56 research outputs found

    First detection of CO2_2 emission in a Centaur: JWST NIRSpec observations of 39P/Oterma

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    Centaurs are minor solar system bodies with orbits transitioning between those of Trans-Neptunian Scattered Disk objects and Jupiter Family comets. 39P/Oterma is a frequently active Centaur that has recently held both Centaur and JFC classifications and was observed with the JWST NIRSpec instrument on 2022 July 27 UTC while it was 5.82 au from the Sun. For the first time, CO2_2 gas emission was detected in a Centaur, with a production rate of QCO2_{CO_2} = (5.96 ±\pm 0.80) ×\times 1023^{23} molecules s−1^{-1}. This is the lowest detection of CO2_2 of any Centaur or comet. CO and H2_2O were not detected down to constraining upper limits. Derived mixing ratios of QCO_{CO}/QCO2_{CO_2} ≀\leq2.03 and QCO2_{CO_2}/QH2O_{H_2O} ≄\geq0.60 are consistent with CO2_2 and/or CO outgassing playing large roles in driving the activity, but not water, and show a significant difference between the coma abundances of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, another Centaur at a similar heliocentric distance, which may be explained by thermal processing of 39P's surface during its previous Jupiter-family comet orbit. To help contextualize the JWST data we also acquired visible CCD imaging data on two dates in July (Gemini North) and September (Lowell Discovery Telescope) 2022. Image analysis and photometry based on these data are consistent with a point source detection and an estimated effective nucleus radius of 39P in the range of Rnuc=R_{nuc}= 2.21 to 2.49~km

    Investigating the role of microbes in mineral weathering: Nanometre-scale characterisation of the cell-mineral interface using FIB and TEM

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    Focused ion beam (FIB) sample preparation in combination with subsequent transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis are powerful tools for nanometre-scale examination of the cell-mineral interface in bio-geological samples. In this study, we used FIB-TEM to investigate the interaction between a cyanobacterium (Hassallia byssoidea) and a common sheet silicate mineral (biotite) following a laboratory-based bioweathering, incubation experiment. We discuss the FIB preparation of cross-sections of the cell mineral interface for TEM investigation. We also establish an electron fluence threshold (at 200. keV) in biotite for the transition from scanning (S)TEM electron beam induced contamination build up on the surface of biotite thin sections to mass loss, or hole-drilling within the sections. Working below this threshold fluence nanometre-scale structural and elemental information has been obtained from biotite directly underneath cyanobacterial cells incubated on the biotite for 3 months. No physical alteration of the biotite was detected by TEM imaging and diffraction with little or no elemental alteration detected by STEM-energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) elemental line-scanning or by energy filtered TEM (EF-TEM) jump ratio elemental mapping. As such we present evidence that the cyanobacterial strain of H. byssoidea did not cause any measurable alteration of biotite, within the resolution limits of the analysis techniques used, after 3 months of incubation on its surface

    CO Gas and Dust Outbursts from Centaur 29P/Schwassmann–Wachmann

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    29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann is an unusual solar system object. Originally classified as a short-period comet, it is now known as a Centaur that recently transferred to its current orbit, and may become a Jupiter family comet. It has exhibited a dust coma for over 90 yr, and regularly undergoes significant dust outbursts. Carbon monoxide is routinely detected in high amounts and is typically assumed to play a large role in generating the quiescent dust coma and outbursts. To test this hypothesis, we completed two three-month-long observing campaigns of the CO J = 2-1 rotational line using the Arizona Radio Observatory 10 m Submillimeter Telescope during 2016 and 2018-2019, and compared the results to visible magnitudes obtained at the same time. As the Centaur approached its 2019 perihelion, the quiescent dust coma grew similar to 45% in brightness, while it is unclear whether the quiescent CO production rate also increased. A doubling of the CO production rate on 2016 February 28.6 UT did not trigger an outburst nor a rise in dust production for at least 10 days. Similarly, two dust outbursts occurred in 2018 while CO production continued at quiescent rates. Two other dust outbursts may show gas involvement. The data indicate that CO and dust outbursts are not always well correlated. This may be explained if CO is not always substantially incorporated with the dust component in the nucleus, or if CO is primarily released through a porous material. Additionally, other minor volatiles or physical processes may help generate dust outbursts.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Co And Other Volatiles In Distantly Active Comets

