733 research outputs found

    Saturation induced coherence loss in coherent backscattering of light

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    We use coherent backscattering (CBS) of light by cold Strontium atoms to study the mutual coherence of light waves in the multiple scattering regime. As the probe light intensity is increased, the atomic optical transition starts to be saturated. Nonlinearities and inelastic scattering then occur. In our experiment, we observe a strongly reduced enhancement factor of the coherent backscattering cone when the intensity of the probe laser is increased, indicating a partial loss of coherence in multiple scattering

    Propagation inhibition and wave localization in a 2D random liquid medium

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    Acoustic propagation and scattering in water containing many parallel air-filled cylinders is studied. Two situations are considered and compared: (1) wave propagating through the array of cylinders, imitating a traditional experimental setup, and (2) wave transmitted from a source located inside the ensemble. We show that waves can be blocked from propagation by disorders in the first scenario, but the inhibition does not necessarily imply wave localization. Furthermore, the results reveal the phenomenon of wave localization in a range of frequencies.Comment: Typos in Fiures are correcte

    Time-resolved broadband analysis of slow-light propagation and superluminal transmission of electromagnetic waves in three-dimensional photonic crystals

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    A time-resolved analysis of the amplitude and phase of THz pulses propagating through three-dimensional photonic crystals is presented. Single-cycle pulses of THz radiation allow measurements over a wide frequency range, spanning more than an octave below, at and above the bandgap of strongly dispersive photonic crystals. Transmission data provide evidence for slow group velocities at the photonic band edges and for superluminal transmission at frequencies in the gap. Our experimental results are in good agreement with finite-difference-time-domain simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency in South Africa

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    Background. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) caused by deficiency of the 21-hydoxylase (21-OH) enzyme is the most common form of CAH worldwide.Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of CAH due to 21-OH deficiency, and its clinical presentation and biochemical profiles in affected children.Methods. We performed a retrospective subset analysis of 44 children with confirmed CAH.Results. All the children had classic CAH. The majority (59.8%) had classic salt-wasting (CSW) CAH and 40.1% had simple virilising (SV) CAH. The median age of presentation was 8.1 years (interquartile range (IQR) 4.5 - 11) in the SV group and 2 months (IQR 2 weeks - 5 months) in the CSW group (p=0.0001). No difference in age of presentation was noted between males and females (p=0.541). The clinical presentation was significantly different between the CSW and SV groups, and between males and females in the CSW group (p<0.0001). Most of the females with 46,XX CSW CAH (66.7%) presented with disorders of sex development (DSD), while the remaining 33.3% presented with DSD and dehydration and shock. All the males with 46,XY CSW CAH presented with dehydration and shock. Overall, 37.9% (11/29) of the children were obese or overweight at presentation. Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone-dependent central precocious puberty was observed on follow-up in 29.4% (10/34) of the children at a median of 6.7 years (IQR 5 - 7.7).Conclusion. The diagnosis of CAH is delayed in males and females in both SV and CSW forms of the disorder, which probably contributes to under-reporting of cases and a high mortality rate

    Photon statistics of a random laser

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    A general relationship is presented between the statistics of thermal radiation from a random medium and its scattering matrix S. Familiar results for black-body radiation are recovered in the limit S to 0. The mean photocount is proportional to the trace of 1-SS^dagger, in accordance with Kirchhoff's law relating emissivity and absorptivity. Higher moments of the photocount distribution are related to traces of powers of 1-SS^dagger, a generalization of Kirchhoff's law. The theory can be applied to a random amplifying medium (or "random laser") below the laser threshold, by evaluating the Bose-Einstein function at a negative temperature. Anomalously large fluctuations are predicted in the photocount upon approaching the laser threshold, as a consequence of overlapping cavity modes with a broad distribution of spectral widths.Comment: 26 pages, including 9 figure

    Diffusive and localization behavior of electromagnetic waves in a two-dimensional random medium

