160 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Peran Kelelawar Microchiroptera sebagai Biokontrol Serangga Tomcat (Paederus Fuscipes) dan Ulat Bulu (Lymantriidae) di Perkotaan

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    The research aims to determine the diet of microchiroptera bats in urban areas.. The research was done in June 2012 to August 2012. Sample of bat was captured in six locations using misnet and harp net at bat foraging areas. Stomach contents was collected and dissolved in aquadest. The material of insect were sorted and identified under microscope and compare to the insects that were collected by light trap in bat foraging area. The data were analyzed by Principle Component Analysis (PCA). There were three species of insectivorous bat which catch at South Tangerang and South Jakarta. The insects in gut content of insectivorous bats belong to 8 orders, distributed into 12 families. Based on prey preference, the insectivorous bats can be classified into two groups. This study proves that the tomcat beetles eaten by Hipposideros sp. and Chaerophon plicata, while Lymantriidae moth being eaten by Hipposideros sp. and Murina sp

    Молодые и возрастные работники в странах АСЕАН: субституты или комплементарии?

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    The phenomenon of population ageing has led the countries of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) to face challenges in the sphere of employment since older workers are considered likely to prevent younger workers from entering the labor market. This paper seeks to describe the effect that an increase in the number of older workers has on the number of young workers. The study relies on the data provided by the International Labour Organization for the period between 2010 and 2016 and the OLS and 2SLS regression analysis methods. The results show that older workers do not impede the career progress of younger workers, in other work, that these two groups of workers are complements rather than substitutes for each other. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of population ageing should be an important concern for the governments of ASEAN countries because of the effect of this trend on the labour market. The fact that almost a half of the elderly population in ASEAN is still actively working indicates that the elderly suffer from the consequences of the economic downturn and still do not feel financially secure enough to retire. Thus, the role of the government in the current conditions is to create a suitable job market to accommodate elderly workers.Феномен старения населения привел к тому, что страны АСЕАН (Ассоциация государств Юго-Восточной Азии) столкнулись с проблемами в сфере занятости, поскольку считается, что пожилые работники могут препятствовать выходу молодых работников на рынок труда. Эта статья нацелена на описание влияния увеличения числа пожилых работников на число молодых работников. Исследование опирается на данные, предоставленные Международной организацией труда за период с 2010 по 2016 г., а также методы регрессионного анализа OLS и 2SLS. Результаты показывают, что пожилые работники не препятствуют карьерному росту молодых работников на других работах, что эти две группы работников являются комплементариями, а не заменителями друг другу. Тем не менее, явление старения населения должно вызывать серьезную обеспокоенность у правительств стран АСЕАН из-за влияния этой тенденции на рынок труда. Тот факт, что почти половина пожилого населения в АСЕАН все еще активно работает, указывает на то, что пожилые люди страдают от последствий экономического спада и все еще не чувствуют себя в достаточной финансовой безопасности, чтобы выйти на пенсию. Таким образом, роль правительства в современных условиях заключается в создании подходящего рынка труда для размещения пожилых работников

    Kekuatan Karakter Dan Kebahagiaan Pada Suku Jawa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekuatan karakter dan kebahagiaan pada suku Jawa, khususnya tentang bagaimana sumbangan kekuatan karakter terhadap kebahagiaan. Kekuatan karakter tergolong menjadi 24, yaitu: kreativitas, keingintahuan, keterbukaan pemikiran, kecintaan belajar, persfektif, kecerdasan, kegigihan, integritas, vitalitas, kasih, kebaikan, kecerdasan bermasyarakat, kependudukan, keadilan, kepemimpinan, pengampunan, kerendahan hati, kebijaksanaan, pengaturan diri, pengagum keindahan, berterima kasih, harapan, humor, dan keagamaan. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah orang Jawa berusia 18-55 tahun yang berdomisili di Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Yogyakarta, dan Jabodetabek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kekuatan karakter dan kebahagiaan pada suku Jawa. Tingkat kebahagiaan orang Jawa, mayoritas berada pada tingkat tinggi. Kekuatan karakter secara bersamaan memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan terhadap kebahagiaan sebesar 48.6%, sedangkan 7 kekuatan yang paling menyumbang terhadap kebahagiaan, yaitu kegigihan, kreativitas, perspektif, keadilan, vitalitas, keingintahuan, dan pengampunan. Lima kekuatan karakter yang paling menonjol adalah berterima kasih, kebaikan, kependudukan, keadilan, dan integritas

    Exploration of Wax Vegetable Plants (Saccharum Edule) in West Halmahera Regency North Maluku Province

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    Waxed vegetable plants (Saccharum edule) have a variety of species, can be found in several regions in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the types of vegetable candles in West Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province. The research was carried out in nine sub-districts, 36 villages and involved 108 farmer owners. Research uses exploration and identification methods. Variables observed included stem shape, stem color, stem length, and plant height, as well as the color and length of the flower. The results of the study found that there were five types of vegetable candles namely short white, long white, long yellow, short yellow, and long white with reddish tree trunks. The five types of plants can be found throughout the sub-districts in West Halmahera Regency, Maluku Province

    SMART BRT ITERA Management: A Pilot Project of Indonesia's Inclusive Bus Campus System

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    Sustainable transportation service is not only about reducing exhaust emissions but about its impact on society.This work seeks to analyze the potential of ITERA Smart Bus Rapid Transit (Smart BRT ITERA) as a regional campus buses in creating the accessibility needed by the wider community, affordable in terms of tariffs, efficient and supporting economic development and reducing emissions and waste generated in the Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) in Lampung, Indonesia. As a commitment to sustainability by planning Smart BRT ITERA form of collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. ITERA, in this case, acts as the operator of 10 buses grants by the Ministry to serve this activity. It is hoped that this project can become a best practice for other universities in Indonesi