32 research outputs found

    Political Humor in Indonesian

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    This article is intended to describe types of political humor in Indonesian on the basis of script opposition theory proposed by Raskin. The data are collected from websites supported by ones placed in humor textbooks or humor collection books, and anecdotal stories. This research found that political humors in Indonesian can simply be classified into two categories, namely denigration jokes and exposure jokes. The first category is created to criticizes individuals or political leaders, social groups, and political slogans. The second category is used for criticizing social conditions that can be further classified into critics against corruption, indiscipline, unhealthy environment, laziness, etc. Quantitatively, political humors that belong to the first category are more dominant than the second category. Accordingly, the more serious investigation is urgently needed to enable explaining the reason underlying this phenomenon.   Keywords: Denigration, Exposure, Humo

    Distinction Between Inflection and Derivation of Learning Reduplication in Mandarin

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    Reduplication as a word-formation process in Mandarin, which is one of the most difficult knowledge to comprehend for scholar and student. Theoretically this research offers an approach that is different from what has been made by previous researchers. Using the M.D.S Simatupang free context approach this research contrasts the reduplicative forms of all word classes and shows the relationships between them (AA, AABB, ABAB, ABB) and their basic forms (A, AB), then based on test of categorical word and test of lexical decomposition as proposed by J.W.M Verhaar, this study analyzes and explains reduplication and inflectional reduplication in Mandarin in order to students understand as their meaning vocabularies. As a result, this research examines the derivational and inflectional reduplication in Mandarin all at once can disseminate the use of morphological theory. In addition, this study discusses Mandarin reduplication based on various word classes that are contained as a basis for the relevant form of reduplication. Beginner research results will be presented in this study in order to stimulate more complete writing, it will be better if this research can be disseminated in order to add learning and reading material for future research

    A Comparison of the Origin of Idioms in Mandarin and Indonesian

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    In language, idioms can function as stand-alone semantic units because they contain whole concepts. These concepts, formed from human thought, can be explored to discover cultural elements which served as the basis for idiom creation. If the origins of an idiom are known or recognized, that idiom\u27s meaning can be understood more easily. Idioms are frequently used by language communities in their day-to-day lives. However, the origins of idioms in the Indonesian language has almost never been discussed or researched. This article compares the origins of idioms in Mandarin and in Indonesian. It finds that the origins of idioms in Mandarin and in Indonesian are diverse, but in general fit one of two main types: they may be adapted from foreign languages (most importantly in idioms related to religion), or be created within the society and reproduced from generation to generation. Idioms can be traced to either the written tradition or the oral tradition. Idioms in Mandarin generally originate from the written tradition, whereas idioms in Indonesian tend to originate from orality. This study uses the theory of meaning formation first proposed by Ogden and Richards (1911). The comparative method of data analysis is used here, as the origins of idioms in Mandarin and Indonesian are compared

    Packaging Differences of News Content on Title

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    This study investigates anything that underlie the differences of the variation on the packaging variation of the news content on the title that is based on the topicalization, the materials of news title writing, clarity and complexity of the news content, reference shifting from the title to the body of the news, roles of the mediator and the source of the news, maintaining the local value of the news, comparison between the news content on the prior text, and the ideology of the news. The analysis was conducted through pragmatic identity method, referential identity method, and traditional identity method. The data were analyzed by employing discourse approach (: micro-structure), especially the connectivity between the title to the body of the news.There are many things that underlie the differences of news content packaging on the straight news. From the structure of the news element, it can be found the several topicalizations such as the topicalization of what, who, where, when, cause, manner, or the combination of two or more elements of the news. A clear and complex package of a news content on the title gives an ease to the reader to understand the news content. However, in a package which does not put the clear reference on the title, the readers are suggested to continue to read the body of the news. Then, in a package which put the source of the news and its utterance on the title, the journalist tries to enclose the relation of the reader to the source of the news. Meanwhile, in a package which put the journalist as the mediator, the readers are invited to understand the content of the news based on their understanding and interpretation. As a commodity, any packages are utilized so that the news papers are not left behind by the readers. In a news which contains local value, the local utterances are maintained for the readers from other area to learn. Finally, in the package of the news content, the selection of the news topics becomes the ideologies which are harmonized with their vision-mission

