11 research outputs found

    Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Strategi TAPPS untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa

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    This research development aimed to develop of TAPPS strategy worksheet for increasing mathematical communication ability. This study was initiated with preliminary studies, the composing, the validation, preliminary field testing, and main field testing. The subject of this research was students of VII D class of SMP N 1 Seputih Raman. The result of preliminary study indicated that there was a need to develop worksheet. The arranges of worksheet were started with the draft-preperation and all of components based on the composing guidelines. The result of the validation showed that the worksheet got the standard qualification for its content and design. The field trial results showed that students mathematical communication aspect was good enough because more than 70 % of the students have reached minimum criteria.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil pengembangan LKPD berbasis strategi TAPPS untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis. Penelitian ini diawali dari studi pendahuluan, penyusunan LKPD, validasi LKPD, uji coba lapangan awal, dan uji lapangan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII-D SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Raman Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan adanya kebutuhan dikembangkannya LKPD berbasis startegi TAPPS. Penyusunan LKPD diawali dengan menyusun draft LKPD dan semua komponennya berdasarkan panduan penyusunan LKPD. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa LKPD telah memenuhi standar kelayakan isi, dan desain. Hasil uji coba lapangan menunjukkan bahwa LKPD termasuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil uji lapangan menunjukkan bahwa aspek komunikasi matematis siswa cukup baik karena lebih dari 70% siswa telah memenuh kriteria ketuntasan minimal.Kata kunci: Komunikasi matematis, LKPD, TAPPS

    Macrophage coordination of the interferon lambda immune response

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    Lambda interferons (IFN-λs) are a major component of the innate immune defense to viruses, bacteria, and fungi. In human liver, IFN-λ not only drives antiviral responses, but also promotes inflammation and fibrosis in viral and non-viral diseases. Here we demonstrate that macrophages are primary responders to IFN-λ, uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between IFN-λ producing cells and lymphocyte populations that are not intrinsically responsive to IFN-λ. While CD14+ monocytes do not express the IFN-λ receptor, IFNLR1, sensitivity is quickly gained upon differentiation to macrophages in vitro. IFN-λ stimulates macrophage cytotoxicity and phagocytosis as well as the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and interferon stimulated genes that mediate immune cell chemotaxis and effector functions. In particular, IFN-λ induced CCR5 and CXCR3 chemokines, stimulating T and NK cell migration, as well as subsequent NK cell cytotoxicity. Using immunofluorescence and cell sorting techniques, we confirmed that human liver macrophages expressing CD14 and CD68 are highly responsive to IFN-λ ex vivo. Together, these data highlight a novel role for macrophages in shaping IFN-λ dependent immune responses both directly through pro-inflammatory activity and indirectly by recruiting and activating IFN-λ unresponsive lymphocytes

    The Cabotage Principle on Law Enforcement for Licensing Ship Operations in Indonesian Waters

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    This study aims to examine and comprehend the cabotage principle on law enforcement for licensing ship operations in Indonesian Waters. This study is a descriptive analysis of normative legal research.   Secondary data, comprising primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials, is utilized. Techniques for collecting data involve library research, whereas techniques for analyzing data involve legal interpretation.  The study results show that Indonesia has regulated the cabotage principle in several regulations. However, supervision in applying this principle has not been optimal due to the increase in transactions between countries due to globalization and overlapping shipping permit issues marked by overlapping authority between the 13 (thirteen) mandated ministries/state institutions by 17 (seventeen) laws as law enforcement officers in marine and coastal areas. The overlap in authority referred to is characterized by the same authority to carry out supervision, pursuit, and investigation in Indonesia's maritime and jurisdictional areas

    Promosi Gizi dan Kesehatan Bagi Wanita Hamil, Wanita Menyusui, dan Ibu Balita dalam Rangka Pencegahan Stunting di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung

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    PROMOTION OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH FOR PREGNANT WOMEN, BREASTFEEDING WOMEN, AND MOTHERS TODDLER IN THE CONTEXT OF STUNTING PREVENTION IN LAMPUNG TENGAH REGENCY, LAMPUNG. One of the determining factors for the success of health development is nutritional status. Health promotion efforts to increase awareness, willingness and ability of both individuals, families, groups and communities to live healthy and it is necessary to increase nutrition and health promotion for pregnant women and mothers under five. This activity was carried out in the context of preventing stunting in Tanggamus and Tanggamus Regencies which was carried out by the Service Team of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung. Various health promotion efforts have been made to obtain optimal results through nutrition and health promotion. This activity aims to assist in the success of national health development through improving nutritional status, through increasing public knowledge about clean and healthy living habits in household settings, a balanced nutrition menu in preventing the incidence of stunting in the family. The methods used in carrying out this activity are lectures, focus group discussions, counseling on the portion of my plate, skill practice and food serving competitions for lokal products to improve nutrition for pregnant women and toddlers. Results of nutrition and health promotion activities for pregnant women and mothers under five in the context of preventing stunting in Central Lampung and Tanggamus districts. can assist in the success of national health development through improving nutritional status

    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) eradication with interferon-free direct-acting antiviral-based therapy results in KLRG1+ HCV-specific memory natural killer cells

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    Direct acting antiviral therapies rapidly clear chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and restore natural killer (NK) cell function. We investigated NK cell memory formation following HCV clearance by examining NK cell phenotype and responses from control and chronic HCV patients before and after therapy following sustained virologic response at 12 weeks post-therapy (SVR12). NK cell phenotype at SVR12 differed significantly from paired pre-treatment samples, with an increase in maturation markers CD16, CD57 and KLRG1. HCV patients possessed stronger cytotoxic responses against HCV infected cells as compared to healthy controls; a response that further increased following SVR12. The antigen-specific response was mediated by KLRG1+ NK cells, as demonstrated by increased degranulation and proliferation in response to HCV antigen only. Our data suggest that KLRG1+ HCVspecific memory NK cells develop following viral infection, providing insight into their role in HCV clearance and relevance with regard to vaccine design

