3,318 research outputs found

    An efficient parallel immersed boundary algorithm using a pseudo-compressible fluid solver

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    We propose an efficient algorithm for the immersed boundary method on distributed-memory architectures, with the computational complexity of a completely explicit method and excellent parallel scaling. The algorithm utilizes the pseudo-compressibility method recently proposed by Guermond and Minev [Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 348:581-585, 2010] that uses a directional splitting strategy to discretize the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, thereby reducing the linear systems to a series of one-dimensional tridiagonal systems. We perform numerical simulations of several fluid-structure interaction problems in two and three dimensions and study the accuracy and convergence rates of the proposed algorithm. For these problems, we compare the proposed algorithm against other second-order projection-based fluid solvers. Lastly, the strong and weak scaling properties of the proposed algorithm are investigated

    WAMDII observation of an auroral atmosphere wave event

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    Field tests of WAMDII (Wide Angle Michelson Doppler Imaging Interferometer) on February 23 to 24, 1984 in Saskatoon produced wind images of the aurora that show well defined wave structures in lambda 5577. Wavelengths and velocities of these structures suggest an acoustic-gravity wave interpretation, but their short duration warrants their being termed an event. The Dopplergrams are presented with emphasis on the interpretation of the waves and a discussion of possible sources

    Cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of Theileria annulata schizont surface proteins

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    The invasion of Theileria sporozoites into bovine leukocytes is rapidly followed by the destruction of the surrounding host cell membrane, allowing the parasite to establish its niche within the host cell cytoplasm. Theileria infection induces host cell transformation, characterised by increased host cell proliferation and invasiveness, and the activation of anti-apoptotic genes. This process is strictly dependent on the presence of a viable parasite. Several host cell kinases, including PI3-K, JNK, CK2 and Src-family kinases, are constitutively activated in Theileria-infected cells and contribute to the transformed phenotype. Although a number of host cell molecules, including IkB kinase and polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1), are recruited to the schizont surface, very little is known about the schizont molecules involved in host-parasite interactions. In this study we used immunofluorescence to detect phosphorylated threonine (p-Thr), serine (p-Ser) and threonine-proline (p-Thr-Pro) epitopes on the schizont during host cell cycle progression, revealing extensive schizont phosphorylation during host cell interphase. Furthermore, we established a quick protocol to isolate schizonts from infected macrophages following synchronisation in S-phase or mitosis, and used mass spectrometry to detect phosphorylated schizont proteins. In total, 65 phosphorylated Theileria proteins were detected, 15 of which are potentially secreted or expressed on the surface of the schizont and thus may be targets for host cell kinases. In particular, we describe the cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of two T. annulata surface proteins, TaSP and p104, both of which are highly phosphorylated during host cell S-phase. TaSP and p104 are involved in mediating interactions between the parasite and the host cell cytoskeleton, which is crucial for the persistence of the parasite within the dividing host cell and the maintenance of the transformed state

    Brightness variations of the northern 630nm intertropical arc and the midnight pressure bulge over Eritrea

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    The nightglow brightness at 630nm from the thermospheric O(<sup>1</sup>D) layer was monitored nightly at Asmara, Eritrea (15.4° N, 39.9° E, 7° N dip) with an all-sky imager. Averages of north-south strips of the images enabled contour plots of brightness on a latitude vs. local time grid. The contours show the movement of the intertropical arc southward before midnight, staying just north of Asmara after midnight, and gradually brightening to a maximum at 02:00h local civil time, 02:00 LT, after which it disappears before dawn. It is argued that all features of the plots can be explained by known mechanisms capable of driving ions along magnetic field lines, including the fountain effect, summer to winter transequatorial winds, and the midnight pressure bulge. <P style="line-height: 20px;"> The 02:00 LT brightness maximum is the most striking and the most persistent feature in the data. The persistence of the location of the 02:00 LT brightening is attributed to a pressure bulge centered on the geographic equator at midnight and extending to higher latitudes with increasing local time in both the winter and the summer hemispheres. The bulge is shown to be stronger near solstice than near equinox, confirming earlier work

    Genesis capsule yields solar wind samples

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    NASA's Genesis capsule, carrying the first samples ever returned from beyond the Moon, took a hard landing in the western Utah desert on 8 September after its parachutes failed to deploy Despite the impact, estimated at 310 km per hour, some valuable solar wind collector materials have been recovered. With these samples, the Genesis team members are hopeful that nearly all of the primary science goals may be met. The Genesis spacecraft was launched in August 2001 to collect and return samples of solar wind for precise isotopic and elemental analysis. The spacecraft orbited the Earth-Sun Lagrangian point (LI), ˜1.5 million km sunward of Earth, for 2.3 years. It exposed ultrapure materials—including wafers of silicon, silicon carbide, germanium, chemically deposited diamond, gold, aluminum, and metallic glass— to solar wind ions, which become embedded within the substrates' top 100 nm of these materials

    Solar Carbon Monoxide, Thermal Profiling, and the Abundances of C, O, and their Isotopes

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    A solar photospheric "thermal profiling" analysis is presented, exploiting the infrared rovibrational bands of carbon monoxide (CO) as observed with the McMath-Pierce Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) at Kitt Peak, and from above the Earth's atmosphere by the Shuttle-borne ATMOS experiment. Visible continuum intensities and center-limb behavior constrained the temperature profile of the deep photosphere, while CO center-limb behavior defined the thermal structure at higher altitudes. The oxygen abundance was self consistently determined from weak CO absorptions. Our analysis was meant to complement recent studies based on 3-D convection models which, among other things, have revised the historical solar oxygen (and carbon) abundance downward by a factor of nearly two; although in fact our conclusions do not support such a revision. Based on various considerations, an oxygen abundance of 700+/-100 ppm (parts per million relative to hydrogen) is recommended; the large uncertainty reflects the model sensitivity of CO. New solar isotopic ratios also are reported for 13C, 17O, and 18O.Comment: 90 pages, 19 figures (some with parts "a", "b", etc.); to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement

    Fractionation of MG Isotopes between the Sun’s Photosphere and the Solar Wind

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    The Genesis mission goal is to precisely determine the elemental and isotopic composition of the solar photosphere through measurements of solar wind; the photospheric composition being a proxy for the early solar nebula. So, how elements and isotopes are fractionated (or not) when accelerated out of the photosphere is fundamental to interpreting Genesis data

    Determining the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of the preSolar Nebula from Genesis Data Analysis: The Case of Oxygen

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    We compare element and isotopic fractionations measured in solar wind samples collected by NASA's Genesis mission with those predicted from models incorporating both the ponderomotive force in the chromosphere and conservation of the first adiabatic invariant in the low corona. Generally good agreement is found, suggesting that these factors are consistent with the process of solar wind fractionation. Based on bulk wind measurements, we also consider in more detail the isotopic and elemental abundances of O. We find mild support for an O abundance in the range 8.75 - 8.83, with a value as low as 8.69 disfavored. A stronger conclusion must await solar wind regime specific measurements from the Genesis samples.Comment: 6 pages, accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letter
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