    Kalimat Anomali dan Kedudukannya dari Sudut Pandang Pragmatik

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    Di dalam berbagai bahasa tentu ada kalimat-kalimat yang menyimpangdi lihat dari keselarasan kategori dan makna elemen pembentuknya. Kalimat-kalimat seperti ini dalam istilah linguistik dikenal dengan sebutan kalimat anomali (anomalous sentence) (Kridalaksana, 1993, 14; Fromkin & Rodman. 1983, 177). Hal yang menarik dipermasalahkan di sini adalah bahwa kalimat anomali (nonsense) tidak pernah di utarakan atau diucapkan di dalam pemakaian bahasa yang sebenarnya. Kalimat-kalimat itu diciptakan dalam konteks yang abstrak, tidak jelas siapa pembicaranya, dengan s1apa kalimat itu diutarakan, kapan kalimat itu diutarakan, dan sebagainya. Abstraknya konsepsi data yang melatarbelakangi teori Chomsky

    Kata-kata Kasar dalam Bahasa Jawa

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    This article deals with Javanese indecent words in relation to the state and activities to which such expressions can be applied. A careful study of the data elicited from two native informants shows that in addition to their ngoko and krama equivalents, indecent expressions are found in some things and activities in Javanese. The appropriate use of these indicent words should be understood in order to better understand the Javanese community, and to communicate better with them

    Repetisi dalam Karangan Mahasiswa dan Penanganannya

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    It is certainly true that repetition plays very important role in sentence and discourse writing because its existence is intended to give stress on linguistic expressions emphasized in the sentence or discourse in which it occurs. However, in composition writing, it is also often found repetitions which do not show any clear function as emphatic devices, and their occurrence tends to bore the readers. These types of repetition reflect the lack of the writers' ability in producing more interesting and variative sentences. To avoid such phenomena, the knowledge of discourse cohesiveness should always be exposed in any composition writing class because this theory describes various ways of creating cohesiveness besides the repetition itself

    Fungsi dan Peranan Bahasa Indonesia dalam Menyiapkan Sumber Daya Manusia di Era Kesejagatan

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    Era kesejagatan atau globalisasi ada- Iah era keterbukaan dan persaingan bebas. Dalam masa ini semua informasi dengan kecanggihan teknologi dapat diakses secara transparan . Apa yang sudah, sedang, dan akan terjadi di suatu negara, pada saat itu pula dapat diketahui oleh orang-orang di negara-negara yang lain . Hanya saja, kemampuan suatu negara untuk mengakses, dan memanfaatkan informasi- informasi itu sangat bergantung pada banyak faktor . Satu di antaranya adalah kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya, yakni kualitas orang-orang yang berada di belakang teknologi canggih itu . Semakin tinggi kualitas sumber daya manusia, semakin besar pula daya aksesnya, dan produk yang dihasilkan semakin besar pula daya saingnya di pasar global . Demikian pula sebaliknya . Berbicara tentang kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia saat ini, janganlah dahulu mereka dibandingkan dengan yang ada di negara-negara maju, seperti Jepang, Eropa, Amerika, dan Australia, dengan yang ada di negaranegara tetangga Malaysia, Thailand, dan Filipina saja kepunyaan kita masih berada di bawahnya. Masalahnya sekarang bagaimanakah kita harus mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia kita dalam upaya mempersempit kesenjangan itu sehingga era kesejagatan bukan merupakan sesuatu yang menakutkan, tetapi sesuatu yang penuh tantangan dan membawa harapan (Abdullah, 1998)