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    The activity of most comets near the Sun is dominated by the sublimation of frozen water, the most abundant ice in comets. Some comets, however, are active well beyond the water-ice sublimation limit of ~3 au. Three bodies dominate the observational record and modeling efforts for distantly active comets: the long-period comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), and the short-period comets (with Centaur orbits) 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 and 2060 Chiron. We summarize what is known about these three objects with an emphasis on their gaseous comae. We calculate their CN/CO and CO2/CO production rate ratios from the literature and discuss implications, such as HCN and CO2 outgassing are not significant contributors to their comae. Using our own data we derive CO production rates, Q(CO), for all three objects to examine whether there is a correlation between gas production and different orbital histories and/or size. The CO measurements of Hale-Bopp (4-11 AU) and 29P are consistent with a nominal production rate of Q(CO)=3.5×1029 r−2 superimposed with sporadic outbursts. The similarity of Hale-Bopp CO production rates for pre- and post-perihelion suggests that thermal inertia was not very important and therefore most of the activity is at or near the surface of the comet. We further examine the applicability of existing models in explaining the systematic behavior of our small sample. We find that orbital history does not appear to play a significant role in explaining 29P’s CO production rates. 29P outproduces Hale-Bopp at the same heliocentric distance, even though it has been subjected to much more solar heating. Previous modeling work on such objects predicts that 29P should have been devolatilized over a fresher comet like Hale-Bopp. This may point to 29P having a different orbital history than current models predict, with its current orbit acquired more recently. On the other hand, Chiron’s CO measurements are consistent with it being significantly depleted over its original state, perhaps due to increased radiogenic heating made possible by its much larger size or its higher processing due to orbital history. Observed spectral line profiles for several volatiles are consistent with the development and sublimation of icy grains in the coma at about 5-6 au for 29P and Hale-Bopp, and this is probably a common feature in distantly active comets, and an important source of volatiles for all comets within 5 au. In contrast, the narrow CO line profiles indicate a nuclear, and not extended, origin for CO beyond ~4 au

    Co And Other Volatiles In Distantly Active Comets

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    The activity of most comets near the Sun is dominated by the sublimation of frozen water, the most abundant ice in comets. Some comets, however, are active well beyond the water-ice sublimation limit of ~3 au. Three bodies dominate the observational record and modeling efforts for distantly active comets: the long-period comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), and the short-period comets (with Centaur orbits) 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 and 2060 Chiron. We summarize what is known about these three objects with an emphasis on their gaseous comae. We calculate their CN/CO and CO2/CO production rate ratios from the literature and discuss implications, such as HCN and CO2 outgassing are not significant contributors to their comae. Using our own data we derive CO production rates, Q(CO), for all three objects to examine whether there is a correlation between gas production and different orbital histories and/or size. The CO measurements of Hale-Bopp (4-11 AU) and 29P are consistent with a nominal production rate of Q(CO)=3.5×1029 r−2 superimposed with sporadic outbursts. The similarity of Hale-Bopp CO production rates for pre- and post-perihelion suggests that thermal inertia was not very important and therefore most of the activity is at or near the surface of the comet. We further examine the applicability of existing models in explaining the systematic behavior of our small sample. We find that orbital history does not appear to play a significant role in explaining 29P’s CO production rates. 29P outproduces Hale-Bopp at the same heliocentric distance, even though it has been subjected to much more solar heating. Previous modeling work on such objects predicts that 29P should have been devolatilized over a fresher comet like Hale-Bopp. This may point to 29P having a different orbital history than current models predict, with its current orbit acquired more recently. On the other hand, Chiron’s CO measurements are consistent with it being significantly depleted over its original state, perhaps due to increased radiogenic heating made possible by its much larger size or its higher processing due to orbital history. Observed spectral line profiles for several volatiles are consistent with the development and sublimation of icy grains in the coma at about 5-6 au for 29P and Hale-Bopp, and this is probably a common feature in distantly active comets, and an important source of volatiles for all comets within 5 au. In contrast, the narrow CO line profiles indicate a nuclear, and not extended, origin for CO beyond ~4 au

    Carbon Monoxide In The Distantly Active Centaur (60558) 174P/Echeclus At 6 Au

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    (60558) 174P/Echeclus is an unusual object that belongs to a class of minor planets called Centaurs, which may be intermediate between Kuiper Belt objects and Jupiter family comets. It is sporadically active throughout its orbit at distances too far for water ice, the source of activity for most comets, to sublimate. Thus, its coma must be triggered by another mechanism. In 2005, Echeclus had a strong outburst with peculiar behavior that raised questions about the nucleus\u27 homogeneity. To test nucleus models, we performed the most sensitive search to date for the highly volatile CO molecule via its J = 2-1 emission toward Echeclus during 2016 May-June (at 6.1 astronomical units from the Sun) using the Arizona Radio Observatory 10 m Submillimeter Telescope. We obtained a 3.6σ detection with a slightly blueshifted (ÎŽv = -0.55 ± 0.10 km s-1) and narrow (Δv FWHM = 0.53 ± 0.23 km s-1) line. The data are consistent with emission from a cold gas from the sunward side of the nucleus, as seen in two other comets at 6 au. We derive a production rate of Q(CO) = (7.7 ± 3.3) mol s-1, which is capable of driving the estimated dust production rates. Echeclus\u27 CO outgassing rate is ∌40 times lower than what is typically seen for another Centaur at this distance, 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1. We also used the IRAM 30 m telescope to search for the CO J = 2-1 line, and derive an upper limit that is above the SMT detection. Compared with the relatively unprocessed comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), Echeclus produces significantly less CO, as do Chiron and four other Centaurs