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    In this paper, we discuss the transport phenomena of electromagnetic waves in a two-dimensional random system which is composed of arrays of electrical dipoles, following the model presented earlier by Erdogan, et al. (J. Opt. Soc. Am. B {\bf 10}, 391 (1993)). A set of self-consistent equations is presented, accounting for the multiple scattering in the system, and is then solved numerically. A strong localization regime is discovered in the frequency domain. The transport properties within, near the edge of and nearly outside the localization regime are investigated for different parameters such as filling factor and system size. The results show that within the localization regime, waves are trapped near the transmitting source. Meanwhile, the diffusive waves follow an intuitive but expected picture. That is, they increase with travelling path as more and more random scattering incurs, followed by a saturation, then start to decay exponentially when the travelling path is large enough, signifying the localization effect. For the cases that the frequencies are near the boundary of or outside the localization regime, the results of diffusive waves are compared with the diffusion approximation, showing less encouraging agreement as in other systems (Asatryan, et al., Phys. Rev. E {\bf 67}, 036605 (2003).)Comment: 8 pages 9 figure

    Resonance optimization of polychromatic light in disordered structures

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    Disorder offers rich possibilities for manipulating the phase and intensity of light and designing photonic devices for various applications including random lasers, light storage, and speckle-free imaging. Disorder-based optical systems can be implemented in one-dimensional structures based on random or pseudo-random alternating layers with different refractive indices. Such structures can be treated as sequences of scatterers, in which spatial light localization is characterized by random sets of spectral transmission resonances, each accompanied by a relatively high-intensity concentration. The control and manipulation of resonances is the key element in designing disorder-based photonic systems. In this work, we introduce a method of controlling disorder-induced resonances by using the established non-trivial interconnection between the symmetry of bi-directional light propagation properties and the features of the resonant transmissions. Considering a fiber with resonant Bragg gratings as an example, the mechanism of enhancing or suppressing the resonant transmission of polychromatic light and the effectiveness of the method have been demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally. The proposed algorithm of controlling disorder-induced resonances is general and applicable to classical waves and quantum particles, for disordered systems both with and without gain

    Photon Localization in Resonant Media

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    We report measurements of microwave transmission over the first five Mie resonances of alumina spheres randomly positioned in a waveguide. Though precipitous drops in transmission and sharp peaks in the photon transit time are found near all resonances, measurements of transmission fluctuations show that localization occurs only in a narrow frequency window above the first resonance. There the drop in the photon density of states is found to be more pronounced than the fall in the photon transit time, leading to a minimum in the Thouless number.Comment: To appear in PRL; 5 pages, including 5 figure

    Localization of electromagnetic waves in a two dimensional random medium

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    Motivated by previous investigations on the radiative effects of the electric dipoles embedded in structured cavities, localization of electromagnetic waves in two dimensions is studied {\it ab initio} for a system consisting of many randomly distributed two dimensional dipoles. A set of self-consistent equations, incorporating all orders of multiple scattering of the electromagnetic waves, is derived from first principles and then solved numerically for the total electromagnetic field. The results show that spatially localized electromagnetic waves are possible in such a simple but realistic disordered system. When localization occurs, a coherent behavior appears and is revealed as a unique property differentiating localization from either the residual absorption or the attenuation effects

    Light transport in cold atoms: the fate of coherent backscattering in the weak localization regime

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    The recent observation of coherent backscattering (CBS) of light by atoms has emphasized the key role of the velocity spread and of the quantum internal structure of the atoms. Firstly, using highly resonant scatterers imposes very low temperatures of the disordered medium in order to keep the full contrast of the CBS interference. This criterion is usually achieved with standard laser cooling techniques. Secondly, a non trivial internal atomic structure leads to a dramatic decrease of the CBS contrast. Experiments with Rubidium atoms (with a non trivial internal structure) and with Strontium (with the simplest possible internal structure) show this behaviour and confirm theoretical calculations
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