584 research outputs found

    Adsorption geometry and electronic structure of iron phthalocyanine on Ag surfaces: A LEED and photoelectron momentum mapping study

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    We present a comprehensive study of the adsorption behavior of iron phthalocyanine on the low-index crystal faces of silver. By combining measurements of the reciprocal space by means of photoelectron momentum mapping and low energy electron diffraction, the real space adsorption geometries are reconstructed. At monolayer coverage ordered superstructures exist on all studied surfaces containing one molecule in the unit cell in case of Ag(100) and Ag(111), and two molecules per unit cell for Ag(110). The azimuthal tilt angle of the molecules against the high symmetry directions of the substrate is derived from the photoelectron momentum maps. A comparative analysis of the momentum patterns on the substrates with different symmetry indicates that both constituents of the twofold degenerate FePc lowest unoccupied molecular orbital are occupied by charge transfer from the substrate at the interface

    Inhuman shields - children caught in the crossfire of domestic violence

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    Background. Child abuse is a worldwide scourge. One of its most devastating manifestations is non-accidental head injury (NAHI).Methods. This is a retrospective chart review of children presenting to the Red Cross Children's Hospital trauma unit with a diagnosis of NAHI over a 3-year period.Results. Sixty-eight children were included in the study and 2 different groups were identified. Fifty-three per cent of the children were deliberately injured (median age 2 years), while 47% were allegedly not the intended target of the assailant (median age 9 months). The assailant was male in 65% of the intentional assaults and male in 100% of the unintentional assaults, with the intended adult victim female in 85% of the latter cases. Overall, 85% of the assaults were committed in the child's own home.Conclusions. The high proportion of cases in which a young child was injured unintentionally suggests that these infants effectively become shields in assaults committed by adults. In this context any attempts to deal with child abuse must also address the concurrent intimate partner violence

    Interaction of rat alveolar macrophages with dental composite dust

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    Background: Dental composites have become the standard filling material to restore teeth, but during the placement of these restorations, high amounts of respirable composite dust (<5 mu m) including many nano-sized particles may be released in the breathing zone of the patient and dental operator. Here we tested the respirable fraction of several composite particles for their cytotoxic effect using an alveolar macrophage model system. Methods: Composite dust was generated following a clinical protocol, and the dust particles were collected under sterile circumstances. Dust was dispersed in fluid, and 5-mu m-filtered to enrich the respirable fractions. Quartz DQ12 and corundum were used as positive and negative control, respectively. Four concentrations (22.5 mu g/ml, 45 mu g/ml, 90 mu g/ml and 180 mu g/ml) were applied to NR8383 alveolar macrophages. Light and electron microscopy were used for subcellular localization of particles. Culture supernatants were tested for release of lactate dehydrogenase, glucuronidase, TNF-alpha, and H2O2. Results: Characterization of the suspended particles revealed numerous nano-sized particles but also many high volume particles, most of which could be removed by filtering. Even at the highest concentration (180 mu g/ml), cells completely cleared settled particles from the bottom of the culture vessel. Accordingly, a mixture of nano- and micron-scaled particles was observed inside cells where they were confined to phagolysosomes. The filtered particle fractions elicited largely uniform dose-dependent responses, which were elevated compared to the control only at the highest concentration, which equaled a mean cellular dose of 120 pg/cell. A low inflammatory potential was identified due to dose-dependent release of H2O2 and TNF-alpha. However, compared to the positive control, the released levels of H2O2 and TNF-alpha were still moderate, but their release profiles depended on the type of composite. Conclusions: Alveolar macrophages are able to phagocytize respirable composite dust particle inclusive nanoparticles. Since NR8383 cells tolerate a comparatively high cell burden (60 pg/cell) of each of the five materials with minimal signs of cytotoxicity or inflammation, the toxic potential of respirable composite dust seems to be low. These results are reassuring for dental personnel, but more research is needed to characterize the actual exposure and uptake especially of the pure nano fraction

