19 research outputs found

    A Biological Porin Engineered into a Molecular, Nanofluidic Diode

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    We changed the nonrectifying biological porin OmpF into a nanofluidic diode. To that end, we engineered a pore that possesses two spatially separated selectivity filters of opposite charge where either cations or anions accumulate. The observed current inhibition under applied reverse bias voltage reflects, we believe, the creation of a zone depleted of charge carriers, in a sense very similar to what happens at the np junction of a semiconductor device

    Mechanistic Dissection of the Enzyme Complexes Involved in Biosynthesis of Lacticin 3147 and Nisin ▿ †

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    The thioether rings in the lantibiotics lacticin 3147 and nisin are posttranslationally introduced by dehydration of serines and threonines, followed by coupling of these dehydrated residues to cysteines. The prepeptides of the two-component lantibiotic lacticin 3147, LtnA1 and LtnA2, are dehydrated and cyclized by two corresponding bifunctional enzymes, LtnM1 and LtnM2, and are subsequently processed and exported via one bifunctional enzyme, LtnT. In the nisin synthetase complex, the enzymes NisB, NisC, NisT, and NisP dehydrate, cyclize, export, and process prenisin, respectively. Here, we demonstrate that the combination of LtnM2 and LtnT can modify, process, and transport peptides entirely different from LtnA2 and that LtnT can process and transport unmodified LtnA2 and unrelated peptides. Furthermore, we demonstrate a higher extent of NisB-mediated dehydration in the absence of thioether rings. Thioether rings apparently inhibited dehydration, which implies alternating actions of NisB and NisC. Furthermore, certain (but not all) NisC-cyclized peptides were exported with higher efficiency as a result of their conformation. Taken together, these data provide further insight into the applicability of Lactococcus lactis strains containing lantibiotic enzymes for the design and production of modified peptides

    Conductance and selectivity fluctuations in D127 mutants of the bacterial porin OmpF

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    A recent molecular dynamics study questioned the protonation state and physiological role of aspartate 127 (D127) of E. coli porin OmpF. To address that question we isolated two OmpF mutants with D127 either neutralized (D127N) or replaced by a positively charged lysine (D127K). The charge state of the residue at position 127 has clear effects on both conductance and selectivity. The D127K but not the D127N mutant expresses resilient conductance and selectivity fluctuations. These fluctuations reflect, we think, either changes in the ionization state of K127 and/or transitions between unstable subconformations as induced by the electrostatic repulsion between two positively charged residues, K127 and the nearby R167. Our results slightly favor the view that in WT OmpF residue D127 is deprotonated. As for the role of D127 in OmpF functionality, the gating of both mutants shows very similar sensitivity toward voltage as WT OmpF. Moreover, the current fluctuations of the D127K mutant were observed also in the absence of an applied electric field. We therefore dismiss D127 as a key residue in the control mechanism of the voltage-dependent gating of OmpF

    Dissection and Modulation of the Four Distinct Activities of Nisin by Mutagenesis of Rings A and B and by C-Terminal Truncation

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    Nisin A is a pentacyclic antibiotic peptide produced by various Lactococcus lactis strains. Nisin displays four different activities: (i) it autoinduces its own synthesis; (ii) it inhibits the growth of target bacteria by membrane pore formation; (iii) it inhibits bacterial growth by interfering with cell wall synthesis; and, in addition, (iv) it inhibits the outgrowth of spores. Here we investigate the structural requirements and relevance of the N-terminal thioether rings of nisin by randomization of the ring A and B positions. The data demonstrate that: (i) mutation of ring A results in variants with enhanced activity and a modulated spectrum of target cells; (ii) for the cell growth-inhibiting activity of nisin, ring A is rather promiscuous with respect to its amino acid composition, whereas the bulky amino acid residues in ring B abolish antimicrobial activity; (iii) C-terminally truncated nisin A mutants lacking rings D and E retain significant antimicrobial activity but are unable to permeabilize the target membrane; (iv) the dehydroalanine in ring A is not essential for the inhibition of the outgrowth of Bacillus cells; (v) some ring A mutants have significant antimicrobial activities but have decreased autoinducing activities; (vi) the opening of ring B eliminates antimicrobial activity while retaining autoinducing activity; and (vii) some ring A mutants escape the nisin immune system(s) and are toxic to the nisin-producing strain NZ9700. These data demonstrate that the various activities of nisin can be engineered independently and provide a basis for the design and synthesis of tailor-made analogs with desired activities.

