42 research outputs found

    Stonin 2 is an AP-2-dependent endocytic sorting adaptor for synaptotagmin internalization and Recycling.

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    SummaryClathrin-mediated endocytosis is involved in the internalization, recycling, and degradation of cycling membrane receptors as well as in the biogenesis of synaptic vesicle proteins. While many constitutively internalized cargo proteins are recognized directly by the clathrin adaptor complex AP-2, stimulation-dependent endocytosis of membrane proteins is often facilitated by specialized sorting adaptors. Although clathrin-mediated endocytosis appears to be a major pathway for presynaptic vesicle cycling, no sorting adaptor dedicated to synaptic vesicle membrane protein endocytosis has been indentified in mammals. Here, we show that stonin 2, a mammalian ortholog of Drosophila stoned B, facilitates clathrin/AP-2-dependent internalization of synaptotagmin and targets it to a recycling vesicle pool in living neurons. The ability of stonin 2 to facilitate endocytosis of synaptotagmin is dependent on its association with AP-2, an intact μ-homology domain, and functional AP-2 heterotetramers. Our data identify stonin 2 as an AP-2-dependent endocytic sorting adaptor for synaptotagmin internalization and recycling

    Molecular basis of synaptic vesicle cargo recognition by the endocytic sorting adaptor stonin 2

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    Synaptic transmission depends on clathrin-mediated recycling of synaptic vesicles (SVs). How select SV proteins are targeted for internalization has remained elusive. Stonins are evolutionarily conserved adaptors dedicated to endocytic sorting of the SV protein synaptotagmin. Our data identify the molecular determinants for recognition of synaptotagmin by stonin 2 or its Caenorhabditis elegans orthologue UNC-41B. The interaction involves the direct association of clusters of basic residues on the surface of the cytoplasmic domain of synaptotagmin 1 and a β strand within the μ–homology domain of stonin 2. Mutation of K783, Y784, and E785 to alanine within this stonin 2 β strand results in failure of the mutant stonin protein to associate with synaptotagmin, to accumulate at synapses, and to facilitate synaptotagmin internalization. Synaptotagmin-binding–defective UNC-41B is unable to rescue paralysis in C. elegans stonin mutant animals, suggesting that the mechanism of stonin-mediated SV cargo recognition is conserved from worms to mammals

    ‘Fractional Recovery’ Analysis of a Presynaptic Synaptotagmin 1-Anchored Endocytic Protein Complex

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    BACKGROUND: The integral synaptic vesicle protein and putative calcium sensor, synaptotagmin 1 (STG), has also been implicated in synaptic vesicle (SV) recovery. However, proteins with which STG interacts during SV endocytosis remain poorly understood. We have isolated an STG-associated endocytic complex (SAE) from presynaptic nerve terminals and have used a novel fractional recovery (FR) assay based on electrostatic dissociation to identify SAE components and map the complex structure. The location of SAE in the presynaptic terminal was determined by high-resolution quantitative immunocytochemistry at the chick ciliary ganglion giant calyx-type synapse. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: The first step in FR analysis was to immunoprecipitate (IP) the complex with an antibody against one protein component (the IP-protein). The immobilized complex was then exposed to a high salt (1150 mM) stress-test that caused shedding of co-immunoprecipitated proteins (co-IP-proteins). A Fractional Recovery ratio (FR: recovery after high salt/recovery with control salt as assayed by Western blot) was calculated for each co-IP-protein. These FR values reflect complex structure since an easily dissociated protein, with a low FR value, cannot be intermediary between the IP-protein and a salt-resistant protein. The structure of the complex was mapped and a blueprint generated with a pair of FR analyses generated using two different IP-proteins. The blueprint of SAE contains an AP180/X/STG/stonin 2/intersectin/epsin core (X is unknown and epsin is hypothesized), and an AP2 adaptor, H-/L-clathrin coat and dynamin scission protein perimeter. Quantitative immunocytochemistry (ICA/ICQ method) at an isolated calyx-type presynaptic terminal indicates that this complex is associated with STG at the presynaptic transmitter release face but not with STG on intracellular synaptic vesicles. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We hypothesize that the SAE serves as a recognition site and also as a seed complex for clathrin-mediated synaptic vesicle recovery. The combination of FR analysis with quantitative immunocytochemistry provides a novel and effective strategy for the identification and characterization of biologically-relevant multi-molecular complexes

    Amyloid Precursor Protein Is Trafficked and Secreted via Synaptic Vesicles

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    A large body of evidence has implicated amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its proteolytic derivatives as key players in the physiological context of neuronal synaptogenesis and synapse maintenance, as well as in the pathology of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Although APP processing and release are known to occur in response to neuronal stimulation, the exact mechanism by which APP reaches the neuronal surface is unclear. We now demonstrate that a small but relevant number of synaptic vesicles contain APP, which can be released during neuronal activity, and most likely represent the major exocytic pathway of APP. This novel finding leads us to propose a revised model of presynaptic APP trafficking that reconciles existing knowledge on APP with our present understanding of vesicular release and recycling