    Interaction of rat alveolar macrophages with dental composite dust

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    Background: Dental composites have become the standard filling material to restore teeth, but during the placement of these restorations, high amounts of respirable composite dust (<5 mu m) including many nano-sized particles may be released in the breathing zone of the patient and dental operator. Here we tested the respirable fraction of several composite particles for their cytotoxic effect using an alveolar macrophage model system. Methods: Composite dust was generated following a clinical protocol, and the dust particles were collected under sterile circumstances. Dust was dispersed in fluid, and 5-mu m-filtered to enrich the respirable fractions. Quartz DQ12 and corundum were used as positive and negative control, respectively. Four concentrations (22.5 mu g/ml, 45 mu g/ml, 90 mu g/ml and 180 mu g/ml) were applied to NR8383 alveolar macrophages. Light and electron microscopy were used for subcellular localization of particles. Culture supernatants were tested for release of lactate dehydrogenase, glucuronidase, TNF-alpha, and H2O2. Results: Characterization of the suspended particles revealed numerous nano-sized particles but also many high volume particles, most of which could be removed by filtering. Even at the highest concentration (180 mu g/ml), cells completely cleared settled particles from the bottom of the culture vessel. Accordingly, a mixture of nano- and micron-scaled particles was observed inside cells where they were confined to phagolysosomes. The filtered particle fractions elicited largely uniform dose-dependent responses, which were elevated compared to the control only at the highest concentration, which equaled a mean cellular dose of 120 pg/cell. A low inflammatory potential was identified due to dose-dependent release of H2O2 and TNF-alpha. However, compared to the positive control, the released levels of H2O2 and TNF-alpha were still moderate, but their release profiles depended on the type of composite. Conclusions: Alveolar macrophages are able to phagocytize respirable composite dust particle inclusive nanoparticles. Since NR8383 cells tolerate a comparatively high cell burden (60 pg/cell) of each of the five materials with minimal signs of cytotoxicity or inflammation, the toxic potential of respirable composite dust seems to be low. These results are reassuring for dental personnel, but more research is needed to characterize the actual exposure and uptake especially of the pure nano fraction

    Electronic surface structure of n-ML Ag/Cu(111) and Cs/n-ML Ag/Cu(111) as investigated by 2PPE and STS

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    We investigated the electronic structure of epitaxially grown silver films on Cu(111) with and without adsorption of cesium by means of scanning tunneling spectroscopy and two-photon photoemission. This system has been chosen as a model system to engineer and measure the dynamics of charge-transfer processes between an adsorbate and a heterogeneous substrate. Special emphasis has been laid on the investigation of the energy shift of the Shockley-type surface state and an excited cesium resonance as a function of Ag film thickness. For the cesium resonance we observe an increase in line width with increasing layer thickness

    Conserved Responses in a War of Small Molecules between a Plant-Pathogenic Bacterium and Fungi

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    Small-molecule signaling is one major mode of communication within the polymicrobial consortium of soil and rhizosphere. While microbial secondary metabolite (SM) production and responses of individual species have been studied extensively, little is known about potentially conserved roles of SM signals in multilayered symbiotic or antagonistic relationships. Here, we characterize the SM-mediated interaction between the plant-pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum and the two plant-pathogenic fungi Fusarium fujikuroi and Botrytis cinerea. We show that cellular differentiation and SM biosynthesis in F. fujikuroi are induced by the bacterially produced lipopeptide ralsolamycin (synonym ralstonin A). In particular, fungal bikaverin production is induced and preferentially accumulates in fungal survival spores (chlamydospores) only when exposed to supernatants of ralsolamycin-producing strains of R. solanacearum. Although inactivation of bikaverin biosynthesis moderately increases chlamydospore invasion by R. solanacearum, we show that other metabolites such as beauvericin are also induced by ralsolamycin and contribute to suppression of R. solanacearum growth in vitro. Based on our findings that bikaverin antagonizes R. solanacearum and that ralsolamycin induces bikaverin biosynthesis in F. fujikuroi, we asked whether other bikaverin-producing fungi show similar responses to ralsolamycin. Examining a strain of B. cinerea that horizontally acquired the bikaverin gene cluster from Fusarium, we found that ralsolamycin induced bikaverin biosynthesis in this fungus. Our results suggest that conservation of microbial SM responses across distantly related fungi may arise from horizontal transfer of protective gene clusters that are activated by conserved regulatory cues, e.g., a bacterial lipopeptide, providing consistent fitness advantages in dynamic polymicrobial networks

