (175.31%). The optimum feeding rate for daily heavy growth rate were feeding rate 8.88% of fish body weight. The survival rate of P. djambal in this research showed the high percentage that was 100% Keywords: Growth, survival rate, P. djambal, feeding rat


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    ABSTRACT Fitoremediation is one of water quality management system by using water plant such as Hydrilla verticillata that is purposed to decrease organic materials. This research was conducted at Laboratorium Dasar Perikanan, Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University,Indralaya on May – July 2016. The research based on a Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and three replications. The treatments were media without H. verticillata (P0), addition of H. verticillata as much as 85 ± 10 g (P1), 110 ± 10 g (P2) and 135 ± 10 g (P3). The parameters were water quality, survival rate and specific growth rate of catfish. The data were analyzed by regressions analysis, analysis of variance and least significant diference test. The result showed that the addition of H. verticillata could improved water quality. The treatment of addition ofH. verticillata as much as 135 ± 10 g (P3) has highest survival rate 95.49 %, spesific growth rate for length 1.53 %.day-1 and weight 5.25 %.day-1. Keywords: Catfish,  Hydrilla verticillata, Phytoremediation, Water Quality


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    ABSTRACTThe frequency of flushing on coconut charcoal and sponge filters by Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS) can apply to maintain water quality. This research was conducted on Laboratorium Dasar Perikanan, Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University from March to May 2017. The study used Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment were using filter flushing every week (P1), 2 weeks (P2), 3 weeks (P3) and without leaching (P4). The parameters observed were temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and ammonia. The results showed that the flushingfrequency gave of the filter has a positive effect on water quality parameters. Treatment P2 has resulting better water quality such as temperature (28.3-29.2), pH (6.9-7.2), DO (1.11 mg.L-1), Turbidity (0.00 NTU), TDS (22.33 mg.L-1), ammonia (0.020 mg.L-1), survival rate 83.33%, absolute growth (0.93 cm for lenght and 0.58 g for weight). Keywords: flushing of filter, resirculation system, water quality, angelfis


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    ABSTRACTThe aims of this research were to study the influence of mixed industrial soy sauce liquid waste and Zarrouk medium mixture on population density and specific growth rate of Spirulina platensis on a short periode. This study has been conducted from March to April 2017 in the Laboratory of Aquaculture, Aquaculture study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sriwijaya. This research was arranged according to completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatment levels and 3 replications. The treatment levels consisted of P1 (0 % industrial soy sauce liquid waste + 100 % Zarrouk medium), P2 (25 % industrial soy sauce liquid waste + 75 % Zarrouk medium), P3 (50 % industrial soy sauce liquid waste + 50 % Zarrouk medium), P4 (75 % industrial soy sauce liquid waste + 25 % Zarrouk medium), P5 (100 % industrial soy sauce liquid waste + 0 % Zarrouk medium). The parameters observed during the study were population density and the maximum specific growth rate. The result of this study showed that the treatment P2 gave the best in maximum density (60.6 g.L-1 ) and specific growth rate (14.66%. day-1). Keywords: Spirulina platensis, the liquid waste ketchup, Zarrouk media


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    ABSTRACT This research aims to determine the effect of natural  honey to male percentage of betta fish by masculinization. This researchwas conducted at FisheriesBasic Laboratory,  Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University on January– February 2018. This research  usedcompletely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment in this research was4 day of betta fish larvae  that submersed in 5 ml/L  natural honey with different immersiontime.The treatmentconsisted of P0 (without natural honey), P1 (12 hours of immersion), P2 (16 hours of immersion), P3 (20 hours of immersion),and P4 (24 hours of immersion). The observed parameters were post-immersion survival percentage, percentage of male betta fish, post- rearing survival percentage and water quality. The result showed the percentage of male betta fish was 47,50 % (P0), 66,35 % (P1), 73,51% (P2), 75,37 (P3), and 85,14 % (P4). Water quality during maintenace were temperature 27,4-28,8 oC, pH 5,3-5,8, DO 3,43-3,59 mg/L and amonia 0’001-0,002 mg/L. Treatment of P4 (24 hours of immersion) indicatedthe best treatment with larval survival percentage andmale percentage were 90.00% and 85.14% respectirely. Keywords : Betta fish (Betta splendens), masculinization,natural hone