    Production of Dehydroamino Acid-Containing Peptides by Lactococcus lactis

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    Nisin is a pentacyclic peptide antibiotic produced by some Lactococcus lactis strains. Nisin contains dehydroresidues and thioether rings that are posttranslationally introduced by a membrane-associated enzyme complex, composed of a serine and threonine dehydratase NisB and the cyclase NisC. In addition, the transporter NisT is necessary for export of the modified peptide. We studied the potential of L. lactis expressing NisB and NisT to produce peptides whose serines and threonines are dehydrated. L. lactis containing the nisBT genes and a plasmid coding for a specific leader peptide fusion construct efficiently produced peptides with a series of non-naturally occurring multiple flanking dehydrobutyrines. We demonstrated NisB-mediated dehydration of serines and threonines in a C-terminal nisin(1-14) extension of nisin, which implies that also residues more distant from the leader peptide than those occurring in prenisin or any other lantibiotic can be modified. Furthermore, the feasibility and efficiency of generating a library of peptides containing dehydroresidues were demonstrated. In view of the particular shape and reactivity of dehydroamino acids, such a library provides a novel source for screening for peptides with desired biological and physicochemical properties.

    Sec-Mediated Transport of Posttranslationally Dehydrated Peptides in Lactococcus lactis

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    Nisin is a lanthionine-containing antimicrobial peptide produced by Lactococcus lactis. Its (methyl)lanthionines are introduced by two posttranslational enzymatic steps involving the dehydratase NisB, which dehydrates serine and threonine residues, and the cyclase NisC, which couples these dehydrated residues to cysteines, yielding thioether-bridged amino acids called lanthionines. The prenisin is subsequently exported by the ABC transporter NisT and extracellularly processed by the peptidase NisP. L. lactis expressing the nisBTC genes can modify and secrete a wide range of nonlantibiotic peptides. Here we demonstrate that in the absence of NisT and NisC, the Sec pathway of L. lactis can be exploited for the secretion of dehydrated variants of therapeutic peptides. Furthermore, posttranslational modifications by NisB and NisC still occur even when the nisin leader is preceded by a Sec signal peptide or a Tat signal peptide 27 or 44 amino acids long, respectively. However, transport of fully modified prenisin via the Sec pathway is impaired. The extent of NisB-mediated dehydration could be improved by raising the intracellular concentration NisB or by modulating the export efficiency through altering the signal sequence. These data demonstrate that besides the traditional lantibiotic transporter NisT, the Sec pathway with an established broad substrate range can be utilized for the improved export of lantibiotic enzyme-modified (poly)peptides

    Repression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression by the Runt-Related Transcription Factor 1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    VEGFA is considered one of the most important regulators of tumor-associated angiogenesis in cancer. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML) VEGFA is an independent prognostic factor for reduced overall and relapse-free survival. Transcriptional activation of the VEGFA promoter, a core mechanism for VEGFA regulation, has not been fully elucidated. We found a significant (P <0.0001) inverse correlation between expression of VEGFA and AML1/RUNX1 in a large set of gene expression array data. Strikingly, highest VEGFA levels were demonstrated in AML blasts containing a t(8;21) translocation, which involves the AML1/RUNX1 protein (AML1/ETO). Overexpression of AML1/RUNX1 led to downregulation of VEGFA expression, whereas blocking of AML1/RUNX1 with siRNAs resulted in increased VEGFA expression. Cotransfection of AML1/RUNX1 and VEGFA promoter luciferase promoter constructs resulted in a decrease in VEGFA promoter activity. ChIP analysis shows a direct binding of AML1/RUNX1 to the promoter of VEGFA on three AML1/RUNX1 binding sites. Silencing of AML1/ETO caused a decrease in VEGFA mRNA expression and a decrease in secreted VEGFA protein levels in AML1/ETO-positive Kasumi-1 cells. Taken together, these data pinpoint to a model whereby in normal cells AML1/RUNX1 acts as a repressor for VEGFA, while in AML cells VEGFA expression is upregulated due to AML1/RUNX1 aberrations, for example, AML1/ETO. In conclusion, these observations give insight in the regulation of VEGFA at the mRNA level in AML. Cancer Res; 71(7); 2761-71. (C)2011 AACR