    Capacitative calcium influx and proliferation of human osteoblastic-like MG-63 cells

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    Adult bone tissue is continuously being remodelled and bone mass is maintained by a balance between osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblastic bone formation. Alteration of osteoblastic cell proliferation may account in part for lack of balance between these two processes in bone loss of osteoporosis. There is calcium (Ca2+) control in numerous cellular functions; however, involvement of capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE) in proliferation of bone cells is less well investigated. OBJECTIVES: The study described here was aimed to investigate roles of CCE in the proliferation of osteoblast-like MG-63 cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pharmacological characterizations of CCE were undertaken in parallel, with evaluation of the expression of transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels and of cell proliferation. RESULTS: Intracellular Ca2+ store depletion by thapsigargin induced CCE in MG-63 cells; this was characterized by a rapid transient increase of intracellular Ca2+ followed by significant CCE, induced by conditions that stimulated cell proliferation, namely serum and platelet-derived growth factor. Inhibitors of store-operated Ca2+ channels (2-APB and SKF-96365) prevented CCE, while voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel blockers had no effect. Expression of various TRPC channels was shown in the cells, some having been shown to be responsible for CCE. Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel blockers had no effect on osteoblast proliferation while thapsigargin, 2-APB and SKF-96395, inhibited it. Cell cycle analysis showed that 2-APB and SKF-96395 lengthen the S and G2/M phases, which would account for the reduction in cell proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that CCE, likely attributed to the activation of TRPCs, might be the main route for Ca2+ influx involved in osteoblast proliferation

    Inferring signalling networks from longitudinal data using sampling based approaches in the R-package 'ddepn'

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Network inference from high-throughput data has become an important means of current analysis of biological systems. For instance, in cancer research, the functional relationships of cancer related proteins, summarised into signalling networks are of central interest for the identification of pathways that influence tumour development. Cancer cell lines can be used as model systems to study the cellular response to drug treatments in a time-resolved way. Based on these kind of data, modelling approaches for the signalling relationships are needed, that allow to generate hypotheses on potential interference points in the networks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present the R-package 'ddepn' that implements our recent approach on network reconstruction from longitudinal data generated after external perturbation of network components. We extend our approach by two novel methods: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for sampling network structures with two edge types (activation and inhibition) and an extension of a prior model that penalises deviances from a given reference network while incorporating these two types of edges. Further, as alternative prior we include a model that learns signalling networks with the scale-free property.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The package 'ddepn' is freely available on R-Forge and CRAN <url>http://ddepn.r-forge.r-project.org</url>, <url>http://cran.r-project.org</url>. It allows to conveniently perform network inference from longitudinal high-throughput data using two different sampling based network structure search algorithms.</p

    Downstream signaling mechanism of the C-terminal activation domain of transcriptional coactivator CoCoA

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    The coiled-coil coactivator (CoCoA) is a transcriptional coactivator for nuclear receptors and enhances nuclear receptor function by the interaction with the bHLH-PAS domain (AD3) of p160 coactivators. The C-terminal activation domain (AD) of CoCoA possesses strong transactivation activity and is required for the coactivator function of CoCoA with nuclear receptors. To understand how CoCoA AD transmits its activating signal to the transcription machinery, we defined specific subregions, amino acid motifs and protein binding partners involved in the function of CoCoA AD. The minimal transcriptional AD was mapped to approximately 91 C-terminal amino acids and consists of acidic, serine/proline-rich and phenylalanine-rich subdomains. Transcriptional activation by the CoCoA AD was p300-dependent, and p300 interacted physically and functionally with CoCoA AD and was recruited to a promoter by the interaction with CoCoA AD. The FYDVASAF motif in the CoCoA AD was critical for the transcriptional activity of CoCoA AD, the interaction of CoCoA with p300, the coactivator function of CoCoA for estrogen receptor α and GRIP1 and the transcriptional synergy among coactivators GRIP1, CARM1, p300 and CoCoA. Taken together these data extend our understanding of the mechanism of downstream signaling by the essential C-terminal AD of the nuclear receptor coactivator CoCoA; they indicate that p300 is a functionally important interaction partner of CoCoA AD and that their interaction potentiates transcriptional activation by the p160 coactivator complex