23 research outputs found

    Image identification from brain activity using the population receptive field model

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    A goal of computational models is not only to explain experimental data but also to make new predictions. A current focus of computational neuroimaging is to predict features of the presented stimulus from measured brain signals. These computational neuroimaging approaches may be agnostic about the underlying neural processes or may be biologically inspired. Here, we use the biologically inspired population receptive field (pRF) approach to identify presented images from fMRI recordings of the visual cortex, using an explicit model of the underlying neural response selectivity. The advantage of the pRF-model is its simplicity: it is defined by a handful of parameters, which can be estimated from fMRI data that was collected within half an hour. Using 7T MRI, we measured responses elicited by different visual stimuli: (i) conventional pRF mapping stimuli, (ii) semi-random synthetic images and (iii) natural images. The pRF mapping stimuli were used to estimate the pRF-properties of each cortical location in early visual cortex. Next, we used these pRFs to identify which synthetic or natural images was presented to the subject from the fMRI responses. We show that image identification using V1 responses is far above chance, both for the synthetic and natural images. Thus, we can identify visual images, including natural images, using the most fundamental low-parameter pRF model estimated from conventional pRF mapping stimuli. This allows broader application of image identification

    Image identification from brain activity using the population receptive field model.

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    A goal of computational models is not only to explain experimental data but also to make new predictions. A current focus of computational neuroimaging is to predict features of the presented stimulus from measured brain signals. These computational neuroimaging approaches may be agnostic about the underlying neural processes or may be biologically inspired. Here, we use the biologically inspired population receptive field (pRF) approach to identify presented images from fMRI recordings of the visual cortex, using an explicit model of the underlying neural response selectivity. The advantage of the pRF-model is its simplicity: it is defined by a handful of parameters, which can be estimated from fMRI data that was collected within half an hour. Using 7T MRI, we measured responses elicited by different visual stimuli: (i) conventional pRF mapping stimuli, (ii) semi-random synthetic images and (iii) natural images. The pRF mapping stimuli were used to estimate the pRF-properties of each cortical location in early visual cortex. Next, we used these pRFs to identify which synthetic or natural images was presented to the subject from the fMRI responses. We show that image identification using V1 responses is far above chance, both for the synthetic and natural images. Thus, we can identify visual images, including natural images, using the most fundamental low-parameter pRF model estimated from conventional pRF mapping stimuli. This allows broader application of image identification

    Change Blindness Is Influenced by Both Contrast Energy and Subjective Importance within Local Regions of the Image

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    Our visual system receives an enormous amount of information, but not all information is retained. This is exemplified by the fact that subjects fail to detect large changes in a visual scene, i.e., change-blindness. Current theories propose that our ability to detect these changes is influenced by the gist or interpretation of an image. On the other hand, stimulus-driven image features such as contrast energy dominate the representation in early visual cortex (De Valois and De Valois, 1988; Boynton et al., 1999; Olman et al., 2004; Mante and Carandini, 2005; Dumoulin et al., 2008). Here we investigated whether contrast energy contributes to our ability to detect changes within a visual scene. We compared the ability to detect changes in contrast energy together with changes to a measure of the interpretation of an image. We used subjective important aspects of the image as a measure of the interpretation of an image. We measured reaction times while manipulating the contrast energy and subjective important properties using the change blindness paradigm. Our results suggest that our ability to detect changes in a visual scene is not only influenced by the subjective importance, but also by contrast energy. Also, we find that contrast energy and subjective importance interact. We speculate that contrast energy and subjective important properties are not independently represented in the visual system. Thus, our results suggest that the information that is retained of a visual scene is both influenced by stimulus-driven information as well as the interpretation of a scene

    Modeling center-surround configurations in population : Receptive fields using fMRI

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    Antagonistic center-surround configurations are a central organizational principle of our visual system. In visual cortex, stimulation outside the classical receptive field can decrease neural activity and also decrease functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) signal amplitudes. Decreased fMRI amplitudes below baseline-0% contrast-are often referred to as "negative" responses. Using neural model-based fMRI data analyses, we can estimate the region of visual space to which each cortical location responds, i.e., the population receptive field (pRF). Current models of the pRF do not account for a center-surround organization or negative fMRI responses. Here, we extend the pRF model by adding surround suppression. Where the conventional model uses a circular symmetric Gaussian function to describe the pRF, the new model uses a circular symmetric difference-of-Gaussians (DoG) function. The DoG model allows the pRF analysis to capture fMRI signals below baseline and surround suppression. Comparing the fits of the models, an increased variance explained is found for the DoG model. This improvement was predominantly present in V1/2/3 and decreased in later visual areas. The improvement of the fits was particularly striking in the parts of the fMRI signal below baseline. Estimates for the surround size of the pRF show an increase with eccentricity and over visual areas V1/2/3. For the suppression index, which is based on the ratio between the volumes of both Gaussians, we show a decrease over visual areas V1 and V2. Using non-invasive fMRI techniques, this method gives the possibility to examine assumptions about center-surround receptive fields in human subjects.

