26 research outputs found

    Small organ size contributes to the slow pace of life in tropical birds

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    Attributes of an animal's life history, such as reproductive rate or longevity, typically fall along a 'slow-fast' continuum. Animals at the fast end of this continuum, such as temperate birds, are thought to experience high rates of mortality and invest more resources in reproduction, whereas animals at the slow end, such as tropical birds, live longer, have fewer offspring and invest more resources in self-maintenance. We have previously shown that tropical birds, compared with temperate species, have a reduced basal (BMR) and peak metabolic rate (PMR), patterns consistent with a slow pace of life. Here, we elucidate a fundamental linkage between the smaller mass of central organs of tropical species and their reduced BMR, and between their smaller flight muscles and reduced PMR. Analyses of up to 408 species from the literature showed that the heart, flight muscles, liver, pancreas and kidneys were smaller in tropical species. Direct measurements on 49 species showed smaller heart, lungs, flight muscles, liver, kidneys, ovaries and testes in tropical species, as well as lower feather mass. In combination, our results indicate that the benign tropical environment imposes a relaxed selection pressure on high levels of sustained metabolic performance, permitting species to reduce the mass of organs that are energetically costly to maintain. Brain, gizzard and intestine were exceptions, even though energy turnover of brain and intestine are high. Feather mass was 37% lower in tropical species compared with similar-sized temperate birds, supporting the idea that temperate birds require more insulation for thermoregulation

    Scale and intensity of intertidal habitat use by knots Calidris canutus in the Western Wadden Sea in relation to food, friends and foes

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    In August-October 1988-1992 we studied the distribution and abundance of knots Calidris canutus around Griend in the western Wadden Sea, and the extent to which these can be explained by benthic prey availability and presence of avian predators. Numbers in the nonbreeding season showed monthly averages of 10000 to 25000 birds. Over 100000 knots were recorded on three occasions. Knots feed in large flocks, individual birds usually experiencing 4000 to 15000 flock-mates. The Siberian-breeding/west-African wintering canutus subspecies passed through in late July and early August. Otherwise the Greenlandic/Canadian breeding islandica subspecies was present. Over the period 1964-1992 there were no clear trends in the number of knots, but canutus-knots were particularly abundant in July-August 1991, whereas in 1992 both subspecies were absent. Macoma balthica was the preferred prey of both subspecies. Hydrobia ulvae, Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule were eaten when Macoma was absent close to the surface of the sediment. As Macoma buried deeper from July onwards, canutus faced better average feeding conditions than islandica later in the year. The spatial distribution of knots feeding on the intertidal flats around Griend was best explained by the harvestable biomass of the prevalent prey species in a particular year and season, i.e. Macoma (main prey when their harvestable biomass densities were greater than ca 0.8 g AFDM per m2) and Cerastoderma, and by the avoidance of situations where they run the risk of attack by bird-eating birds. Flocks of knots covered most of the intertidal flats in the western Dutch Wadden Sea in a couple of tidal cycles. This is about 800 km2, much larger than the equivalent area used by knots on their wintering grounds in Mauritania (10-15 km2), a difference that is correlated with prey spectrum, prey availability and predictability.

    Family Charadriidae (plovers)

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    Effects of intake rate on energy expenditure, somatic repair and reproduction of zebra finches

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    Understanding the effect of food availability on food requirements is critical when linking food availability e.g. to reproduction or habitat selection. Decreasing intake rate (intake per unit foraging effort) can be expected to increase daily energy expenditure (DEE), due to increased foraging costs. However, all the studies we could find that have tested this hypothesis (with one exception) found DEE to be constant or decreasing when intake rate was experimentally decreased. This may be due to the design of the reward schedule, which can be fixed (e.g. 20 units effort required for each reward) or variable (e.g. each unit effort rewarded with probability 1/20). Most studies used fixed reward rates, but foraging motivation is generally higher for variable reward rates, and the only study in which animals increased DEE when intake rate decreased used variable reward rates. To assess the generality of this result, we exposed zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata to different intake rates using variable reward rates. We decreased intake rate by mixing 25 g of seeds with 0, 25 or 75 g of chaff. With increasing chaff/seed ratio the time spent foraging increased from 6% to 27%, but this was insufficient to compensate for the lower intake rate, because DEE decreased by 6.6%. Body mass was independent of chaff/seed ratio. Effects of intake rate on foraging time and DEE were stronger at lower temperatures, when DEE was higher. The decrease in DEE in adverse conditions raises the question of what prevents such behaviour in benign circumstances. We hypothesize that energy is saved at the expense of ‘condition’, and we tested this hypothesis in two ways. Firstly, we tested the effect of intake rate on the replacement of two plucked tail feathers (a form of somatic repair). Replacement feathers were shorter when intake rate was low, indicating an effect of intake rate on somatic repair ability. Secondly, we tested for carry-over effects of intake rate on reproduction, by giving pairs the opportunity to reproduce with access ad libitum to food after feeding on one of the three chaff/seed ratios for 6 weeks. The interval until laying the first egg increased with decreasing intake rate in the preceding 6 weeks. The effects of intake rate on somatic maintenance and reproduction may explain why birds sustained higher metabolic rates than apparently necessary, but the physiological mechanisms determining the optimal metabolic rate remain to be discovered.