    Expansion of dysfunctional CD56-CD16+ NK cells in chronic hepatitis B patients

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Natural killer (NK) cells are primary innate effector cells that play an important role in the control of human viral infections. During chronic viral infection, NK cells undergo significant changes in phenotype, function, and subset distribution, including the appearance of CD56-CD16+ (CD56-) NK cells, previously identified in chronic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus infection. However, the presence of CD56- NK cells in the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) remains unknown. METHODS: Phenotype and function of CD56- NK cells from patients with CHB (n=28) were assessed using flow cytometry and in vitro stimulation with HBV antigen. RESULTS: CHB patients had a higher frequency of CD56- NK cells compared to healthy controls in peripheral blood (6.2 vs 1.4%, p<0.0001). Compared to CD56+ NK cells, CD56- NK cells had increased expression of inhibitory receptors, and reduced expression of activating receptors, as measured by MFI and qPCR. CD56- NK cells were less responsive to target cell and cytokine stimulation compared to their CD56+ counterparts. In addition, CD56- NK cells demonstrated defective dendritic cells (DCs) interactions resulting in reduced DCs maturation, lower expression of NK CD69, and impaired capacity of NK cells to eliminate immature DCs in co-culture studies. Finally, frequency of CD56- NK cells was positively correlated with serum HBV DNA levels. CONCLUSION: Chronic HBV infection induces the expansion of highly dysfunctional of CD56- NK cells that likely contribute to inefficient innate and adaptive antiviral immune response in chronic HBV infection

    KLRG1+ natural killer cells exert a novel antifibrotic function in chronic hepatitis B

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    Background & Aims: Natural killer (NK)cells are known to exert strong antiviral activity. Killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G member 1 (KLRG1)is expressed by terminally differentiated NK cells and KLRG1-expressing lymphocytes are known to expand following chronic viral infections. We aimed to elucidate the previously unknown role of KLRG1 in the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Methods: KLRG1+ NK cells were taken from the blood and liver of healthy individuals and patients with CHB. The phenotype and function of these cells was assessed using flow cytometry and in vitro stimulation. Results: Patients with CHB had a higher frequency of KLRG1+ NK cells compared to healthy controls (blood 13.4 vs. 2.3%, p <0.0001 and liver 23.4 vs. 2.6%, p <0.01). KLRG1+ NK cells were less responsive to K562 and cytokine stimulation, but demonstrated enhanced cytotoxicity (9.0 vs. 4.8%, p <0.05)and IFN-γ release (8.0 vs. 1.5%, p <0.05)via antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity compared to their KLRG1− counterparts. KLRG1+ NK cells possessed a mature phenotype, demonstrating stronger cytolytic activity and IFN-γ secretion against hepatic stellate cells (HSCs)than KLRG1− NK cells. Moreover, KLRG1+ NK cells more effectively induced primary HSC apoptosis in a TRAIL-dependent manner. Increased KLRG1+ NK cell frequency in the liver and blood was associated with lower fibrosis stage (F0/F1)in patients with CHB. Finally, the expression of CD44, degranulation and IFN-γ production were all increased in KLRG1+ NK cells following stimulation with osteopontin, the CD44 ligand, suggesting that HSC-derived osteopontin may cause KLRG1+ NK cell activation. Conclusions: KLRG1+ NK cells likely play an antifibrotic role during the natural course of CHB infection. Harnessing this antifibrotic function may provide a novel therapeutic approach to treat liver fibrosis in patients with CHB. Lay summary: Individuals that are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV)possess an increased number of immune cells, called natural killer (NK)cells expressing the surface marker KLRG1 in the blood and liver. Here, we demonstrate that these specific NK cells are able to kill activated stellate cells in the liver. Because activated stellate cells contribute to liver scarring, i.e. fibrosis, and subsequent liver dysfunction in individuals with chronic HBV infection, KLRG1+ NK cells are a novel immune cell type that can limit liver scarring

    HBV vaccination and HBV infection induces HBV-specific natural killer cell memory

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    Objective Vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) confers protection from subsequent infection through immunological memory that is traditionally considered the domain of the adaptive immune system. This view has been challenged following the identification of antigen-specific memory natural killer cells (mNKs) in mice and non-human primates. While the presence of mNKs has been suggested in humans based on the expansion of NK cells following pathogen exposure, evidence regarding antigen-specificity is lacking. Here, we demonstrate the existence of HBV-specific mNKs in humans after vaccination and in chronic HBV infection. Design NK cell responses were evaluated by flow cytometry and ELISA following challenge with HBV antigens in HBV vaccinated, non-vaccinated and chronic HBV-infected individuals. Results NK cells from vaccinated subjects demonstrated higher cytotoxic and proliferative responses against autologous hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-pulsed monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) compared with unvaccinated subjects. Moreover, NK cell lysis of HBsAg-pulsed moDCs was significantly higher than that of hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg)-pulsed moDCs (non-vaccine antigen) or tumour necrosis factor α-activated moDCs in a NKG2D-dependent manner. The mNKs response was mediated by CD56dim NK cells coexpressing CD57, CD69 and KLRG1. Further, mNKs from chronic hepatitis B patients exhibited greater degranulation against HBcAg-pulsed moDCs compared with unvaccinated or vaccinated patients. Notably, mNK activity was negatively correlated with HBV DNA levels. Conclusions Our data support the presence of a mature mNKs following HBV antigen exposure either through vaccination or infection. Harnessing these antigen specific, functionally active mNKs provides an opportunity to develop novel treatments targeting HBV in chronic infection