    Image identification from brain activity using the population receptive field model

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    A goal of computational models is not only to explain experimental data but also to make new predictions. A current focus of computational neuroimaging is to predict features of the presented stimulus from measured brain signals. These computational neuroimaging approaches may be agnostic about the underlying neural processes or may be biologically inspired. Here, we use the biologically inspired population receptive field (pRF) approach to identify presented images from fMRI recordings of the visual cortex, using an explicit model of the underlying neural response selectivity. The advantage of the pRF-model is its simplicity: it is defined by a handful of parameters, which can be estimated from fMRI data that was collected within half an hour. Using 7T MRI, we measured responses elicited by different visual stimuli: (i) conventional pRF mapping stimuli, (ii) semi-random synthetic images and (iii) natural images. The pRF mapping stimuli were used to estimate the pRF-properties of each cortical location in early visual cortex. Next, we used these pRFs to identify which synthetic or natural images was presented to the subject from the fMRI responses. We show that image identification using V1 responses is far above chance, both for the synthetic and natural images. Thus, we can identify visual images, including natural images, using the most fundamental low-parameter pRF model estimated from conventional pRF mapping stimuli. This allows broader application of image identification

    Individualized cognitive neuroscience needs 7T: Comparing numerosity maps at 3T and 7T MRI

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    The field of cognitive neuroscience is weighing evidence about whether to move from the current standard field strength of 3 Tesla (3T) to ultra-high field (UHF) of 7T and above. The present study contributes to the evidence by comparing a computational cognitive neuroscience paradigm at 3T and 7T. The goal was to evaluate the practical effects, i.e. model predictive power, of field strength on a numerosity task using accessible pre-processing and analysis tools. Previously, using 7T functional magnetic resonance imaging and biologically-inspired analyses, i.e. population receptive field modelling, we discovered topographical organization of numerosity-selective neural populations in human parietal cortex. Here we show that these topographic maps are also detectable at 3T. However, averaging of many more functional runs was required at 3T to reliably reconstruct numerosity maps. On average, one 7T run had about four times the model predictive power of one 3T run. We believe that this amount of scanning would have made the initial discovery of the numerosity maps on 3T highly infeasible in practice. Therefore, we suggest that the higher signal-to-noise ratio and signal sensitivity of UHF MRI is necessary to build mechanistic models of the organization and function of our cognitive abilities in individual participants

    Schematic diagram of the image identification pipeline.

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    <p>A: First, we estimated the parameters of the pRF for every voxel based on the pRF bar stimuli. The pRF is modeled as a circular symmetric Gaussian function of which we use the parameters for position and size. B: Second, we predicted the response profiles for a large set of candidate images by either summing the overlap of the stimulus with each voxel’s pRF (for the synthetic images), or by calculating the RMS-contrast inside each voxel’s pRF (for the natural images). C: Finally, we predicted which candidate image elicited a measured response profile by finding which candidate image’s predicted response profile was most strongly correlated to this measured response profile (i.e. which had the highest pearson’s <i>r</i>).</p

    The identification confidence per natural image for our two subjects.

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    <p>Every dot represents an individual image. We see similar confidence of the individual natural images across the two subjects. Some images are identified less accurately using the pRF-model than others. This is explained by two factors: (i) certain images are more similar in terms of their contrast-energy content and (ii) responses to these images depend more on features that are not captured by the contrast-energy pRF-model predictions.</p

    Examples of the pRF mapping stimuli used to estimate the pRF properties.

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    <p>The stimuli were either filled with a binarized bandpass filtered noise pattern (A) or natural image content (B).</p

    Topographic maps and neural tuning for sensory substitution dimensions learned in adulthood in a congenital blind subject

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    Topographic maps, a key principle of brain organization, emerge during development. It remains unclear, however, whether topographic maps can represent a new sensory experience learned in adulthood. MaMe, a congenitally blind individual, has been extensively trained in adulthood for perception of a 2D auditory-space (soundscape) where the y- and x-axes are represented by pitch and time, respectively. Using population receptive field mapping we found neural populations tuned topographically to pitch, not only in the auditory cortices but also in the parietal and occipito-temporal cortices. Topographic neural tuning to time was revealed in the parietal and occipito-temporal cortices. Some of these maps were found to represent both axes concurrently, enabling MaMe to represent unique locations in the soundscape space. This case study provides proof of concept for the existence of topographic maps tuned to the newly learned soundscape dimensions. These results suggest that topographic maps can be adapted or recycled in adulthood to represent novel sensory experiences