    Scoring Abdominal Profiles to Characterize Migratory Cohorts of Shorebirds: An Example with Red Knots

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    This paper explores whether the visual scoring of abdominal profiles can be used to evaluate variation in energy stores of shorebirds. Carcass analyses showed that the mass of fat in the abdominal cavity is well correlated with total fat mass and body mass. In May 1990, abdominal profiles were scored of Red Knots (Calidris canutus, subspecies canutus) on their last spring staging area in northern Germany before the 4000-5000-km long flight to the Siberian-arctic breeding grounds. Scores made in the field varied between 1 (concave shape of abdomen) to 5 (bulging). Average abdominal profile scores increased significantly over time in May 1990, paralleled by an increase in body mass, as based on catches of Red Knots in earlier years. At the end of May the average abdominal profile decreased, presumably due to the departure of adult Red Knots, leaving lean, perhaps mainly immature, birds behind. The scale of abdominal profile scores is probably too coarse to estimate fat content of individual waders. On a cohort level, however, the measure has much potential for comparisons of (re-)fuelling rates between different groups, feeding areas and years without the need to obtain large samples of captured birds.

    Effects of Microhabitat, Flocking, Climate and Migratory Goal on Energy Expenditure in the Annual Cycle of Red Knots

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    We quantify seasonal changes in the maintenance energy requirements of Red Knots (Calidris canutus islandica). This subspecies breeds on the tundra of northeast Canada and north Greenland, migrates through Iceland and spends the winter in the coastal regions of western Europe. Maintenance Metabolism (Mmaint) is defined as Basal Metabolic Rate plus extra costs for thermoregulation at environmental temperatures below the thermoneutral zone. Mmaint of Red Knots resting in different microhabitats was estimated on the basis of measurements with heated taxidermic mounts, which were calibrated with forced convection against postabsorptive live birds resting over a range of air temperatures (i.e., against their Standard Metabolic Rate). Based on a physically realistic regression model for heat loss, we established the relationships between the electric power consumption of the mounts and three critical weather variables affecting dry heat loss: air temperature, wind speed and global solar radiation. Observations of Red Knots' use of different microhabitats (including their occurrence in flocks of different bird density) and orientation into the wind were collected on the wintering and on the breeding grounds. At lower standard operative temperatures on the coastal wintering grounds they foraged in tighter flocks and more often faced into the wind, saving 8% compared to solitary birds standing with their flanks exposed. We then used (1) microhabitat-specific equations, (2) long-term meterological data sets, and (3) estimates of habitat use and wind orientation of free-living Red Knots at the different locations and times of the year, to reconstruct the seasonal patterns in Mmaint in the field. Average predicted Mmaint varied between 2.93 W in January and 1.64 W in August on the Dutch wintering areas. The maximum monthly Mmaint in winter was higher than that reached on the Canadian breeding grounds (2.28 W, or 0.78 times the Dutch January cost) and on the Icelandic staging grounds (2.27 W, or 0.77× the Dutch cost in January, in spring, and 1.98 W, or 0.68×, in fall). Based on 31 years of weather data from the Dutch Wadden Sea in the period 1960-1991 (assuming that Red Knots have not changed their behavior), the long-term overwinter average of Mmaint was 2.57 W, with an average monthly minimum of 1.87 W and a maximum of 3.05 W. The west-central coast of France, 900 km more to the south, offers energetically cheaper conditions (0.76× values for the Dutch coast in January) in the nonbreeding season than the Wadden Sea. If islandica knots moved on to West Africa during the nonbreeding season they would incur a saving of 1.13 W on Mmaint, and pay an extra 0.13-0.22 W to cover the cost of travel.

    Family Charadriidae (plovers)

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